Oum Kalthoum - Sout Al Watan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Oum Kalthoum - Sout Al Watan

Sout Al Watan
Sout Al Watan
مصر التى فى خاطرى وفى فمي
My Egypt, in my heart and on my tongue
احبها من كل روحى ودمى
From my heart and soul, I cherish you
ياليت كل مؤمن بعزها يحبها حبى لها
May one and all who believe in her glory embrace her as I do
بنى الحمى والوطن من منكم يحبها مثلى انا
Sons of my country and homeland, who among you loves her as I do?
نحبها من روحنا ونفتديها بالعزيز الاكرم
With all our souls we cherish her, and redeem her with our most precious and noble
من عمرنا وروحنا
Of our lives and souls
عيشوا كراما تحت ظل العلم
Live in dignity beneath the shade of our flag
تحيا لنا عزيزة فى الامم
Long live our cherished nation, among all nations
احبه لظلها الظليل بين المروج الخضر والنخيل
I love her lush greenery, amid verdant fields and waving palms
نباتها مااينعه مفضضا مذهبا
Her blooming flowers, their fragrance fills the air
ونيلها ماابدعه يختال مابين الربا
Her river Nile, so beautiful, meandering through the valleys
بنى الحما والوطن من منكما يحبها حبي لها
Sons of my country and homeland, who among you loves her as I do?
نحبها من روحنا ونفتديها بالعزيز الاكرم
With all our souls we cherish her, and redeem her with our most precious and noble
من قوتنا ورزقنا
Of our strength and provisions
لاتبخلوا بمائها على ظمئ
Do not be stingy with her waters to the thirsty
واطعموا من خير ها كل فم
And feed all who are hungry from her bounty
احبها للموقف الجليل
I love her for the noble stance
من شعبها وجيشها النبيل
Of her people and valiant army
دعا الى حق الحياه لكل من فى ارضها
Who called for the right to life for all who dwell within her borders
وثار في وجه الطغاه مناديا بحقها
And rose up against tyrants, demanding her rights
وقال فى تاريخه المجيد
And proclaimed in her glorious history
يادولة الظلم انمحى وبيدى
O state of injustice, vanish from my hands
بنى الحمى والوطن من منكما يحبها مثلى انا
Sons of my country and homeland, who among you loves her as I do?
نحبه من روحنا ونفتديها بالعزيز الاكرم
With all our souls we cherish her, and redeem her with our most precious and noble
من صبرنا وعزمنا
Of our patience and resolve
صونوا حماها وانصروا من يحتمى
Protect her borders and defend those who seek refuge
ودافعوا عنها تعش وتسلم
And fight for her, so that she may live and prosper
يامصر يامهد الرخاء يامنزل الروح الامين
O Egypt, cradle of prosperity, abode of the spirit of faith
انا على عهد الوفاء فى نصرة الحق المبين
I swear allegiance to uphold the truth that makes her radiant

Oum Kalthoum - The Complete Works
The Complete Works
date de sortie

1 Lessa faker
2 Ya Zalemni
3 enta omry
4 Ya Messaharny
5 El Hob Kida
6 El Hob Kollo
7 Enta El Hob
8 Hob Eih
9 Mesh Momken Abadan
10 Fakkarouni
11 Leilet Hobb
12 Hayart Alby Maak
13 Wei Marret El Ayam
14 Kaseidet Masr
15 Misr Tatahadass Ann Nafsouha
16 Ya Leilet El Eid
17 Ya Ein Ya Ein Ya Einny
18 Sallam Allah
19 Seeret El Hob
20 Betfakar Fy Meen
21 Sout Al Watan
22 Hazihi Laylati
23 Gamal El Donia
24 Ya Salam Alla Eidna
25 Ya Leil Negoumak Shehoud
26 Ya Fouadi Ghanni
27 Thouar Thouar
28 Tebeiiny Leih
29 Rahalt Annak
30 Rageiin Bei Kowet El Selah
31 Manneit Shababi
32 Ly Lahfa Fy Lazzaty
33 Hak Biladak
34 Batal El Salam
35 Arak Aasy El Damei
36 Alla Einy El Hajr
37 Afdiho In Hafaz
38 Zekrayat
39 Yalli Wedady Safak
40 Al Wehda
41 Bei Esm Meen
42 Faker Lamma Kont Ganby
43 Helm
44 Bei Abi Wei Rouhy
45 Hadith El Rouh
46 Ala Bab Masr
47 Sahran Lewahdy
48 Ya Hobenna El Kebir
49 Opereit Rabaa Al Adaweya
50 Sout Beladna
51 Sabah Geddid
52 Nasheed El Tayaran
53 Nasheed El Galaa
54 Mally Fotnatt
55 Leih Ya Zamman
56 Kouly Lei Teifak
57 Al Fajr Al Gadid
58 Men Agl Eineiik
59 Kesset El Sadd
60 Ya Teir Ya Ayesh Aseer
61 La Ya Habibi
62 Zekra Saad
63 Ya Besheir El Ons
64 Nasheed El Gamaa
65 Kolly Walla Tekhabeesh Ya Zain
66 Kalo Aheb
67 Inna Fedaeyoun
68 Fy Nour Mahyak
69 Beil Salam Ehna Badeina
70 Al Zahr Feil Rawd Ebtassam
71 Nahj El Burda
72 Yalli Kan Yeshgeik Aneeni
73 Fat El Miiad
74 Wouled El Hoda
75 Touf Wei Shouf
76 Al Tholatheya Al Mokadassa 1
77 Koll Leil Bakheila
78 Bokra El Safar Bokra
79 Beeid Annak
80 Al Tholatheya Al Mokadassa 2
81 Zallamna El Hob
82 Leil Sabr Heddoud
83 Hakam Aleina el Hawa
84 Howa Saheeh
85 Alleina El Hawa
86 Kaddeit Hayati
87 Ya Ein Ya Ein - Concert

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