Orlando Contreras - Amigo de Qué - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Orlando Contreras - Amigo de Qué

Amigo de Qué
Your Friend of What
No sigas diciendo que un amigo tuyo
Stop saying that a friend of yours
Y tu propia esposa mancharon tu hogar
And your own wife defiled your home
Confiesa, cobarde, que esa era una deuda
Confess, coward, that this was a debt
Que tarde o temprano habría que cobrar
That sooner or later would have to be collected
Esa era mi novia, que tanto quería
She was my girlfriend, whom I loved so much
Una tarde, ingenuo, te la presenté
One afternoon, naive, I introduced her to you
Sentiste esa envidia al verla tan linda
You felt that envy when you saw her so beautiful
¿Cómo siendo pobre yo la conquisté?
How, being poor, did I conquer her?
Desde aquel instante a espalda cobarde
From that moment on, cowardly back
Como tenías plata, le ofreciste más
As you had money, you offered her more
Hasta convencerla, porque eras rico
Until convincing her, because you were rich
Y mi novia un día por ti me dejó
And my girlfriend one day left me for you
Al cabo de un tiempo, la hiciste tu esposa
After a while, you married her
Con mi propia novia fuiste mi rival
You were my rival with my own girlfriend
Y yo seguí pobre, sin plata ni novia
And I remained poor, without money or a girlfriend
Mientras de brazos, fuiste hasta el altar
While you, in your arms, even went to the altar
No olvides que un día, fue que me invitaste
Don't forget that one day, you invited me
A que yo la viera en tu propio hogar
To see her in your own home
Para así humillarme y entonces vi claro
To humiliate me and so I saw clearly
Planear la venganza que había que cobrar
Plan the revenge that had to be collected
Al ver a tu esposa, la que fue mi novia
Seeing your wife, the one who was my girlfriend
Yo leí en sus ojos que no era feliz
I read in her eyes that she was not happy
No bastaba el oro, la riqueza tuya
Your gold and riches were not enough
Y que me deseaba se lo comprendí
And that she desired me, I understood
Volví por la noche, cuando no estabas
I came back at night, when you were not there
Y efectivamente mi plan no falló
And indeed my plan did not fail
Tomé mi venganza, y me sorprendiste
I took my revenge, and you were surprised
Ya ves que de nada tu oro sirvió
You see that in the end your gold was useless
Ahora ya puedes, seguir pregonando
Now you can continue, keep proclaiming
Que yo fui el amigo que te traicionó
That I was the friend who betrayed you
Búscala si quieres, que ya está cobrada
Look for her if you want, that she is already collected
La deuda entre amigos, saldada quedó
The debt between friends, settled
no eres mi amigo
You are not my friend
¿Amigo de qué?
Friend of what?

Writer(s): Arteberto Valdes

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