OZROSAURUS - Syouko - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction OZROSAURUS - Syouko

知り合いでもない人を救うために 命をひきか えに戦った人もいりゃ 金や欲のためにふんぞりかえり 魂も捨てれる 間違った人もいる 同じ人間の子供同士なのに 争いの歴史繰り返 して今がある 世界中にある戦争の爪痕 世界中にある平和の 愛と正義だけじゃ現実トボしい 気持ちと心だ けじゃ開けねぇこの道 泣いてる子供堪えてる衝動 耐えてる弱者笑っ てる官僚 真実とか無く信じるのも不安 嘘はほざいても チンケなままだただ 足りない力も振り絞りゃ俺も でかい人になれ ますか?
There are those who risk their lives to save strangers, while there are those who are arrogant because of their wealth and power and can discard their souls. We are all children of the same human race, yet we continue to fight and create a history of conflict. There are scars of war all over the world, and there are symbols of peace all over the world. Love and justice alone are not enough for reality. This path cannot be opened with feelings and hearts alone. The crying child, the suppressed impulse, the weak who endure, the laughing bureaucrats. There is no such thing as truth, and it is uncertain to believe. Even if you tell a lie, it will remain insignificant. My strength isn't enough, but can I become a great person if I squeeze it out?
瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った 覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単 瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った 覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単
It disappeared in the blink of an eye. It changed and danced in the wind. I learned it when I didn't realize it, and I forgot it easily. It disappeared in the blink of an eye. It changed and danced in the wind. I learned it when I didn't realize it, and I forgot it easily.
誰もがたった一回の人生の営み幸せも数えきれ ずに 恨み辛みや不平不満語り 笑顔浅い夢涙は泥濘 深い 綺麗事や理屈御託より 救われる言葉優しさを 選ぶ 意外に近い所にあるもんだ ずっと探してきた 春の唄 胸騒ぎギラつく太陽待ちわびた夏の日 秋に紅 く染まる葉 厳しさに吹雪く風冬超え また来る季節みたく 去りまた来るさ 世界の真ん中から片隅まで 神はそれぞれの内 側にいて 星でも未来でも夢でも願い 点と点と線と線交 われ円になれ
Everyone has only one life. There are countless blessings, grudges, resentments, and complaints, shallow smiles, and dreams. Tears are muddy and deep. I choose words of salvation and kindness over beautiful words and logical excuses. It's surprisingly close. It's the spring song I've been looking for. A throbbing heart, a scorching sun, a long-awaited summer day, leaves turning red in autumn, a harsh wind blowing through the snow, and winter passing by like the coming seasons. From the center of the world to the corner, God is within each of us. Whether it's a star, a future, a dream, or a wish, let the dots, lines, and circles intersect and become a circle.
瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った 覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単 瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った 覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単
It disappeared in the blink of an eye. It changed and danced in the wind. I learned it when I didn't realize it, and I forgot it easily. It disappeared in the blink of an eye. It changed and danced in the wind. I learned it when I didn't realize it, and I forgot it easily.
夜の港雨景色ボヤケた車窓 揺れる水面写る街 変わる街も君と同じよう 過ぎ去りゃ昨日きっ と俺もそう 日常対極な俺の理想 でもそれ以上かけがえな いもん 同じ時の違う場所も 無いかもなんて笑えない ジョーク 悟りの人偉そうな口 それ誰かの気まぐれのおし ゃべりかも ナンセンスで退屈な上滑稽 この狭い世界の中 の重み無い理論 過去は背負うそれが語る 今とこの先はどうに でもなる 誰かのモンじゃ無くて俺の 譲れない掛け替え の無い証拠
The night harbor, the rainy scenery, the blurred car window, the swaying water reflecting the streetlights. The changing city is just like you, honey. When it's over, I'll be yesterday, too. My ideal is the opposite of my daily life, but it's more precious than that. There may be no such thing as different places at the same time, but it's not a joke to laugh at. The enlightened person is pompous, and it's just someone's capricious chatter. This narrow world is full of weightless theories. The past is a burden, and it speaks. The present and the future can be anything. It's not someone else's, it's mine. It's an irreplaceable proof that I can't give up.
瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った 覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単 瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った 覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単
It disappeared in the blink of an eye. It changed and danced in the wind. I learned it when I didn't realize it, and I forgot it easily. It disappeared in the blink of an eye. It changed and danced in the wind. I learned it when I didn't realize it, and I forgot it easily.
瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った 覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単 瞬きの間に消え去った 変わる瞬間風に舞った 覚えるのもいつの間にか 忘れるのも別に簡単
It disappeared in the blink of an eye. It changed and danced in the wind. I learned it when I didn't realize it, and I forgot it easily. It disappeared in the blink of an eye. It changed and danced in the wind. I learned it when I didn't realize it, and I forgot it easily.

Writer(s): Maccho, Shige From Buzzer Beats

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