OZROSAURUS - Monster - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction OZROSAURUS - Monster

すでに走り出してるぜTime Goes On レールもねぇトレイン大暴走
Time Goes On, I'm already on a roll, a runaway train without a track
一気に駆け上がる最高峰 会場中の話題の的
Accelerating up to the highest peak, the talk of the town
ライムが固くて中身濃厚 だからフロー尖る四十八行のパッション
My rhymes are solid with potent content, so my flow pierces with the passion of forty-eight lines
脳裏に焼き付いて狂わす恐怖 夢に抱いて寝ろこのラブソング
Scorching into your mind, an insane horror, a love song to cradle you in your dreams
根っから勝ち気な若い衝動 破壊創造繰り返す細胞
A born rebel with youthful drive, a cell constantly creating and destroying
Maintaining the balance of mind, body, and technique while in flight
Holding the microphone like a laser blaster
Coffee caffeine and a Cohiba blunt
Panama hat and a mafia suit
存在自体と時間と距離 その間に広がる世界は広い
The distance between existence, time, and distance, the vast world that expands in between
こだわり抜いてる強かなぐらい その間に比べる人との違い
An unwavering sense of conviction, the difference between those who compare themselves to me
異次元ポケットに忍ばすナイフ 二度目は無ぇから傷は深い
A blade concealed in an otherworldly pocket, wounds run deep for there are no second chances
美女の血の気の濃い熱いトロける愛撫 冷たい快楽みたく危ない
A woman's passionate, fiery, and intoxicating love, a dangerous pleasure like cold ecstasy
芯から震える凍えるように 記憶に蝕む恐怖のように
Quaking to the core, freezing cold, corroding memories like a lurking terror
脳裏に焼き付けてたっぷり料理 レシピに無い技でPropにShowbiz
My mind concocts a savory dish, a recipe infused with techniques unknown to the showbiz
Heated to the point of crimson, like a wrathful閻王
冷めないうちにひと呼吸おきBlaze It
Blaze it up, taking a breather before it cools
水が洗う煙にサイエンス Glassの泡の数の分繊細で深い夢
Smoke cleansed by water, science in action, profound dreams as numerous as the bubbles in a glass
三つ目の目でかすれてく概念 知識より想いが 言葉の背景
My third eye blurs the boundaries of perception, thoughts weigh heavier than knowledge, the depth behind words
馬力の違いだそこらにゃいないぜ 腹に力入れろ奥歯を噛んで
A difference in caliber unmatched, muster your strength and grit your teeth
吸引して吐く阿吽の呼吸 瞬間と自分と地球と宇宙
Inhaling and exhaling, a symbiotic rhythm, a communion between self, the moment, the Earth, and the cosmos
満月の宴の幻想に浮遊 瞑想中瞑る目の奥に見る
Floating amidst the ethereal revelry of a full moon, my mind's eye dancing in meditative trance
瞼の裏側視界の境目 心裏腹な扉叩いて
Behind my eyelids, on the brink of visionary realms, a paradoxical door beckons
形を変えてはまた来るモンスター 名前をつけたら憂鬱なもんさ
It assumes countless forms, an ever-returning monster, but to name it would only invite a gloomy disposition

Writer(s): Maccho, Dj Watarai

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