Odezenne - Chewing gum - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Odezenne - Chewing gum

Chewing gum
Chewing Gum
Y'a comme un goût de déjà-vu dans son chewing-gum
There's a taste of déjà vu in her chewing gum
Mastique et reste au garde à vous pendant qu'elle swing l'homme
Chews and stands at attention while she swings the man
Belle sur l'ring elle boxe avec son jean
Beautiful in the ring, she boxes with her jeans
Un été sun sur l'dream avec un cocktail gin
A sunny summer on the dream with a gin cocktail
Un air de voyez-vous avec ce dit John
An air of "you see" with this said John
Voilà qu'elle sent l'coup de foudre sur ce big love
There she feels the thunderbolt on this big love
Elle remonte son string en face de son James Dean
She pulls up her thong in front of her James Dean
Le steak brûle sur l'grill et les dents blanches d'Eve brillent
The steak burns on the grill and Eve's white teeth shine
Un air de déjà-vu dans son 'only you'
An air of déjà vu in her 'only you'
La plastique reste au rendez-vous quand son body move
The plastic stays on point when her body moves
Son instinct d'film et son blues s'dandine
Her film instinct and her blues sway
Voilà son festin d'mime elle tire dans l'mille
Here's her mime feast, she hits the bullseye
Y'a comme un ton de voyez-vous dans sa gueule de louve
There's a tone of "you see" in her wolfish mouth
Le type même un peu voyou dans son regard groove
The type, even a bit of a thug, grooves in her gaze
Il sort ses Blings-Blings devant ses yeux qui brillent
He pulls out his Blings-Blings in front of her shining eyes
Et boit ses lèvres toutes cleans avant qu'le réveille dring
And drinks her lips all clean before the alarm clock rings
Et vous comment allez vous quand le baby cry
And how are you when the baby cries
Elle mate et l'appel daddy quand il boit son sky
She watches and calls him daddy when he drinks his sky
C'est sa West Side Story, manque le happy end
It's her West Side Story, missing the happy end
Il sort son best style oh oui d'vant sa mimi dinde
He pulls out his best style oh yes in front of his cute turkey
Un air de désabus quand minuit sonne
An air of disillusionment when midnight strikes
La p'tite passe aux désaveux sur ces belles donnes
The little one disavows these beautiful gifts
Miss night-express file au milieu des buildings
Miss night-express files amidst the buildings
Se casse dans son Austin sur un air de Sting
Breaks away in her Austin to a Sting tune
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Y'a comme un goût de calorie dans son chewing-gum
There's a taste of calories in her chewing gum
Les cheveux gras, les cheveux plats, haute comme trois pommes
Greasy hair, flat hair, tall as three apples
Elle était hugly sur l'ring et catch avec son jean
She was ugly in the ring and wrestled with her jeans
S'cache quand s'pointe Jimmy 'vec sa Mylady
Hides when Jimmy shows up with his Mylady
Des rêves d'american idole nichés dans sa tête
Dreams of American Idol nestled in her head
À en cacher ses rondeurs derrière sa salopette
To hide her curves behind her overalls
Elle ne songe même pas à l'équation slim-string
She doesn't even think about the slim-thong equation
Autant offrir à un manchot une poignée d'Bretlings
Might as well offer a penguin a handful of Breitlings
Y'a comme un air de rythme and blues au fond d'ses yeux
There's a hint of rhythm and blues in the depths of her eyes
Elle détourne son regard vexé de tous les beaux gars
She turns her gaze away, vexed by all the handsome guys
Elle se dit qu'un jour viendra un sourire de star
She tells herself that one day a star's smile will come
Un qui aura le Stetson la gueule d'Humphrey Bogart
One with the Stetson and the face of Humphrey Bogart
Un qui lui soufflera des mots doux poopoopeedoo
One who will whisper sweet nothings poopoopeedoo
Qui la fera marcher à cloche-pied sur les rayons d'lune
Who will make her walk on tiptoe on moonbeams
Un qui la prendra dans son Teddy North Carolina
One who will take her in his Teddy North Carolina
Un qui pour être beau n'aura pas besoin de gomina
One who won't need hair gel to be handsome
Y'a comme un goût de bigoudi dans son chewing-gum
There's a taste of hair curlers in her chewing gum
Elle va fêter happy birthday dans un night club
She's going to celebrate her happy birthday in a nightclub
Elle était jolie sur la piste et va avec son style
She was pretty on the dance floor and goes with her style
Elle avait du sex-appeal sur Aretha Franklin
She had sex appeal on Aretha Franklin
Y'a comme un goût de bistouri dans son chewing-gum
There's a taste of scalpel in her chewing gum
Il a le style simplet et le r'gard sitcom
He has the simple style and the sitcom look
Des tas de loups autour de son bombé bon-da
Lots of wolves around her curvy bon-da
La soirée s'éteint sur la banquette de la Honda
The evening fades on the Honda's back seat
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya
Ya-ya-ya, ya, ya, ya-ya-ya-ya


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