Otis, Elpe & DJ Wich - My (feat. Elpe & DJ Wich) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Otis, Elpe & DJ Wich - My (feat. Elpe & DJ Wich)

My (feat. Elpe & DJ Wich)
My (feat. Elpe & DJ Wich)
Keď neviem, ako ďalej, si tam ty.
When I don't know how to go on, you're there.
Keď ťa potrebujem pri sebe, tak viem, že vždy tam si.
When I need you by my side, I know you'll always be.
Keď pri mne nebol nikto, vtedy bola si tam ty.
When no one was with me, you were there.
Keď sa pozriem dopredu, tak tam stojíme iba my.
When I look ahead, we're the only ones standing there.
A ten svet patrí len nám, len nám, len nám.
And this world belongs only to us, only to us, only to us.
Hudba hrá tu len nám, len nám, len nám.
The music plays here only for us, only for us, only for us.
Mesiac svieti len nám, len nám, len nám.
The moon shines only for us, only for us, only for us.
Život patrí len nám, len nám, len nám.
Life belongs only to us, only to us, only to us.
Tak poď ho zažiť so mnou.
So come experience it with me.
Osudová žena, moja šťastná hviezda, milujem ťa stále, nikdy som neprestal.
Fateful woman, my lucky star, I still love you, I never stopped.
Takisto, ako na začiatku, tak aj dneska, osem rokov spolu, vôbec sa to nezdá.
Just like in the beginning, so it is today, eight years together, it doesn't seem like it at all.
Toľko noci, toľko dní, trávime ich spolu, nikto iný, iba my.
So many nights, so many days, we spend them together, no one else, just us.
Nechýba mi nič, stačí, že si pri mne Ty, zlé aj dobré časy, viem, že stojíš pri mne vždy.
I don't miss anything, it's enough that you're with me, bad and good times, I know you always stand by me.
To je niečo, čo si maximálne cením, žiadne klamstvá, ani faloš, navzájom si môžme veriť.
That's something I appreciate the most, no lies, no falsehood, we can trust each other.
Vďaka za to, že máš také pevné nervy, znášaš moje nálady, viem, niekedy to ľahké neni.
Thank you for having such strong nerves, you endure my moods, I know sometimes it's not easy.
Keď sa prebúdza to dieťa vo mne, chce sa iba blázniť a dýchať voľne.
When that child in me wakes up, it just wants to go crazy and breathe freely.
Pýtaš sa ma, že kedy hodlám dospieť, no ja som taký, nenechám ho nikdy zomrieť.
You ask me when I'm going to grow up, but that's how I am, I'll never let it die.
Keď neviem, ako ďalej, si tam ty.
When I don't know how to go on, you're there.
Keď ťa potrebujem pri sebe, tak viem, že vždy tam si.
When I need you by my side, I know you'll always be.
Keď pri mne nebol nikto, vtedy bola si tam ty.
When no one was with me, you were there.
Keď sa pozriem dopredu, tak tam stojíme iba my.
When I look ahead, we're the only ones standing there.
A ten svet patrí len nám, len nám, len nám.
And this world belongs only to us, only to us, only to us.
Hudba hrá tu len nám, len nám, len nám.
The music plays here only for us, only for us, only for us.
Mesiac svieti len nám, len nám, len nám.
The moon shines only for us, only for us, only for us.
Život patrí len nám, len nám, len nám.
Life belongs only to us, only to us, only to us.
Tak poď ho zažiť so mnou.
So come experience it with me.
sme si aj prešli búrkami, no všetko sme to vyriešili, všetko sme to ustáli.
We've been through storms, but we've solved it all, we've endured it all.
Aj keď vyskytlo sa zopár úskalí, tak nikdy sme to nevzdali, cez všetko sme sa dostali.
Even though there were a few pitfalls, we never gave up, we got through everything.
Máme jeden druhého, to stačí nám, a sa neviem dočkať toho, čo za chvíľu začína.
We have each other, that's enough for us, and I can't wait for what's about to begin.
Za chvíľu zväčší sa naša rodina, na to sa teším, viem že z teba bude super mamina.
Soon our family will grow, I'm looking forward to it, I know you'll be a great mom.
Nikto iný, iba Ty a naša malá, sľubujem Ti, že sa o vás budem dobre starať.
No one else, just you and our little one, I promise you, I'll take good care of you.
Rodina na prvom mieste, to je svätá pravda, daj mi ešte chvíľu čas a bude aj svadba.
Family first, that's the holy truth, give me a little more time and there will be a wedding too.
Daj mi čas a ja Ti splním tvoje sny, robím všetko pre to, aby sme tu mohli dobre žiť.
Give me time and I will fulfill your dreams, I do everything so that we can live well here.
Vravia je to ťažké, my to dáme, ako nič, stále žijeme ten život, nikto iný, iba my!
They say it's hard, we'll do it like nothing, we still live that life, no one else, just us!
Keď neviem, ako ďalej, si tam ty.
When I don't know how to go on, you're there.
Keď ťa potrebujem pri sebe, tak viem, že vždy tam si.
When I need you by my side, I know you'll always be.
Keď pri mne nebol nikto, vtedy bola si tam ty.
When no one was with me, you were there.
Keď sa pozriem dopredu, tak tam stojíme iba my.
When I look ahead, we're the only ones standing there.
A ten svet patrí len nám, len nám, len nám.
And this world belongs only to us, only to us, only to us.
Hudba hrá tu len nám, len nám, len nám.
The music plays here only for us, only for us, only for us.
Mesiac svieti len nám, len nám, len nám.
The moon shines only for us, only for us, only for us.
Život patrí len nám, len nám, len nám.
Life belongs only to us, only to us, only to us.
Tak poď ho zažiť so mnou.
So come experience it with me.
Nikto iný iba my.
No one else but us.
Nikto iný iba my.
No one else but us.
Nikto iný iba my.
No one else but us.
Nikto iný iba my
No one else but us

Otis, Elpe & DJ Wich - My (feat. Elpe & DJ Wich)
My (feat. Elpe & DJ Wich)
date de sortie

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