Oliver Dragojević - Još Sam Tu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Oliver Dragojević - Još Sam Tu

Još Sam Tu
I'm Still Here
Ti moje najvece si pobjede i moje snove
You are my greatest victory, the fulfillment of my dreams.
San mog ustvarila kraj mene sanjala
Next to me, you created the dream that I dreamed.
I kad trpio sam poraze ti ostala si hrabra
And when I suffered defeat, you bravely stayed with me.
Kad tesko bilo je ti nadu si mi dala
When times were tough, you gave me hope.
Zbog tebe pjesme pjevaju moje o ljubavi
Because of you my songs sing of love.
Zbog tebe one i poslije mene ce trajati
Because of you they will live on after me.
Ljubav tamo gdje je pustinja
Love where there was only a desert,
Pusti kisu na zemlju iz oblaka
Raining down on the earth from the clouds above.
Tvoja je ljubav meni potrebna
I need your love,
Jos sam tu
I'm still here.
Gdje god odvede me putevi tebi se vracam
Wherever my journey takes me, I return to you.
Jer znam da meni je kraj tebe najbolje
Because I know that I am at my best with you.
I znam da ne bi znao zivjeti jer tebe ne bi bilo
I know that I would not know how to live without you.
Bez tvoje ljubavi ne bi znao vjeruj mi
Trust me, I could not live without your love.

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