Oques Grasses - Cantimplores - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Oques Grasses - Cantimplores

Vola el temps, es vesteix la lluna i no hem dormit
Time flies, the moon dresses and we haven't slept
Sospira la vida si ets aquí
Life sighs if you're here
M'entrebanco per poder seguir, encara que no trobi el meu lloc
I stumble to keep up, even if I can't find my place
Tinc el terra a prop, em bellugo tant com puc
I have the ground nearby, I move as much as I can
Allà al fons de l'horitzó, hi ha un després
There, at the bottom of the horizon, is an after
Que no hem viscut
That we haven't lived
Continuarem donant voltes al sol
We'll keep going around the sun
Menjant patates deixant-nos la col
Eating potatoes and leaving the cabbage
Només valdrà el que cregui que valdrà
Only what I believe will be worth it will be worth it
Que passi tot el que hagi de passar
Let everything that has to happen happen
Que els teus pares van fer un miracle (Van fer un miracle)
Your parents performed a miracle (They performed a miracle)
Ets un esperma oportunista
You're an opportunistic sperm
Ets un esperma afortunat
You're a lucky sperm
I un cop de puny al campanar
And a punch to the bell tower
Sense tocar ni quarts ni hores
Without touching either quarters or hours
Tant si ho veus com malament
Whether you see it well or badly
El que veus serà el que t'emportes
What you see will be what you take away
Que només tu recordes tots els dies que plores
That only you remember every day that you cry
Que plorar és sa i no ho veus fins que no t'enamores
That crying is healthy and you don't see it until you fall in love
T'emporrones, cantimplores, eh
You crash, you beg, come on
No desesperis, quan el cel cau
Don't despair, when the sky falls
Gotes avall, avall, avall
Drops down, down, down
No desesperis, quan el cel cau
Don't despair, when the sky falls
Gotes avall, avall, avall
Drops down, down, down
Avall, avall, avall, avall
Down, down, down, down
Tira'm a la mala vida, dóna'm sort, vine amb mi
Throw me into the bad life, give me luck, come with me
Buscarem junts la sortida, si és que volem sortir
We'll look for the exit together, if we want to go out
Ningú ens dirà el que volem fer, ens dirà el que volem ser, ningú
Nobody will tell us what we want to do, will tell us what we want to be, nobody
Ningú ens dirà el que volem fer, ens dirà el que volem ser, ningú
Nobody will tell us what we want to do, will tell us what we want to be, nobody
Baixant de dalt pujant amunt, escales parlen del camí
Going down from above going up, stairs speak of the way
Trucant-me a mi no surt ningú, potser és que encara estic aquí
Calling me, nobody comes out, maybe it's because I'm still here
I hem estat vius tots els matins, i no sabríem fer res més
And we've been alive every morning, and we wouldn't know how to do anything else
Estimo tot i em veig a mi arrecerat sota el matí
I love everything and I see myself sheltered under the morning
Que els teus pares van fer un miracle (Van fer un miracle)
Your parents performed a miracle (They performed a miracle)
Ets un esperma oportunista
You're an opportunistic sperm
Ets un esperma afortunat
You're a lucky sperm
No, no, no, no, no desesperis, quan el cel cau
No, no, no, no, don't despair, when the sky falls
Gotes avall, avall, avall
Drops down, down, down
Avall, avall, avall, avall
Down, down, down, down

Writer(s): Arnau Altimir, Guillem Realp, Joan Borràs, Josep Montero, Josep Valldeneu, Miquel Biarnés, Miquel Rojo

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