Os Paralamas Do Sucesso - Navegar Impreciso (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Os Paralamas Do Sucesso - Navegar Impreciso (Live)

Navegar Impreciso (Live)
Imprecise Navigation (Live)
A pátria-avó se volta sem memória
The grandmotherland turns around without any memory
De todos esses anos de amor
Of all these years of love
Um amor sem beijo, sem resposta
A love without a kiss, without a response
Responde agora a uma nova sedução
Now responds to another seduction
Teus Joaquins, teus açougueiros, filhos de uma mãe-avó
Your Joacquims, your butchers, sons of a grandmother mother
Os bons e os maus tratos que eu te dei
The good and bad treatment I gave you
Sucumbem com tamancos, camisetas sob a lei
Succumbs with clogs, t-shirts under the law
Que ouviste a nova-velha Europa a te ditar
You listened to the new-old Europe that dictated to you
E voltas tuas costas para mim
And you turn your back on me
Voltas tuas costas para o mar
You turn your back to the sea
Prás tuas conquistas, pro teu navegar
For your conquests, your sailing
Prá tua cruz de malta sobre o azul
For your Maltese cross on the blue
Um dia foste forte e generosa
One day you were strong and generous
Mas hoje tua memória não tem sul
But today your memory has no south
Não é porque não se usa navegar
Not because you no longer navigate
E nem é por tua idade, eterna sois
Nor because of your age, you are eternal
Mas nunca mais a nossa velha intimidade
But never again our old intimacy
O sabor inigualável dos teus pães
The unique flavor of your bread
Grandmother, you turn your back with no memory of all these years of love
Grandmother, you turn your back with no memory of all these years of love
A love without kiss or commitment responds to a new seduction
A love without kiss or commitment responds to a new seduction
Grandmother, I am your Joaquim, your butcher
Grandmother, I am your Joaquim, your butcher
The good and bad times I gave you
The good and bad times I gave you
Succumb with your clogs and vest to the law the Europe dictates
Succumb with your clogs and vest to the law the Europe dictates
And you turn your back on me
And you turn your back on me
You turn your back to the sea, to your conquests, your navigation
You turn your back to the sea, to your conquests, your navigation
Your maltese cross on the blue
Your maltese cross on the blue
Once you were strong and generous, now your memory has no south
Once you were strong and generous, now your memory has no south
Not because you no longer sail, nor for your age, you are eternal
Not because you no longer sail, nor for your age, you are eternal
But never again our old intimacy
But never again our old intimacy
That unique taste os four bread
That unique taste os four bread

Writer(s): Herbert Lemos De Souza Vianna

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