Kogda ya vlervye uvidela tebya, tak stranno i neozhidanno v moej grudi vdrug vce perevernulos′ i v samom glubokom ugolke serdcha kak budto cto-to otkrypos' i vypustilo iz pena slyaschee cuvstvo i togda, ya yvidela, kak raschvetala moya dusha, ee chvetok, no esli ya smogla by ego sberec′...
When I first saw you, so strange and unexpectedly, everything inside me suddenly capsized, and in the deepest recesses of my heart, it was as if something had unlocked itself, releasing a profound, echoing emotion. And then, I saw my soul blossom, its flower, but oh, if only I could gather it...
Znaj, nado lyubov' zhdat'
Know, love must be awaited
Znaj, nado lyubov zvat′
Know, love must be summoned
Ugli kostra ostyli
The campfire's embers have cooled
Slezy dozhdya vse zalili
Tears of rain have washed everything away
Lit′yami oseni po vetru paskidari
Autumn's leaves are scattered by the wind
Ostabshuyusya bol'
The pain remains
Ya- kosroleva izo l′da
I am an ice queen
Polos uletayuschij vdal'
A petal drifting away
Ne skleit lepestocki
Unable to piece together the petals
Ovorvalis′ nitcki
The threads have snapped
Na kamennoj dushe vez tella uvyadaet
On my heart of stone, the body's heat fades away
Moj alen'kij chvetok
My crimson flower
U cily zla otvoyuyu
From the clutches of evil, I will rescue it
U muk obidy otvyuyu
From the pangs of despair, I will protect it
Chvetcek alen′kij, posmotri, umiraet
Crimson flower, look, it is dying
Tvoha pogasshaya lyubov'
Your fading love
Kak mogla ya dat ostyt' svoim cuvstvam? Kak mogla ha dat proniknut′ k nim vetry comnenij? Kak mogla ya ne zametit′, cto moj chvetok pogobaet? Kak mogla ya tak legko otpustit' tebya?
How could I let my feelings grow cold? How could I let the winds of doubt creep in? How could I fail to notice my flower perishing? How could I let you go so easily?
Znaj, revnost′ ehto bol'
Know, jealousy is pain
Znaj, nedoverie
- epo
Know, distrust is poison
Prastoj lyubvi ne vybaet
True love is no simple matter
Pomnit′ sladkji mig zabyvaem
We remember the sweet moments and forget
Samoe vazhnoe soxranit' ne umeem
We fail to cherish what is most precious
Svoj alen′kij chvetok
My crimson flower
U sily zla otvoyuyu
From the clutches of evil, I will rescue it
Esche ne pozdno otvoyuyu
It is not too late, I will protect it
Chvetochek alen'kij, posmotri, umipaet
Crimson flower, look, it is fading
Tvoya pogasshya lyubov'
Your fading love
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