Orion XL feat. Anabella - La Técnica - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Orion XL feat. Anabella - La Técnica

La Técnica
The Technique
Al natural transparente
Naturally transparent
Eternizando el presente
Eternalizing the present
Que es esa carita? Ida y distante
What's with that look? Distant and lost
Que te complica y de que sirve frustrarse?
What complicates you, and what good is frustration?
Hay que hacer tripa de corazón ante
You have to harden your heart against
Los que quieren desilusionarte!
Those who want to disappoint you!
Que es esa carita? Ida y distante
What's with that look? Distant and lost
Aturdida por un mal instante
Stunned by a bad moment
Se te olvida que hay mas por delante
You forget there's more ahead
Que pase lo que pase aca esta papa!
Whatever happens, Papa's here!
Soy el guardián que cuida ese brillo almibar
I'm the guardian who protects that syrupy shine
En tus ojos que reflejan princesas y hadas madrinas
In your eyes that reflect princesses and fairy godmothers
Y aunque
And although
Vivo a la defensiva denso por la ira
I live defensively, dense with anger
Se que por un sueño intenso el universo conspira ¡A ayudarte!
I know that for an intense dream, the universe conspires to help you!
Por eso el que no activa no juzgue tu acción
That's why those who don't take action shouldn't judge yours
Ni hable de amor el que no se desviva por su pasión
Nor should those who don't live for their passion talk about love
El tiempo es ahora!
The time is now!
Pasado y futuro abstracción
Past and future are abstractions
Y si hay que morir, que sea a lo Martín
And if we must die, let it be like Martín
Bien de cara al sol!
Facing the sun!
Por esta razón
For this reason
No hay mayor placer
There is no greater pleasure
Que superar cerrar y trascender
Than overcoming, closing, and transcending
(Esto es parar sin caer, vagar sin caer!)
(This is stopping without falling, wandering without falling!)
No hay que enloquecer
There's no need to go crazy
La vida es luz es dejarla correr
Life is light, let it flow
(Y quiero hacerte entender)
(And I want you to understand)
Que despertar, tomar el control
That waking up, taking control
Sacar la sonrisa y renovar el humor
Bringing out the smile and renewing humor
Cantar bajo el sol
Singing under the sun
Yo canto por vos!
I sing for you!
Dichoso aquel que a fuerza de desilusión
Blessed is he who, through disillusionment
Cercena mentiras y asi afila su don de intuición
Cuts through lies and thus sharpens his gift of intuition
Prejuicios son miedos escondidos entre burla y chiste
Prejudices are fears hidden between mockery and jokes
Lo que hayas sentido es consecuencia de lo que elegiste
What you have felt is a consequence of what you chose
Sentirse bien es tambien una disciplina
Feeling good is also a discipline
Es una técnica
It's a technique
Sin polémica ni expectativa, es saber
Without controversy or expectation, it's knowing
Que tu mayor deber es disfrutar tu vida
That your greatest duty is to enjoy your life
El que lastima al resto refleja en su gesto su autoestima
He who hurts others reflects his self-esteem in his gesture
Mas alla del estado y la impunidad
Beyond state and impunity
Somos responsables de la propia felicidad, ¡Todos!
We are all responsible for our own happiness, everyone!
Nadie es inmune ante el maltrato, aunque no quiera
No one is immune to mistreatment, even if they don't want it
El sufrimiento ingrato se clava en la suela de cualquiera
Unpleasant suffering sticks to the sole of anyone
No debas lo que vos podes alcanzar
Don't owe what you can achieve
Podrán entenderte pero nunca estar en tu lugar
They may understand you, but they'll never be in your shoes
¿Que hay que aparentar?
What's there to pretend?
Si acá todos te venden su modo
If everyone here sells you their way
Y comprando ilusiones los corazones
And by buying illusions, hearts
Se parten solos!
Break on their own!
Hay que aprender a valorar y valorarte
You have to learn to value and value yourself
Tu imagen te puede brindar mil amantes
Your image can bring you a thousand lovers
Pero amor no, amor es un capitulo aparte
But not love, love is a separate chapter
Es el estado mental del que sabe apreciar el instante!
It is the mental state of one who knows how to appreciate the moment!
No hay deseo mas ciego que jugar con fuego
There is no desire blinder than playing with fire
Ni hombre calcinado que no lo padezca luego
Nor a burned man who doesn't suffer from it later
Pero el tiempo trae calma, decisiones claras
But time brings calm, clear decisions
Y riendose hasta de uno mismo
And laughing even at oneself
El alma sigue sana hermana!
The soul remains healthy, sister!
No hay mayor placer
There is no greater pleasure
Que superar cerrar y trascender
Than overcoming, closing, and transcending
(Esto es parar sin caer, vagar sin caer!)
(This is stopping without falling, wandering without falling!)
No hay que enloquecer
There's no need to go crazy
La vida es luz es dejarla correr
Life is light, let it flow
(Y quiero hacerte entender)
(And I want you to understand)
No hay mayor placer
There is no greater pleasure
Que superar cerrar y trascender
Than overcoming, closing, and transcending
(Esto es parar sin caer, vagar sin caer!)
(This is stopping without falling, wandering without falling!)
No hay que enloquecer
There's no need to go crazy
La vida es luz es dejarla correr
Life is light, let it flow
(Y quiero hacerte entender)
(And I want you to understand)

Writer(s): Damian Adolfo Marcelino, German Manuel Vidal Hahn, Mauro Verdi, Santiago Raul Freiria

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