Ouled El Bahdja - Jamais Nkhounou - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ouled El Bahdja - Jamais Nkhounou

Jamais Nkhounou
Jamais Nkhounou
حنايا toujours هكذا معاها فوقت الشدة jamais نخونو
My darling, we'll always be together. In times of trouble, I'll never betray you.
القلب رتاح الوحدة تزيان وتحلى القعدة مع ميلانو
My heart is at ease, solitude adorns and adorns the sitting with AC Milan.
يا وش نحكي ومنين نبدا والvirage رعدة في San Siro
What can I say and where can I start? The atmosphere is electric at San Siro.
عشقناها اليوم وغدا كي نحط راسي فلمخدة نقول te quero forza rossonero
I love her today and tomorrow. When I lay my head on the pillow, I say te quiero forza rossonero.
Amour تاريخ كبير وجازت periodate
Love has a great history and has gone through periods.
ولي لللور تلقا فيه لعايش ولي مات
There are those who live and those who die for the Rossoneri.
ماشي مليوم بواب المذينة علينا تفتحت
A million doors have opened for us in the city.
Ya por favor histoire قديمة وعاودت حيات
Ya por favor, it's an old story that has come back to life.
صاحا فمكانش نية مافهمناش les média حابوا يطيرو
I woke up and there was no intention. I didn't understand. The media wanted to make a fuss.
بstylo يفيزي فيا لusma ولات قضية منها يغيرو
He writes nonsense about me in the newspaper. They're making a big deal out of nothing.
راعي رسمي لنميمة ماعندك قيمة نتيا نشاف
He's the official gossip, you're worthless, we'll see you.
إتحاد العاصمة شان ولقيمة هاربة بزاف
The Union of the Capital is a shame and its value has disappeared.
شفنا وعفنا الإتحاد في بلادنا راو محقور
We saw and we were disgusted. The union is despised in our country.
ياخي قلنا شيتا خاطينا حنا طير الحر
My dear, we said goodbye, we are free birds.
كيما كنا ما زالنا هنا نقعدو toujours
As we were, we are still here, we are always here.
وبلمعنى قدمنا نتوما عورة لطيرو
And in the end, we made you look like a fool.
مايحبوش غنانا قاسح وصح في بلادنا يجرح حنا نفهمو
They don't like our songs, they are harsh and true. In our country, they hurt, we understand.
عندنا virage بلقول يفضح pouvoir حاجة ما تصلح حاب يغمو
We have a virage that exposes the power. Something is wrong, they want to hide it.
وليد الباهجة كابر حربي زوالي فحي شعبي قاري لmouvements
The son of El Bahdja is a warrior, a rebel in the popular district, reading the movements.
يا قاع ولاو a.c.a.b وأنيا هكذا مربي pas de sentiments
Ya Qae, you're now a.c.a.b. And that's how I was raised, no feelings.
نختمو القول نعرفو مليح دخلات والخرجات
In conclusion, we know very well the ins and outs.
ذهب مايحول يا jamais نسمحو فلعادات
The gold will not change. We will never allow our customs to be broken.
والغناء ولهول ثقافة عدنا ساكنا فذات
Singing and shouting is our culture, it lives in our hearts.
Old school ولي للبوزا إذا والات
Old school, if you let it, it will come back.

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