Original Juan - I Don't Give a Fuck - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Original Juan - I Don't Give a Fuck

I Don't Give a Fuck
I Don't Give a Damn
Please, Please, Please, Please
Please, Please, Please, Please
Listen up, listen
Listen up, listen
A mi el sistema no me importa (imposters)
I don't give a damn about the system (imposters)
Muevo mi gramo de costa a costa, ja!
I move my gram from coast to coast, ha!
Me multan por fumar en tu ciudad
They fine me for smoking in your city
Y diles pero diles que les pagaré algo mas.
And tell them, just tell them I'll pay them something extra.
Un material de calidad es lo que tenemos
We have quality material
Mi hermano Mariano consiguió un hash muy bueno
My brother Mariano got some really good hash
Contacto con gente que estrata en fernos
Contact with people who strategize in ferns
Y el mejor cultivador de tu barrio lo conocemos
And we know the best grower in your neighborhood
Wepa, wepa
Wepa, wepa
Si quieres vienes y me cuentas quién
If you want, come and tell me who
Quién representa al rap, pero de mas de 30 Quién?
Who represents rap, but over 30? Who?
Quién representa al fumador de Nueva York
Who represents the New York smoker
Al jugador de basketball
The basketball player
O al tigre del ochenta
Or the tiger of the eighties
Soy ese negro al que imitan muchos MCs
I'm that black guy that many MCs imitate
Delante de mi son humo
In front of me they're smoke
Me los fumo como hashish
I smoke them like hashish
He subido hasta neptuno fumando mi dmt
I've gone up to Neptune smoking my DMT
No soy el #1 y aquel dice que el si
I'm not #1 and that guy says he is
La industria compra, el tipo acepta
The industry buys, the guy accepts
La música de calidad casi no se respeta
Quality music is hardly respected
Pero menos mal que queda
But luckily there are still
Gente que se desconecta
People who disconnect
Y colecciona vainas de calidad como esta
And collect quality stuff like this
No intentes poner esto en tus fiestas, nah
Don't try to put this on at your parties, nah
Llevo tiempo rechazando tus ofertas
I've been turning down your offers for a while
No me gusta cuando escucho un tipo imitando mi acepto
I don't like it when I hear a guy imitating my accent
Sin saber lo que mi raza representa
Without knowing what my race represents
En los barrios de malandros tu no entras
You don't go into the slums
Yo fumo en el escenario, tu te desconcentras
I smoke on stage, you get distracted
Llevas mucho tiempo diciendo que la revientas
You've been saying you're killing it for a long time
Yo llego y lo pego
I arrive and stick it
No me lo tengas en cuenta
Don't take it personally
Mucho respeto al que investiga y crea
Much respect to the one who investigates and creates
Al perdedor de la pelea
To the loser of the fight
Yo no lo dedico versos a quien sea
I don't dedicate verses to just anyone
Solo a la gente who keep it real
Only to the people who keep it real
Pasen y vean
Come and see
Hoy 'toy tramando tremendos planes para descansar
Today I'm plotting tremendous plans to rest
Y tu tratando de introducirte en la industria musical
And you're trying to break into the music industry
Para que molestarme en repetirte que suenas mal
Why bother repeating to you that you sound bad
Y que tu fucking pandilla me suena igual
And that your fucking crew sounds the same
And everybody say my shit is dope man
And everybody say my shit is dope man
Imma 'bout to let you know who pays the coast to be the boss
Imma 'bout to let you know who pays the coast to be the boss
A mi no me vendas esa mierda de show
Don't sell me that show shit
No me sorprendes, pues se a quien le robaste los flows
You don't surprise me, because I know who you stole the flows from
Soy un experto analizando rimas
I'm an expert at analyzing rhymes
Vendiendo en las esquinas
Selling on the corners
Dejando huella en tarimas
Leaving my mark on stages
A veces puedo utilizar una cabina
Sometimes I can use a booth
Para contactar con la cocina
To contact the kitchen
Hoy mi mision es
Today my mission is
Eliminate those fakes
Eliminate those fakes
So, listen
So, listen
Uno de los tipos is the breezen
One of the dudes is the breezen
Stop looking, avisen
Stop looking, avisen
Uno de los tipos es del mutherfuckin'
One of the dudes is from the mutherfuckin'
Fu fu fumando, fumando
Fu fu smoking, smoking
Fu fu fumando
Fu fu smoking

Writer(s): Juan Roberto Gomez Medina

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