Otto - Cuba - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Otto - Cuba

Esta va dedicada a los que saben querer
This one is dedicated to those who know how to love
A los que son la esperanza del mundo
To those who are the hope of the world
En especial a los niños cubanos, es la aldea
Especially to the Cuban children, it's the village
Yo, yo... otra mañana, el sol entra por tu ventana
Me, I... another morning, the sun enters through your window
Un despertar identico al de ayer
An awakening identical to yesterday
El deber te llama, saltas de la cama y sabes lo que sigue
Duty calls, you jump out of bed and you know what's next
Un pan vacio, algun liquido frio pues a tu edad ya leche no recibes
An empty bread, some cold liquid, because at your age you no longer receive milk
Te despides y marchas a la escuela contrariado
You say goodbye and go to school, frustrated
Con la mochila del curso pasado, y el antespasado incluso el anterior
With the backpack from last year, and the year before that, even the one before
Pues comprenderas papa es obrero, vives en un pais bloqueado etc. Etc. etc.
Because you understand, dad is a worker, you live in a blockaded country etc. Etc. etc.
Tantos que te rodean y no tienes ni la menor idea de porque la situación
So many who surround you and you don't have the slightest idea why the situation
No es asi con todos tus amigos
It's not like that with all your friends
Ya te ha dado por pensar que alguien la tiene cojida contigo
You've already begun to think that someone has it in for you
Estas fundido lo se,
You're exhausted, I know,
Tienes 10 mas tu tamaño dice que son 8 y tu rostro 12
You're 10 but your size says you're 8 and your face 12
Y es que no conoces el significado conceptual
And it's because you don't know the conceptual meaning
Mas tu imagen vasta para explicar que cosa es periodo especial
But your image is enough to explain what a special period is
Al fin as de llegar la vista agobia
You finally arrive, the sight is overwhelming
Uniformes iguales pero la diferencia de clases es obvia
Uniforms are the same but the class difference is obvious
Otro dia en que revisaran tu bolsa
Another day they'll check your bag
Pues se perdio un lapiz de una de las chicas super poderosas
Because a Powerpuff Girls pencil was lost
No hablan de otra cosa que de Pokemon
They talk about nothing but Pokemon
Tus compañeros juegan con juguetes tu, con tu imaginación
Your classmates play with toys, you, with your imagination
La presion hace que tu profe la pasiencia pierda
The pressure makes your teacher lose patience
Pues cada vez le exigen mas y el sueldo es una mierda
Because they demand more and more from her and the salary is crap
La verdad, no jugaras hoy rezaras no hay educación fisica
The truth is, you won't play today, you'll pray there's no physical education
Tus tenis no aguantan un turno mas, tu el horario del receso esperas
Your sneakers can't take another shift, you wait for recess
Para comerte lo que el niño ricachon mimado de al lado no quiera
To eat what the spoiled rich kid next door doesn't want
Anhelas todo lo suyo, la necesidad contigo fue puntual y ocupo el puesto del orgullo
You long for everything he has, necessity was punctual with you and took the place of pride
Destruyo y dejo tu inocencia vacia
It destroyed and left your innocence empty
Solo quedadn ancias, sueños rotos y a otro pides prestada la infancia
Only desires remain, broken dreams, and you borrow childhood from another
Larga distancia hacia la felicidad, camino abrupto
Long distance towards happiness, a rough path
Niño con problemas de adultos
Child with adult problems
Y una pregunta que no sabes responder
And a question you don't know how to answer
Niñito cubano que piensas hacer
Little Cuban boy, what are you going to do
Por mas que intentas ya no puedes ser feliz
No matter how hard you try, you can no longer be happy
La solucion a tu dolor no encuentras y
You can't find the solution to your pain and
Te sientes siempre como solo en casa
You always feel like you're home alone
Contigo muere la esperanza de un pais
With you, the hope of a country dies
Todos contigo son asi no es justo
Everyone with you is like that, it's not fair
Tu niñez carga con problemas de adultos
Your childhood carries the weight of adult problems
Hoy me pregunto y nadie puede responder
Today I ask myself and no one can answer
Niñito cubano que piensas hacer
Little Cuban boy, what are you going to do
Otra vez el timbre a las 4: 20 te anuncia
The bell rings again at 4:20, announcing
Vuelves a recibir la tarde con la camisa sucia
You receive the afternoon again with a dirty shirt
La profe no pronuncia tu nombre y comporendes
The teacher doesn't say your name and you understand
Que al igual que ayer ni mama ni papa ira a recogerte
That just like yesterday, neither mom nor dad will come to pick you up
Que mala suerte, miras el busto de marti preguntas
What bad luck, you look at the bust of Marti and ask
Si me das de oro por que todos son conmigo asi?
If you give me gold, why is everyone like this with me?
Sales de allí cabis bajo, bajo el desconsuelo
You leave there, head down, under the sadness
De Que no tienes llave y debes ir rumbo a casa de abuelo
That you don't have a key and you must go to grandpa's house
Abuelo que es mayor y solo abre la boca para decir
Grandpa who is old and only opens his mouth to say
Que eres otra carga que lo amarga y no le toca
That you are another burden that embitters him and it's not his turn
Todo le choca, si, que ni mueves los ojos
Everything bothers him, yes, that you don't even move your eyes
Ojos que desean llorar y de esos tenerse estan rojos
Eyes that want to cry and are red from holding back
Llega papa presencias otra discusión
Dad arrives, you witness another argument
Que terminas finalmente sin saber de quien es la razón
That you finally end without knowing who is right
El disimula finge que no hubo una pelea
He hides, pretends there wasn't a fight
Y tu para ayudar muestras una sonrisa que dar no deseas
And to help, you show a smile you don't want to give
No debo hacer las tareas contento dices
I don't have to do homework, you say happily
Por mientras te esperaba pipo en la escuela las hice
While I was waiting for you, Pipo did them at school
Al fin llegas a casa no esta mama y sospechas
You finally get home, mom is not there and you suspect
Que hay que calentar el agua y que la comida no esta echa
That you have to heat the water and that the food is not made
Tu lombriz solitaria hace ruido ha comido poco
Your tapeworm makes noise, it has eaten little
Y para colmo no hay muñequitos el tv esta roto
And to top it off, there are no cartoons, the TV is broken
Mama hace su entrada tariada mas no te besa
Mom makes her entrance, tired but she doesn't kiss you
Va directo a la cocina y suelta los bultos pues pesan
She goes straight to the kitchen and drops the bags because they are heavy
A dialogar en voz baja comienzan
They start talking in a low voice
Aquellos que te enseñaron a callar cuando los mayores conversan
Those who taught you to be quiet when the elders talk
Entiendes que son 4, ellos, tu y tu tristeza
You understand that there are 4 of you, them, you and your sadness
Que como un fantasma a tu lado se sienta en la mesa
That like a ghost sits next to you at the table
Crees que no interesas piensas que el amor
You think you don't matter, you think that love
Depende de un carton de huevos en el refrigerador
Depends on a carton of eggs in the refrigerator
El mal sabor de la desilusion te pisa
The bitter taste of disappointment treads on you
Mientras tu infancia, por la canal de un cobro se desliza
While your childhood slips away through a sewer
Llega otro dia que te acuestas sin un cuento
Another day comes that you go to bed without a story
Que comprendes que ser padre no es facil en estos tiempo
That you understand that being a parent is not easy in these times
Que el amor no tiene edad, y la necesidad tampoco y que eres otro
That love has no age, and neither does need, and that you are another
Niño cubano con los sueños rotos
Cuban child with broken dreams
Por mas que intentas ya no puedes ser feliz
No matter how hard you try, you can no longer be happy
La solución a tu dolor no encuentras y
You can't find the solution to your pain and
Te sientes siempre como solo en casa
You always feel like you're home alone
Contigo muere la esperanza de un país
With you, the hope of a country dies
Todos contigo son así no es justo
Everyone with you is like that, it's not fair
Tu niñez carga con problemas de adultos
Your childhood carries the weight of adult problems
Hoy me pregunto y nadie puede responder
Today I ask myself and no one can answer
Niñito cubano que piensas hacer
Little Cuban boy, what are you going to do
Si, aldeano y el B
Yes, aldeano and el B
Real 70, 2009
Real 70, 2009
Lo demás que te lo diga el lápiz con la música
Let the pencil tell you the rest with the music
Feel it

Writer(s): Chorao, Otto

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