OLDCODEX - sleepy seaside hamlet - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction OLDCODEX - sleepy seaside hamlet

sleepy seaside hamlet
sleepy seaside hamlet
Dim sound from the depth of your memory,
I look over the seashore and wail
Just wander in the colorless world,
Unable to watch others,
Nothing but piercing pain,
信じていたんだ もう憂いも無く
I believed there would be no more worries
闇へ解き放つ 声が強く変わる
Dark voice to release to the darkness,
震える心を 掴んで闇に飛ばそう
To clasp your trembling heart and throw you to the darkness,
Just hanging in there
Just hanging in there,
It was windy that day, just like today
僕らも覚えているはず そうだろう?
We must remember. Right?
外せないでいる指輪も 寂しく見ている
The ring I can't take off is watching me looking lonely,
The aftertaste of the sea breeze,
空に抱きしめられたら 今この身委ねる
If I'm held by the sky, I will give myself to this moment.
立ち止まった今を刻む 仰いだ闇に吠えろ
The moment I stand still, let me howl to the darkness I look up to,
Just hanging in there,
Just hanging in there,
In there
In there
Am I hated by my sleep?
夢見た街で 置き去りになる
Abandoned in the dream city.
While my conscious mind sleeps
While my conscious mind sleeps,
About to faint,"I"
About to faint, "I"
About to faint,"am"
About to faint, "am"
That's why I'm here now
That's why I'm here now.
見失う前に don't ask me why
Don't ask me why before I lose you,
連れていってよ from here
Take me away from here,
光が眩し過ぎても 焦らなくていいさ
The light may be too dazzling, but don't worry
震えた時を捨て 闇を越えろ I'm here now
Drop the trembling time and go beyond the darkness. I'm here now.
扉開けて 進むしかない
Open the door and just go,
The real answer for me
The real answer for me,

Writer(s): 山本 陽介, YORKE.

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