Oques Grasses - Rellotge de fang - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Oques Grasses - Rellotge de fang

Rellotge de fang
Clay Clock
Vols tota la llum del far, no deixes claror per res més,
You want all the light from the lighthouse, you don't leave any light for anything else,
I de tant i tant mirar-te no veus on ets.
And from looking at yourself so much, you don't see where you are.
Surt i no et facis més mal, surt que acabi sempre bé,
Leave and don't hurt yourself anymore, leave so that it always ends well,
Que les penes marxen quan t'agafa el vent.
That the sorrows go away when the wind takes you.
I em penso que qui sóc però no ho sé,
And I think I know who I am but I don't,
Perquè sempre sóc diferent,
Because I'm always different,
T'ho prometo, intento fer-ho sempre bé,
I promise you, I always try to do it right,
Encara que ho faci malament.
Even if I do it wrong.
Nara nararararara
Nara nararararara
Tinc una part que crema, un tros de mi s'encèn,
I have a part that burns, a piece of me lights up,
Em capgira per dins
It turns me upside down
I neteja els peus bruts.
And cleanses my dirty feet.
Un tornavís de pedres,
A screwdriver made of stones,
Un cop de puny al vent,
A punch in the wind,
Una cançó de viure,
A song of living,
Una tarda plovent,
An afternoon of rain,
Que m'empeny que m'empeny que m'empeny
That pushes me, that pushes me, that pushes me
Si et vaig dir que sabia on anava,
If I told you I knew where I was going,
No en tenia ni idea,
I had no idea,
Presumia de ganes,
I boasted about it,
Vull pensar que és així i que en el fons és senzill,
I want to think it's like that and that deep down it's simple,
Tinc els núvols de blanc i un rellotge de pany,
I have white clouds and a clay clock,
Sigues aigua vida meva, sigues aigua,
Be water, my life, be water,
Vine i marxa d'aquí prop de la costa,
Come and go from here, near the coast,
Sigues aigua vida meva, sigues aigua,
Be water, my life, be water,
Tros de cel de colors que s'escampa,
Pieces of colored sky that scatter,
Deixa que vinguin els dies,
Let the days come,
Que et tremolin les cames,
Let your legs tremble,
Que ploris de riure,
Let you cry with laughter,
Que les llàgrimes parlin perdudes,
That the tears speak lost,
No entenen la vida,
They don't understand life,
Només volen viure.
They just want to live.
Nara nararararara
Nara nararararara

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