Olltii - 31035 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Olltii - 31035

2013년 학번은 31035
My student ID in 2013 was 31035
수업시간엔 오히려 사리고 살어
During class, I actually played it safe
학생신분에 거리 일상인 알아도
Even though I know my daily life is far from that of a student
방식대로 숨쉬는 삶이 고마워
I'm grateful for this life I live in my own way
워낙에 공부완 철저하게 쌓으면서
I've always been completely walled off from studying
시선 보고 나의 마음 가는대로만
Not looking at others' eyes, just following my heart
하는 살다보니깐
Living life like this
선생님들 관점에 없지 현실감
From the teachers' perspective, I lack a sense of reality
수업내용 대신 라임을 필기
Taking notes on rhymes instead of class content
펀치라인에 밑줄 치기, 이런 학습방식이
Underlining punchlines, this learning method
틀린 없음에도 반성해야할 가산 진짜
Even though it's never been wrong, there's a mountain of things I should reflect on
많아서 가사를 채운 깜지장
So my lyrics are tightly packed with black ink
암기를 하고 외우는 단어보다
More than the words I memorize and learn
훨씬 많은 단어들을 뱉고 다녔어
I've been spitting out way more words
하루 여섯시간씩, 지쳐서 쉴까 싶다가도
Six hours a day, I feel like I should take a break from exhaustion
버젓이 다시 몰입하고 보시다시피
But I'm immersed again as you can see
재밌어서 방식 고수한지 어언 3년째고
It's been 3 years since I stuck to this method because it's fun
아마도 나랑은 상관이 없을 학점제도
The GPA system probably has nothing to do with me
대학에 붙어 네가, 어떤 스펙을 갖췄대도
No matter what university you get into, or what specs you have
힙합적 태도, 이것에 만족해
I'm more satisfied with my hip-hop attitude
애초에 수준 떨어졌던 수학
Math, which was at a low level from the beginning
숫자와는 안친해서 얻어냈던 수확
Not being close to numbers, the harvest I got
계산적인 생각없이 랩에만 꾸준할
Being able to focus on rap without any calculating thoughts
있던 덕에 행복은 상향평준화
Thanks to that, my happiness is leveled up
중요한건 배움보다 배우고픈가
What matters is not learning, but what you want to learn
머리보다 마음을 채울 무언가가
Something to fill your heart, not your head
확실해진 순간, 전념할 있는 행동력
The moment it becomes clear, the ability to act with dedication
맞는지 틀린지는 알게 직접 해보면
You'll find out if it's right or wrong by doing it yourself
받았지 대책없는 무식한놈 취급
I've always been treated like a reckless fool
맞아 믿음 외엔 따로 안둬 Plan B는
Yeah, I don't have a Plan B besides my belief
주관없는 정답보단 주관있는 오답지를 제출하고
I'd rather submit a subjective wrong answer than an objective correct answer
우는 1등보단 웃는 꼴찌를
I'd rather be a smiling loser than a crying winner
원하는 제일 중요한 너의 마음 (31035)
Do what you want, the most important thing is your heart (31035)
하고픈 잔소리 걱정은 다음 (31035)
Do what you want to do, worry about nagging later (31035)
학생다움에 맞추기보다는
Rather than fitting yourself into the mold of a student
내세워야 당당히 나다움을
You should proudly show your true self
학번 안에 채워야지 나의 (31035)
Fill your student ID with your dreams (31035)
3년전부터 변함없던 장래희망,
My dream and future aspiration have been the same for 3 years
키와 마찬가지로 꿈도 성장해 이만큼
Just like my height, my dream has grown this much
주변 시선이 바뀌었지 작년 맘쯤
The eyes around me changed around this time last year
믹스테잎 내고 선입견들을 완전히 반증
I released a mixtape and completely refuted the prejudice
목표가 뚜렷했지 그래서 비웃음 참고
I had a clear goal, so I endured the ridicule even more
목표를 제시- 한국힙합과 뉴스쿨
Presenting the goal - Korean hip hop and new school
대책없던만큼 이것말곤 방향이 없네
As clueless as I was, there's no other direction but this
부족했던만큼 노력하고 상향지원해
I work hard as much as I lacked and aim high
진로상담의 결관 의외로 간단했어
The conclusion of the career counseling was surprisingly simple
방향성은 무대 위로 간다는
My direction was to go to a bigger stage
답뿐이었고 무대 조명빛을 쫓아
That was the only answer, and I chased the spotlight on the stage
수시로 열심히해서 정시에 맞춰 도착
I worked hard on early admission and arrived on time for regular admission
랩을 할뿐 매일이 시험
I just rap, every day is a test
물어볼게 너는 보는 시험이 쉬웠어?
I'll ask you, were all the tests you took easy?
모르겠는 문제는 너나 나나 그냥 찍었어도
For the questions you didn't know, you and I just guessed
문제는 직접 내리고서 풀었어
But I figured out the answers to my own problems and solved them
성적이 떨어지면 할수록
The more my grades dropped
꿈에 대한 것은 무시받았지
The more my dream was ignored
공부가 전부인듯이 말하지
They talk as if studying is everything
그들에게 음악은 무심한 가치
To them, my music has no value
친구들은 억지로 깨있어
My friends are forcibly awake
꿈꾸지 못하고 새벽 두시반까지
They can't dream and they fill their notebooks until 2:30 AM
노트를 채워도 자존감은 작지,
Even if they fill their notebooks, their self-esteem is small,
깜지 글씨만하지
Just like my handwriting
HUHHHH- 너희에겐 필요해, 숨쉴 틈이
HUHHHH- You need some breathing room
바라보는건 목표가 아닌 눈치뿐인
You only look at others' eyes, not your goal
눈으론 앞길은 못봐 그만해 곁눈질
You can't see your future with those eyes, stop looking sideways
똑바로 뜨고 내가 어떻게 걷는질
Open your eyes wide and see how I walk
"가기 싫은 길은 뛰어봤자 언젠가는 뒤쳐져
"If you run on a path you don't want to go, you'll eventually fall behind
차라리 천천히 길을 걸어 거북이처럼"
Instead, walk your own path slowly like a turtle"
Even in 'The Tortoise and the Hare'
써놓은 말이잖아 자꾸만 남들의 눈치와 겨뤄?
It's already written, why do you keep competing with others' eyes?
입시경쟁으로치면 합격한 후겠지
If it's an entrance exam competition, I guess I passed
2000명이 보는 공연에 홀로 무대
I'm alone on stage at a concert with 2,000 people watching
만약 내가 성적에 목맸다면 질식사
If I was obsessed with grades, I would have suffocated
공식까진 몰라도 알아 방식의
I may not know the formulas, but I know my way of life well
학생다움과는 거리가 학생
I'm a student who is far from being student-like
그냥 전교생중 가장 나답게 사는 학생
I'm just the student who lives the most like myself among all the students
나와 같은 학번이 있을진 몰라도
I may have the same student ID as others
나같은 학생은 오직 나뿐인걸 알아
But I know that I'm the only student like me
다시, 학번은 31035
Again, my student ID is 31035
수업시간엔 오히려 사리고 살어
During class, I actually played it safe
학생신분에 거리 일상인걸 알아도
Even though I know my daily life is far from that of a student
방식대로 숨쉬는 삶이 고마워
I'm grateful for this life I live in my own way
원하는 제일 중요한 너의 마음 (31035)
Do what you want, the most important thing is your heart (31035)
하고픈 잔소리 걱정은 다음 (31035)
Do what you want to do, worry about nagging later (31035)
학생다움에 맞추기보다는
Rather than fitting yourself into the mold of a student
내세워야 당당히 나다움을
You should proudly show your true self
학번 안에 채워야지 나의 (31035)
Fill your student ID with your dreams (31035)

Writer(s): Kyoung Min Yuk, Olltii

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