Oscar Chavez - Bola Suriana De Prisco Sánchez - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Oscar Chavez - Bola Suriana De Prisco Sánchez

Bola Suriana De Prisco Sánchez
Bola Suriana Of Prisco Sánchez
Por ahí va la bola, señores, ahí va
There goes the ballad, gentlemen, there it goes
Escúchenme los presentes
Listen to me, everyone present
Les voy a contar de una novedad que pasó a un hombre valiente
I'm going to tell you about a novelty that happened to a brave man
Ese fue Don Prisco Sánchez, hombre que anduvo de malas
It was Don Prisco Sánchez, a man who had bad luck
Les diré más adelante dónde terminó su raya
I'll tell you later where his streak ended
El 15 de octubre lo supe por voces
On October 15th, I heard it through voices
Me dicen que fue lo cierto
They tell me it was the truth
Salió de Coyuca, El corón de lotes queriendo lograr su intento
He left Coyuca, El corón de lotes wanting to achieve his goal
Para Juchuapa partió a ver a ese hombre valiente
He left for Juchuapa to see that brave man
Que tanto se lo encargó Don Porfirio, el presidente
Whom Don Porfirio, the president, entrusted him so much
Para Santa Cruz, se fueron derecho pa' casa donde él posaba
To Santa Cruz, they went straight to the house where he was staying
Fue en esos momentos que se dirigieron, nomás no encontraron nada
It was at that moment that they went, but they found nothing
Viendo que no hallaron nada, dispusieron otra cosa
Seeing that they found nothing, they arranged something else
A Don Luis aseguraron y atrás le dice Espinoza
They arrested Don Luis and Espinoza told him behind his back
Les dijo Anacleto, los llevo de guía para el rancho de Apacentla
Anacleto told them, I'll guide you to the Apacentla ranch
Los mato a los dos, este les decía si ese hombre allí no se encuentra
I'll kill both of you, he told them if that man is not there
Se los llevó paso a paso, en silencio de la noche
He took them step by step, in the silence of the night
Y antes de llegar al rancho, los formó Anacleto López
And before reaching the ranch, Anacleto López lined them up
Y estando formados, ya como a las 11
And being formed, already like at 11
Ni se lo pensaba Prisco, entonces dispuso el coronel López que le iba a formar el sitio
Prisco didn't even think about it, then Colonel López decided that he was going to besiege him
Subiendo la caballada, arriba de una ladera
Climbing the horses, up a hillside
Distribuyó a sus infantes de dos en cada vereda
He distributed his infantry two on each path
Fueron a poner a otros soldados arriba de una encinera
They went to put other soldiers on top of an oak tree
Para que el mentao' de Don Prisco Sánchez por ningún lado se fuera
So that the aforementioned Don Prisco Sánchez wouldn't go anywhere
Alboreando la mañana, salió Prisco pa'l corral
At dawn, Prisco went out to the corral
Pero este nunca pensaba lo que allí le iba a pasar
But he never thought what was going to happen to him there
Él tenía una niña en su compañía, que fue la que le avisó
He had a girl in his company, who was the one who warned him
"Oye, Prisco, ahí viene la caballería, sin duda es la comisión"
"Hey, Prisco, there comes the cavalry, no doubt it's the commission"
Devisó para la loma donde estaban sus caballos
He looked towards the hill where his horses were
"Delfina, trae mi pistola que allí miro a los soldados"
"Delfina, bring my pistol, I see the soldiers there"
Y luego se fue para un tecorral, siempre con la desconfianza
And then he went to a pen, always with suspicion
Con mucha viveza queriendo escapar, brincó para una barranca
With great cunning wanting to escape, he jumped over a ravine
Por la barranca partió, con su sarape embozado
He set off through the ravine, with his sarape wrapped around him
Cuando con mucho valor luego el alto le marcaron
When with great courage they then marked him to stop
Luego que se vio en la hora fatal, su nombre quiso negar
Then when he saw himself in the fatal hour, he wanted to deny his name
Entonces les dijo "Yo soy Jesús Sosa" y comenzó a contestar
Then he told them "I am Jesús Sosa" and began to answer
No acabó de contestar cuando estos le conocieron
He had not finished answering when they recognized him
Le echaron una descarga hiriéndole el brazo izquierdo
They fired a volley, wounding his left arm
Sintiendo el balazo y tirando el sarape, su nombre les declaró
Feeling the bullet and throwing away the sarape, he declared his name to them
Entonces les dijo: "yo soy Prisco Sánchez, malaya quien los nació"
Then he said to them: "I am Prisco Sánchez, cursed be the one who gave birth to you"
Vio que detrás de un encino, los soldados se ocultaban
He saw that behind an oak tree, the soldiers were hiding
Les disparó tantos tiros que las astillas volaban
He fired so many shots at them that the splinters flew
Aquellos soldados que le hicieron fuego no lo dejaron salvar
Those soldiers who fired at him did not let him escape
Dentro de aquel monte lo iban correteando porque no se quería dar
Inside that forest they were chasing him because he did not want to surrender
"Ahí va Prisco" se gritaban cuando lo iban correteando
"There goes Prisco" they shouted as they were chasing him
Este no se acobardaba porque les iba peleando
He was not afraid because he was fighting them
Por su mala suerte acabósele el parque e hiriéronle el otro brazo
Unfortunately, he ran out of ammunition and they wounded his other arm
Entonces cayó el señor Prisco Sánchez con 19 balazos
Then Mr. Prisco Sánchez fell with 19 bullets
Junto a una piedra cayó en esos mismos instantes
He fell next to a stone at that very moment
Y Anacleto preguntó que si él era Prisco Sánchez
And Anacleto asked if he was Prisco Sánchez
"Lo soy todavía, yo soy Prisco Sánchez, nunca lo puedo negar"
"I still am, I am Prisco Sánchez, I can never deny it"
Y con un pañuelo su rostro cubría para acabar de expirar
And with a handkerchief he covered his face to finish expiring
"Vean si no está malherido, no le quiten la existencia
"See if he's not badly wounded, don't take his life
Que me lo encargaron vivo, llevarlo a la presidencia"
They entrusted me with him alive, to take him to the presidency"
Ahí mismo dispuso el señor coronel llevarlo para Teocalco
Right there the colonel decided to take him to Teocalco
Donde hasta la fecha su cuerpo descansa en un triste campo santo
Where to this day his body rests in a sad holy field
Entró Anacleto al juzgado, le dijo al ayuntamiento
Anacleto entered the court, he said to the city council
"A Prisco lo he asesinado, fue de valor un portento"
"I have assassinated Prisco, he was a portent of courage"
Tenía mucho encargo de la presidencia de que lo llevara vivo
He had a lot of orders from the presidency to bring him alive
Por su valentía perdió la existencia, por eso es que ha fallecido
Because of his bravery he lost his existence, that's why he passed away
Allí quedó sepultado el que hizo varias hazañas
There lay buried the one who did several feats
Que andando de pronunciado se miró en varias campañas
That walking pronounced was seen in several campaigns
"Yo ya me despido de esta nueva bola" le suplicó en la ocasión
"I already say goodbye to this new ballad" he begged on the occasion
Parientes, amigos y buenas personas, que recen por su intención
Relatives, friends and good people, pray for his intention
Esta bola se compuso al estilo de Cuernavaca
This ballad was composed in the Cuernavaca style
Por un muchacho de gusto que es Joselito Mariaga
By a young man of taste who is Joselito Mariaga

Writer(s): Joselito Mariaca

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