Oques Grasses - Sta guai - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Oques Grasses - Sta guai

Sta guai
This is good
Sta guai, sta guai (Yeah)
This is good, this is good (Yeah)
Sta guai (Tonight)
This is good (Tonight)
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
La lluna es va banyant de sol
The moon is bathing in the sun
Sense esperar la sort
Without waiting for luck
Sap que esperant s'adorm
He knows that waiting falls asleep
I va patint pel temps
And he suffers for the time
L'essència et fa ser així com ets
The essence makes you be who you are
De trossos de matins i nits
From pieces of mornings and nights
D'abraçades de veritat
From embraces of truth
I de petons prohibits
And from forbidden kisses
La pluja fa feliç el bosc
The rain makes the forest happy
El i el mal es van vivint
Good and evil are experienced
Sempre que m'he callat els cops
Whenever I have been silent about the blows
Se m'han anat quedant per dins
They have been staying inside me
I tampoc cal entendre-ho tot
And it is not necessary to understand everything
Si no entenem d'encerts i errors
If we do not understand successes and failures
Es fa una mica més bonic, oooh
It becomes a little more beautiful, oooh
Que aquí ningú neix preparat
That here nobody is born prepared
Ni per ser jove, ni per fer-se gran
Neither to be young, nor to grow up
Que anem venint i anem marxant
That we come and go
Si ho fem senzill, ens hi farem menys mal
If we make it simple, we will do less harm to ourselves
Una tornada guai
A cool chorus
Que aguanti l'envestida
That withstands the onslaught
Sta guai, sta guai
This is good, this is good
No ens cansarem mai (Sta guai)
We will never tire (This is good)
D'estimar esquivant ortigues
Of loving while dodging nettles
De cantar-te uns la, la, la
Of singing you some la, la, la
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
I es pot respirar
And you can breathe
Com respiren les tardes
As the afternoons breathe
Es pot estimar
You can love
Com s'estimen els arbres
As the trees love
Sense que ho vegi ningú
Without anyone seeing it
Sense esperar res de ningú
Without expecting anything from anyone
Aquella cosa que brilla per dins
That thing that shines inside
Que et va fent a tu
That makes you you
Que em va fent a mi
That makes me me
Som les llàgrimes dels moments purs
We are the tears of pure moments
Se'ns assequen i ens fan obrir els ulls
They dry up and make us open our eyes
Som les llàgrimes dels moments purs
We are the tears of pure moments
Se'ns assequen i ens fan obrir els ulls
They dry up and make us open our eyes
I un sentiment que va quedant suspès
And a feeling that remains suspended
Vol aguantar-se i neda entre el vent
It wants to hold on and swims among the wind
Va aprenent de les crostes que es fa
It learns from the scabs it makes
Dins d'aquest horitzó platejat
Within this silvery horizon
I ha plorat igual que jo
And he has cried like me
I, quan riu, riu de veritat
And when he laughs, he laughs for real
Quan deixa de pensar en el després
When he stops thinking about the future
I quan ja no carrega el passat
And when he no longer carries the past
Que aquí ningú neix preparat
That here nobody is born prepared
Ni per ser jove ni per fer-se gran
Neither to be young nor to grow up
Que anem venint i anem marxant
That we come and go
Si ho fem senzill, ens hi farem menys mal
If we make it simple, we will do less harm to ourselves
Sta guai, sta guai
This is good, this is good
Sta guai
This is good
Una tornada guai
A cool verse
Que aguanti l'envestida
That withstands the onslaught
Sta guai, sta guai
This is good, this is good
No ens cansarem mai (Sta guai)
We will never tire (This is good)
D'estimar esquivant ortigues
Of loving while dodging nettles
De cantar-te uns la, la, la
Of singing you some la, la, la
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala
Lalalalalá, lalalalá, lala

Writer(s): arnau altimir casanovas, guillem realp musach, joan borràs dalmau, josep montero pujolar, josep valldeneu barrero, miquel biarnés massip, miquel rojo rosa

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