Obrint Pas - On Vas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Obrint Pas - On Vas

On Vas
Where Are You Going?
Veus passar el temps
You see the time passing by
Veus passar el temps i com te'n vas amb ell
You see the time passing by and how you're going with it
Des del teu trist racó
From your sad corner
Cegat d'impotència que et crema les
Blinded with impotence that burns your
Ganes de continuar
Desire to continue
Continuar un camí que tu et vares traçar
Continue on a path that you yourself chose
Que tu et vares traçar
That you yourself chose
Amb l'esforç de qui pega i no veu on
With all the effort of those who strike, but see no goal
Com qui pega i no veu on
Like striking and seeing no goal
Com qui es creu, i no sap com
Like believing without knowing how
Fart d'esperar contínues solucions
Tired of expecting continuous solutions
Quan la ràbia creix i plena el teu cor
As anger grows and fills your heart
és la por qui et parla i t'ofega com
It's fear that's speaking and choking you like
Un trist somriure apagant-se a poc a poc
A sad smile fading away
On vas i on deixes d'anar
Where are you going and where did you stop going
Quin camí has triat
Which path have you chosen
O quin t'han deixat?
Or which one did they leave you?
El temps se'ns en va
Time's running out
I els dies fan mal
And the days are filled with pain
Cansats d'esperar
Tired of waiting
Cansats d'esperar
Tired of waiting
L'hora que està arribant!
The time is coming!
Que està arribant
It's coming
L'hora que està arribant!
The time is coming!
Que està arribant
It's coming

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