Oscar Chavez - Los Visitadores - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Oscar Chavez - Los Visitadores

Los Visitadores
The Visitors
Se vende mi país por todos lados
My country is being sold everywhere,
La tripa el corazón y los costados
Her guts, her heart, and her sides laid bare.
Se vende mi país a cuatro vientos
My country is being sold to the four winds,
Su sangre, su sabor, sus alimentos
Her blood, her flavor, her sustenance thinned.
Se vende mi país cada momento
My country is being sold every moment,
Su hambre, su dolor, su sentimiento
Her hunger, her pain, her every sentiment.
Se vende mi país con todo y gente
My country is being sold, people and all,
Se vende la palabra "independiente"
Even the word "independent" is up for call.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Se vende mi país y da coraje
My country is being sold, and it fills me with rage,
Se vende mi país es un ultraje
My country is being sold, it's an outrage.
Se vende mi país y sus petróleos
My country is being sold, her oil and her gas,
Y los santos obispos con sus óleos
And the holy bishops with their oils and their mass.
Se vende mi país por todas partes
My country is being sold in every part,
Se vende Antropología y Bellas Artes
They're selling Anthropology and Fine Art.
Se venden su historia y su destino
They're selling her history and her destiny,
Se vende desde el principio su camino
They're selling her path from the very start, you see.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
La patria se volvió nones y pares
The homeland has become odds and evens,
Se vende hasta el fondo de los mares
They're even selling the depths of the oceans.
Se venden sus montañas y sus ríos
They're selling her mountains and her rivers,
Se venden sus calores y sus fríos
They're selling her warmth and her winter shivers.
Se venden sus oasis y sus flores
They're selling her oases and her flowers,
Se vende el amor de mis amores
They're selling the love of my dearest hours.
Se venden las arenas del desierto
They're selling the sands of the desert,
Se vende todo lo vivo con lo muerto
They're selling the living and the dead, I assert.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Se venden todos los odios y cariños
They're selling all the hatred and affection,
Se venden los ancianos y los niños
They're selling the elderly and the young, what a deception!
Se venden sus males y placeres
They're selling her ills and her pleasures,
Se venden los hombres y mujeres
They're selling the men and the women, like treasures.
Se venden su cercanía y su distancia
They're selling her proximity and her distance,
Se vende el horizonte de la infancia
They're selling the horizon of childhood innocence.
Se venden los sueños de su cielo
They're selling the dreams of her sky,
Y el último suspiro del abuelo
And the last breath of our grandfather, as he did lie.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Se vende mi país: está en oferta
My country is being sold, she's on offer,
Se vende su razón alta y despierta
They're selling her reason, high and sober.
Se vende su lugar en este mundo
They're selling her place in this world,
Se vende lo más querido y más profundo
They're selling the dearest and most profound unfurled.
Se vende lo que espera la esperanza
They're selling what hope is waiting for,
Y el ansia del amor que nunca alcanza
And the yearning for love that never reaches the shore.
Se vende mi país, se vende en frió
They're selling my country, they're selling her cold,
Lo único que tenia que era mío
The only thing I had that was mine to hold.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Se vende el buen ejemplo de aquel padre
They're selling the good example of that father,
Se vende a la mamá que poca madre
They're selling the mother, who's hardly a bother.
Se vende mi país como un relingo
They're selling my country like a cheap trinket,
Se vende al extranjero y a lo gringo
They're selling her to foreigners, a bitter biscuit.
Se venden su memoria y sus recuerdos
They're selling her memory and her souvenirs,
Lo avientan a las hienas y a los cerdos
They're throwing her to hyenas and pigs, it appears.
Se vende mi país puro y entero
They're selling my country, pure and whole,
Por un pinche puñado de dinero
For a damn handful of money, that's their goal.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.
Yo no lo vendo, no, porque lo quiero
I won't sell her, no, because I love her,
Yo no lo vendo, no, mejor me muero
I won't sell her, no, I'd rather suffer.

Writer(s): Oscar Chavez Fernandez

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