One Voice - With One Voice - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction One Voice - With One Voice

With One Voice
With One Voice
Mengapa harus kita rasa kecewa
Why should we feel disappointed
Sedangkan Tuhan lebih mengetahui
When God knows better
Apa yang terbaik untuk makhluknya
What is best for His creations
Bukan ditakdir untuk menyiksa
It is not destined to torment
Biarpun kita terasa berjauhan
Even though we feel far apart
Namun jiwa bagaikn tiada sempadan
But our souls are like there are no boundaries
Itu yang terbaik bagi setiap insan
That is what is best for every human being
Saling memahami
Understanding each other
Redha dengan kehendak Ilahi
Accepting the will of God
Ya rabbi arzuqni wa asykur ni3matakallati
O Lord, grant me and let me be grateful for the blessings of God
An anta 3alayya wa 3ala walidayya
Which You bestowed upon me and my parents
Wahai Tuhan tunjuk ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur atas nikmatMu
O Lord, show me the inspiration to keep being grateful for Your blessings
Yang Engkau kurniakan kepadaku juga kepada ibubapaku
Which You have given to me and my parents
Hoowuuhuuu uhuuuwuuhuu
Hoowuuhuuu uhuuuwuuhuu

Writer(s): Paul Baloche, Ed Kerr

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