Oques Grasses - Cançó de l'aire - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Oques Grasses - Cançó de l'aire

Cançó de l'aire
Song of the Air
Hem ballat sota un cel que ens plovia,
We danced under a sky that rained on us,
hem omplert les veles de vent i ferides.
we filled our sails with wind and wounds.
Hem trencat els rems quan la passió ens podia,
We broke the oars when passion could,
mou el tronc,
move the trunk,
treu-te les espines.
remove the thorns.
Ens vam fer fans del sol ahir
We became fans of the sun yesterday
i avui sabem d'on surt,
and today we know where it comes from,
i avui sabem d'on surt.
and today we know where it comes from.
La teva sort és creure en tu
Your luck is to believe in you
i en tu i en tu.
and in you and in you.
Contracorrent amb un crit mut
Against the current with a mute cry
que esclata el mur i es fa infinit.
that breaks the wall and becomes infinite.
Anar fent un camí de pedra
Going making a stone path
amb les pedres del camí.
with the stones of the path.
Sabran que vas fer en desprendre't
They will know that you did well to get rid
del que no et feia feliç.
of what didn't make you happy.
Et queda remar plovent,
It suits you to row in the rain,
anar-te preguntant com viure,
to go on asking yourself how to live,
et queda remar plovent,
it suits you to row in the rain,
quan portes el bon temps a dins.
when you carry good times inside.
Ens vam fer fans del sol ahir
We became fans of the sun yesterday
i avui sabem d'on surt,
and today we know where it comes from,
i avui sabem d'on surt.
and today we know where it comes from.
La teva sort és creure en tu
Your luck is to believe in you
i en tu i en tu.
and in you and in you.
Contracorrent amb un crit mut
Against the current with a mute cry
que esclata el mur i es fa infinit.
that breaks the wall and becomes infinite.
Eh va!
Eh va!
Que soni la cançó de l'aire
May the song of the air sound,
allibera la crinera i salva't,
release your mane and save yourself,
que hi ha una part de tu que arriba,
that there is a part of you that arrives,
que hi ha una part de tu que fuig.
that there is a part of you that flees.
Hem ballat sota un cel que ens plovia,
We danced under a sky that rained on us,
hem omplert les veles de vent i ferides.
we filled our sails with wind and wounds.
Hem trencat els rems quan la passió ens podia,
We broke the oars when passion could,
mou el tronc, treu-te les espines.
move the trunk, remove the thorns.

Writer(s): arnau altimir casanovas, guillem realp musach, joan borràs dalmau, josep montero pujolar, josep valldeneu barrero, miquel biarnés massip, miquel rojo rosa

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