Ozuna, Alexio, Juanka El Problematik & Pusho - Un Bellakeo (feat. Alexio, Pusho & Juanka El Problematik) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Ozuna, Alexio, Juanka El Problematik & Pusho - Un Bellakeo (feat. Alexio, Pusho & Juanka El Problematik)

Un Bellakeo (feat. Alexio, Pusho & Juanka El Problematik)
A Hot Dance (feat. Alexio, Pusho & Juanka El Problematik)
Arde en la madrugada
Burning in the early morning
Su ropa nueva, solo le gusta salir de noche
Her new clothes, she only likes to go out at night
Bien acicala se monta en su coche
Well-groomed, she gets in her car
(Papi, esta noche estoy pa ti)
(Daddy, tonight I'm for you)
Un bellaqueo
A hot dance
Es lo que la baby pide
That's what the baby asks for
Quiere que se active
She wants it to get going
Bambo, ponle perreo
Bambo, put on some reggaeton
Pa que solita se motive
So she gets motivated on her own
Música que active
Music that activates
Un bellaqueo
A hot dance
Es lo que la baby pide
That's what the baby asks for
Quiere que se active
She wants it to get going
Bambo, ponle perreo
Bambo, put on some reggaeton
Pa que solita se motive
So she gets motivated on her own
Música que active
Music that activates
Dile bambo que nosotros no estamos pa trambo
Tell bambo that we're not here for trouble
Explica que si se lambe, yo también le lambo
Explain that if she licks, I lick too
Ella quiere que le eche y pa que mi doña no sospeche
She wants me to give it to her and so my girl doesn't suspect
Dejo eso y saco el meche
I leave that and take out the meche
Mi mamá la quiere como yerna, yo le digo que es tierna
My mom wants her as a daughter-in-law, I tell her she's sweet
Pero me ve y abre las piernas
But she sees me and opens her legs
Si se completa en Cali a mi no me gusta las pali
If it's complete in Cali, I don't like pali
Pero esta noche le doy con sialy
But tonight I give it to her with sialy
Te puede salir mas cara que un Rolls-Royce
She can cost you more than a Rolls-Royce
Pero si escucha mi voice quiere un bellaqueo
But if she hears my voice, she wants a hot dance
Como pa los tiempos Yinon
Like in the Yinon days
Yo soy su nene, que eres el que la mantiene
I'm her baby, I know you're the one who takes care of her
Pero conmigo se viene
But she comes with me
Un bellaqueo
A hot dance
Es lo que la baby pide
That's what the baby asks for
Quiere que se active
She wants it to get going
Bambo, ponle perreo
Bambo, put on some reggaeton
Pa que solita se motive
So she gets motivated on her own
Música que active
Music that activates
Un bellaqueo
A hot dance
Es lo que la baby pide
That's what the baby asks for
Quiere que se active
She wants it to get going
Bambo, ponle perreo
Bambo, put on some reggaeton
Pa que solita se motive
So she gets motivated on her own
Música que active
Music that activates
Mi bellaqueo son psicológico
My hot dance is psychological
Me contagio con tu traje erótico
I'm infected by your erotic outfit
No tamos rústicos, mama estamo exótico
We're not rustic, mama, we're exotic
Hoy me las llevo a todas de rehén
Today I'm taking them all hostage
Bájate la falda, quítate el sostén
Take off your skirt, take off your bra
Y deja, deja que la nota se te suba
And let, let the note rise up in you
Mezcla la picky con el de aleibol
Mix the picky with the volleyball
Y con jugo de uva
And with grape juice
Kilos de cuba en el cuelli no soy de Cuba
Kilos of Cuba on my neck, I'm not from Cuba
Te veo como ta desnuda, aunque sea chapas aguda
I see how you're naked, even if it's sharp plates
Su cuerpo es de atril, beby hazme un striptease
Your body is a music stand, baby, do a striptease for me
Me lo mordiste y me dejaste la marca de lipstick
You bit me and left me the lipstick mark
Estoy pa dentro como cartela salta un three sixteen
I'm in like a cartel, jump a three sixteen
No suba pa la tarima con chalecos a lo fifteen
Don't go up on stage with vests like fifteen
Un bellaqueo
A hot dance
Es lo que la baby pide
That's what the baby asks for
Quiere que se active
She wants it to get going
Bambo, ponle perreo
Bambo, put on some reggaeton
Pa que solita se motive
So she gets motivated on her own
Música que active
Music that activates
Un bellaqueo
A hot dance
Es lo que la baby pide
That's what the baby asks for
Quiere que se active
She wants it to get going
Bambo, ponle perreo
Bambo, put on some reggaeton
Pa que solita se motive
So she gets motivated on her own
Música que active
Music that activates
Un bailoteo bellacoso
A hot, sexy dance
De esos que me pone en aprietos
One of those that puts me in a bind
Dile bambo que ella va a chocar con el yipeto
Tell bambo that she's gonna hit the yipeto
Quiere duro, dale duro, dale mami más duro
She wants it hard, give it to her hard, give it to her harder, mommy
Dale que con ese bootyzote yo me curo
Give it to me that with that big booty I heal myself
Beba yo no te escucho
Baby, I can't hear you
Pero es una agua que pucho
But it's water that I drink
Nos juntamos pa pasear
We get together to go for a walk
De lo que escucho los 4 fantásticos
From what I hear, the Fantastic Four
La mole, la invisible, el elástico
The Thing, the Invisible Woman, the Elastic Man
Y el que bota fuego no ambos con todo y plástico
And the one who throws fire, not both with everything and plastic
La ves en la escuela, vingui yo de crema
You see her at school, I came from cream
Hasta que la fuga le ponga en este tema
Until the leak puts her in this theme
Luian, el que la funda no recogio
Luian, the one who didn't pick up the case
Se quedó teque porque el banco viral lo tengo yo
He stayed stuck because I have the viral bank
El negrito Ojos claro
The black guy with light eyes
Alexio La Bestia
Alexio La Bestia
Juanka el problematik
Juanka el problematik
Dimelo Pusho
Tell me Pusho
Y esto es odisea
And this is odyssey
El Halcón
The Falcon
Dicelo Luian
Tell him Luian
Mambo King
Mambo King
Los reyes de esta pendeja
The kings of this bitch
Tiene que escucharlo obligado
You have to listen to it, it's mandatory
Los números lo dicen
The numbers say it
Sino busca la calculadora
If not, look for the calculator

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