Omerta - 2015 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Omerta - 2015

Išeisiu, nebegrįšiu.
I will leave and never return.
Visus paliksiu, bus sunku, bet manau atsilaikysiu.
I will leave everyone, it will be difficult, but I think I will keep my strength.
I will not be angry.
Tik ašarom tavęs prašysiu, kad nepamirštum uždegti žvakę mane ir ankstų rytą .
Only I will ask you not to forget, with tears, to light a candle for me early in the morning.
Kiekvieną supistą mano rytą, mirštu po dalelę, po mikroskopinę lastęlę.
Every fucking morning of mine, I die a little bit, a little bit.
Mane žudo kiekvienas tavo žodis ir rėkimas, mane kankina tavo rytinis konfliktas.
I am killed by every word and scream of yours, I am tormented by your morning conflicts.
Širdis jau tapo akmeninė, bejausmė būtybė.
The heart has already become a stone, an insensitive creature.
kenčiu. Žinau, kad bus tik dar blogiau, kankinsiuos kol nusiraminsiu, kol užsidusinsiu.
I am suffering. I know that it will only get worse, I will suffer until I calm down, until I suffocate.
Mane tu šantažuoji sakai, kad degraduoji ir mane nervuoji,
You are blackmailing me, you say that you are degrading and making me nervous,
Sakai, kad debilas, narkomanas, degraduojanti būtybė, man nesvarbu, nebesvarbu jau sakysi, užsimerksiu ir mąstysiu.
You say that I am an idiot, a drug addict, a degrading creature, I don't care, I don't care what you say anymore, I will close my eyes and think.
Ištiesčiau tau ranką, bet tu per toli.
I reached out to you, but you are too far.
Ištarčiau tau žodį, bet tu negirdi.
I said a word to you, but you don't hear me.
Belieka rašyti tik žodžiais keliais, nors jie mano norų tikrai nepakeis Pažvelk tu į save, pažvelk tu į mane
All I can do is to write a few words, although they will certainly not change my desires. Look at yourself, look at me
Kodėl gi taip nutiko? Ir mudu daug kur nukeliavom ir mylėjom ir kovojom ir mes tikėjom, kad viskas bus gerai .
Why did this happen? And we traveled a lot of places and loved and fought and we believed that everything would be okay.
Prisimeni, kai mes kartodavom, mes amžinai, o tu kažkur su kitu, bet žinai nesigailiu .
Remember when we used to say, we are forever, and you are somewhere with someone else, but you know I do not regret it.
Man patinka romantika, o tau valiuta, vynas, cigaretės, nuogas kūnas .
I like romance, and you like currency, wine, cigarettes, a naked body.
Žinai, tiesą sakei meilės net nebuvo, todėl viskas taip pražuvo, kalbos tarp mūsų net nebuvo.
You know, you were right, there was no love, that's why everything was lost, there was no communication between us.
Bijodavai, kad kitoks, bet atleisk tu net nepasikeitei todėl išeinu ir tyliu
You were afraid that I was different, but forgive me, you didn't even change, so I'm leaving and being silent.
Ištiesčiau tau ranką, bet tu per toli.
I reached out to you, but you are too far.
Ištarčiau tau žodį, bet tu negirdi .
I said a word to you, but you don't hear me.

Writer(s): Julius Podlipajevas, Dovydas Rokas

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