Ombladon feat. Arssura - Gloante Oarbe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ombladon feat. Arssura - Gloante Oarbe

Gloante Oarbe
Blind Bullets
Cel mai prost din curtea scolii... prost din curtea scolii...
The biggest loser in the schoolyard... loser in the schoolyard...
Vorbele sunt ca o arma, rupe capete lumea ce spune ca sunt gloante oarbe nu te scapa de
Words are like a weapon, they break heads people who say they are blind bullets don't get rid of
2 Nebuni care spun pe fata apleaca-te
Two fools who say bend over to your face
Daca am zis-o la mijto de ce te doare spatele?
If I said it to be funny why does your back hurt?
E o lume nebuna, yo's la fel si ard ca o torta
It's a crazy world, yo's the same and I burn like a torch
Ca sa fiu in Pas cu moda imbrac camasa de forta
To keep up with fashion I wear a straitjacket
De la o varsta frageda am ales sa fiu diferit
From a young age I chose to be different
Cand alti pustani cadeau la joaca eu am ales sa cad pe beat... Rup
When other kids fell at play I chose to fall on beat... Rup
Capete goale le fac zile amare
I make empty heads have bitter days
Dau peste cap multimea ce sare, tine-te bine de bar, loveste mai tare cu adevarul ce doare ha. pthu
I throw the jumping crowd over my head, hold on tight to the bar, hit harder with the truth that hurts ha. pthu
Scuip rimele yo's model pentru multi
I spit rhymes I'm a role model for many
Nu folosesc gloante oarbe si daia mori sa m-asculti
I don't use blind bullets and that's why you die to listen to me
Raman o pata de culoare-n peisaj ca un Ferrari
I remain a colorful stain in the landscape like a Ferrari
Rosu irita taurii... eu irit cocalarii
Red irritates bulls... I irritate jerks
Am orice fata cand visez si doua ma trezesc din somn
I have any face when I dream and two wake me up from sleep
Nu ma dau gigolo asa cum Ombla nu se da Don
I'm not a gigolo just like Ombla doesn't call himself Don
Il fac pe fitu' sa gandeasca diferit sa-i cada fisa
I make the poser think differently so he gets the message
Caci eu dau, la fraieri jet desi nu sunt din misa
Because I give, suckers jet though I'm not from misa
Si s-a prins prins cand l-ai prins cu mine la
And he found out when he caught you with me at
Barfa ca viata-i roz doar atunci cand imbraca haine de t***a
Gossip that life is pink only when you wear t***
Sunt un tip complex daia... coplexez pe multi
I'm a complex guy because... I'm complex
N-am la mana Rorlex dar e timpul ca sa m-asculti
I don't have a Rolex but it's time to listen to me
Esti baiat de senator si traiesti viata la misto
You are the son of a senator and live a great life
Inseamna ca nu te-a batut soarta... nu-i nimic te bat yo
That means fate hasn't beaten you... no problem I'll beat you
Refren x2
Chorus x2
Multi ar spune cu limba de moarte
Many would say at death's door
Cum ca vorbele noastre sunt gloante oarbe
That our words are blind bullets
Ha. pthu Taci ca am draci. iti umplu gura
Ha. pthu Shut up I'm pissed off. I'll fill your mouth
Atunci de ce chiar te-apleci cand doar zic ca sgi p**a?
Then why do you bend over when I just say what sucks?
Multi ar spune cu limba de moarte
Many would say at death's door
Cum ca vorbele noastre sunt gloante oarbe
That our words are blind bullets
Ha. pthu Taci ca am draci. iti umplu gura
Ha. pthu Shut up I'm pissed off. I'll fill your mouth
Atunci de ce chiar te-apleci cand doar zic ca sgi p**a?
Then why do you bend over when I just say what sucks?
Am o foaie, un pix, un topor, un senator
I have a sheet, a pen, an ax, a senator
Un inger pazitor, o colivie in care-l inchid sa mor
A guardian angel, a cage in which to lock him up to die
Am multe vise neatinse si-o predirectie
I have many unfulfilled dreams and a prediction
O gramada de draci stransi ca fac colectie
A bunch of demons gathered as I collect
Ma feresc sa-mi las p**a pe limba voastra sa piara
I avoid leaving my p**a on your tongue to get lost
Cum se fereste carcotasul "gainusa" de gripa aviara
As the crab shuns "chicken" bird flu
O ard cill bag alcool metilic
I smoke cill bag methyl alcohol
Da-mi un shot in bot sa pot sa ma ridic
Give me a shot to the face so I can get up
Incet la cer sa ating norii
Slowly to the sky to touch the clouds
Cel mai prost din curtea scolii oripilez minorii
The biggest loser in the schoolyard I horrify minors
Iti spulber dorintza, iti sparg pusculitza
I crush your wish, I break your piggy bank
Sa plec cu mata intr-un sejur la ibiza
To leave with you on a trip to ibiza
M-am educat singur intr-o lume dura
I educated myself in a harsh world
Detzin vocabularul necesar sa pot sa va f*t in gura
I possess the necessary vocabulary to be able to f**k you in the mouth
Ars de ura ca Arssura sunt un om de rand
Burned with hatred like Arssura I am an ordinary man
Va f*t in gat pe totzi razand, spunand ca.
I f**k you all in the throat laughing, saying that.
Refren x2
Chorus x2
Multi ar spune cu limba de moarte
Many would say at death's door
Cum ca vorbele noastre sunt gloante oarbe
That our words are blind bullets
Ha. pthu Taci ca am draci. iti umplu gura
Ha. pthu Shut up I'm pissed off. I'll fill your mouth
Atunci de ce chiar te-apleci cand doar zic ca sgi p**a?
Then why do you bend over when I just say what sucks?
Multi ar spune cu limba de moarte
Many would say at death's door
Cum ca vorbele noastre sunt gloante oarbe
That our words are blind bullets
Ha. pthu Taci ca am draci. iti umplu gura
Ha. pthu Shut up I'm pissed off. I'll fill your mouth
Atunci de ce chiar te-apleci cand doar zic ca sgi p**a?
Then why do you bend over when I just say what sucks?

Writer(s): arssura, ombladon

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