OZROSAURUS - Lock Star - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction OZROSAURUS - Lock Star

Lock Star
Lock Star
俺は地元の hood star お前のヒーロー
I'm the local hood star your hero
生まれ育ちも同じ近所 長年のブランクも昨日のよう
Born and raised in the same neighborhood Childhood gap is like yesterday
No matter how many years pass our feelings are the same
地元の lock star 誰かのヒーロー
Hometown lock star someone's hero
生まれ育ちも同じだろ? friend
Born and raised are you the same? friend
流れる景色にかき消すそれでも 何処に居たってあの街の
Current scenery erases it But no matter where you are you're from that city
俺は hood star 輝き続けるお前のヒーロー lock star rap star
I'm the hood star shining hero to you lock star rap star
Fakeにとっちゃ murder 誰よりヤバい 足下の Jordan のよう跳ねてるFly
Murder to fakes Flying higher than anyone My Jordans on my feet
街中のコーナー 地元のローカル 駆け抜ける俺の馬 シルバーの Fuga
Street corners Local people My silver Fuga races
みなとみらい遠く 眺める郊
Minatomirai far away The suburbs I look at
Taking the red Keikyu Line I felt I could go anywhere neon city
中学時代の悪ガキあいつにrest in peace 絆の元 心は永遠 言葉も永遠
The bad boy from my middle school days Rest in peace to him Bonds forever My heart forever Words forever
Engraved deep into the back of my eyes My origins Hometown salute
眺めがいい山の丘の上から見渡す街 昇る朝日浴びて金ピカに光り輝く土
Overlooking the city from the hilltop Gold shining brightly in the sunlight
俺は地元の hood star お前のヒーロー
I'm the local hood star your hero
生まれ育ちも同じ近所 長年のブランクも昨日のよう
Born and raised in the same neighborhood Childhood gap is like yesterday
No matter how many years pass our feelings are the same
地元の lock star 誰かのヒーロー 生まれ育ちも同じだろ? friend
Hometown lock star someone's hero Born and raised are you the same? friend
流れる景色にかき消すそれでも 何処に居たってあの街の
Current scenery erases it But no matter where you are you're from that city
俺は港横浜 街のはずれの 国道沿いの 磯子中原
I'm from Yokohama The outskirts of the city Along the national highway Isoko中原
Where I was born and raised Old friends I moved to live on Mutsukawa
16号から平戸桜木調子どう? 南部臨海の兄弟
Highway 16 from Hitozakura How's it going? Minamibu brothers
Nothing much has changed I'll sing the city's song for everyone
生き様だから これは 関係ないけど生き様だから
It's my way of life But it's not related It's my way of life
Say my name, say my name 俺の名を呼べ 絆の輪傷の数ドラマ
Say my name Call my name Bonds Scars Drama
Life Styleから染み出る one line 再会すりゃすぐまた終わんない
One line seeping from my lifestyle As soon as we meet it won't end again
徘徊する街並町内超えても 地元の兄弟でいたい
Wandering the streets beyond the town I want to be with my hometown brothers
ホンモノの hood star 地元の夢乗せてる rider
A real hood star A rider who carries the hometown dream
地のワルたちにも愛される 四の五の言わせん045
Loved by the local bad boys I don't care what they say 045
認めてくれてる my men 背中押してくれてる結果
My men acknowledge me They support me Result
I'm a chosen man I believe it and under the stars
俺は地元のHood Star お前のヒーロー
I'm the local hood star your hero
生まれ育ちも同じ近所 長年のブランクも昨日のよう
Born and raised in the same neighborhood Childhood gap is like yesterday
No matter how many years pass our feelings are the same
地元のLock Star 誰かのヒーロー 生まれ育ちも同じだろ? Friend
Hometown lock star someone's hero Born and raised are you the same? friend
流れる景色にかき消すそれでも 何処に居たってあの街の
Current scenery erases it But no matter where you are you're from that city
ヒマだったし毎日ブラブラ 今じゃ笑うドラマがあった
I used to be free and easy every day Now it's funny Drama happened
It was easy but every day was a test But I'll never forget it
その全てが俺の一部で その全てが体に染みてる
All of it is part of me All of it is in my body
My narrow視野 thought the earth was at its center All that was there
喜怒哀楽生まれた感情 言わなくても分かるぜなんか
Joy anger sorrow and happiness The emotion was born I can tell without saying
I may have grown up a bit But my heart remains the same
今だに地元はよく寄るぜ 意味なくても遠回りでも
I still visit my hometown often Even if there's no reason or it's a detour
There the dream of chasing it overlaps Forever
生意気なくそガキも減った ため息の分疲れた大人
There are fewer impudent brats There are tired adults
自分の連れの子供が大ファン 腹くくってから時も流れた
My friends' kids are big fans I'm determined Time has passed
いつまで経っても挑戦者 いまだに新たな宝石が
Forever will be a challenger Still a new jewel
I'm excited I'm ready to jump to the next stage
まだまだ山積みの使命感 これからまだあるおもれぇプラン
Still a mission to do Still fun plans
日増しに増す時の流れは 相変わらずだが道にはガイダンス
Time is passing faster and faster But there's still guidance on the way
貸し借りより金より価値ある 確かなもの数える手に取り
A sure thing is more valuable than IOUs or money Count it in your hand
A sure bond or story in a corner of the bustling cityscape
俺は地元の hood star お前のヒーロー
I'm the local hood star your hero
生まれ育ちも同じ近所 長年のブランクも昨日のよう
Born and raised in the same neighborhood Childhood gap is like yesterday
No matter how many years pass our feelings are the same
地元の lock star 誰かのヒーロー 生まれ育ちも同じだろ? friend
Hometown lock star someone's hero Born and raised are you the same? friend
流れる景色にかき消すそれでも 何処に居たってあの街の
Current scenery erases it But no matter where you are you're from that city
俺は地元の hood star お前のヒーロー
I'm the local hood star your hero
生まれ育ちも同じ近所 長年のブランクも昨日のよう
Born and raised in the same neighborhood Childhood gap is like yesterday
No matter how many years pass our feelings are the same
地元の lock star 誰かのヒーロー 生まれ育ちも同じだろ? friend
Hometown lock star someone's hero Born and raised are you the same? friend
流れる景色にかき消すそれでも 何処に居たってあの街の
Current scenery erases it But no matter where you are you're from that city

Writer(s): Maccho, Dj Watarai, maccho, dj watarai

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