Oques Grasses - Finals Blaus - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Oques Grasses - Finals Blaus

Finals Blaus
Blue Finals
Sobre una pedra gratuïta es veu el món, dalt del camí que vam començar abans d'ahir.
On a free stone the world is viewed, at the top of the road we started day before yesterday.
Sols serem poc i junts ho serem tot, per tu i per mi, vivint així,
We will only be few and together we will be everything, for you and me, living like this,
Als vespres recollint matins.
In the evenings collecting mornings.
Quedem així, valdrà la pena, valdrà la pena estimar-nos una vida sencera.
Let's stay this way, it will be worth it, it will be worth loving each other for a lifetime.
Sísísísí sísísísísí!
Yesyesyesyes yesyesyesyes!
Conspirant com les mosques en aquest cul de món,
Conspiring like flies in this backwater,
que tot és com és i que tots som com som.
I know that everything is as it is and that we are all as we are.
Aquest conjunt de minuts que ens parlen del després,
This set of minutes that tell us about the future,
Aquests apunts que dilluns miraré de passar a net.
These notes that on Monday I will try to pass to clean.
Quèquèquèquè farem? (Eeeh!)
Whatwhatwhatwhat will we do? (Eeeh!)
Farem el que podrem.
We will do what we can.
Res perdrem guanyant perdent, el que volem està a prop si volem poc.
We will lose nothing by winning losing, what we want is close by if we want little.
No t'hi atabalis, no t'hi atabalis, vius en l'arbre del teu cap,
Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, you live in the tree of your head,
Sempre el tens al mateix lloc.
You always have it in the same place.
Ja torna a venir un núvol a emprenyar, que plourà per tots però no per ells.
A cloud is already coming back to annoy, it will rain for everyone but not for them.
Què passa si volem seguir, aguantarem tots els seus cops amb un paraigües de paper.
What happens if we want to continue, we will endure all their blows with a paper umbrella.
Quan marxi passaran estels, no ens caldrà demanar un desig,
When I leave stars will pass, we will not have to ask for a wish,
és perquè estem mirant el cel.
it is because we are looking at the sky.
Prepararem l'atac de flors, els bombardegem amb petons,
We will prepare the flower attack, we will bombard them with kisses,
Que segur que els hi falta amor.
Because they sure miss love.
No estan les coses com per no dir res, com per no fer res.
Things are not like saying nothing, doing nothing.
Hem de treure aquests dimonis del poder, sí.
We must get these demons out of power, yes.
Hem de treure aquests dimonis del poder.
We have to get these demons out of power.
I que no ens prenguin els principis, no, esperarem el seu final, sí.
And that they do not take our principles, no, we will wait for their end, yes.
I que no ens prenguin els principis, no, esperarem el seu final blau.
And that they do not take our principles, no, we will wait for their blue end.
I que no ens prenguin els principis, no, esperarem el seu final, sí.
And that they do not take our principles, no, we will wait for their end, yes.
I que no ens prenguin els principis, no, esperarem el seu final blau,
And that they do not take our principles, no, we will wait for their blue end,
Acabin els finals blaus.
End the blue finals.

Writer(s): miquel biarnés, joan borràs, guillem rojo, arnau altimir, josep valldeneu, josep montero, miquel rojo

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