P.A.T. - 3.U.M.F. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction P.A.T. - 3.U.M.F.

Pokapali všetky ryby v tejto mŕtvej vode,
All the fish have died in this dead water,
Udomácnila sa tu nenasytná beštia.
That insatiable beast has made itself at home here.
Odomňa nikdy nevieš čo môžeš čakať,
You never know what to expect from me,
A neporadí ti ako nato ani tvoja veštica.
And your fortune teller won't tell you how to do it either.
Keď sa jedná o rap, dokážem zo seba
When it comes to rap, I can bring out
Vypáliť takú energiu, že zhorí tvoja vesnica.
So much energy from me that your village will burn down.
Tvoj obľúbený raper kľačí na kolenách
Your favorite rapper is on his knees
Rapove sadomaso bdsm môj byt je rap privát.
Rap sadomasochism BDSM my apartment is a rap private.
Namiesto toho aby robili rap venčili psov,
Instead of making rap, they walked their dogs,
A zrazu stoja v rade, keď ide o plnenie snov.
And suddenly they are in line when it comes to fulfilling dreams.
Keď prišlo nato, že treba rapovať stratili flow.
When it came to rapping, they lost their flow.
Nechaj ich v tom, že na pódiu vedia dať show.
Leave them alone that they know how to put on a show on stage.
Zavrite do klietky toho nechutného rengavého kokota,
Lock that disgusting limp dick in a cage,
Ktorý ani netuší čo je to rap.
Who doesn't even know what rap is.
Videl som vás na vlastné oči fetovať kokaín
I saw you snorting cocaine with my own eyes
Na záchode v Bratislave, ty feťák v klube dole.
In the toilet in Bratislava, you junkie in the club downstairs.
Aby si vedel to čo robíš neni umenie, ty
So you know what you're doing isn't art, you
Nezažil si nič a preto trepeš iba pičoviny.
Haven't experienced anything and that's why you're only talking about pussies.
Na tejto vyjebanej scéne si bezvýznamný a
You're insignificant in this fucked up scene and
Na všetko čo máš na sebe ti rodičia zarobili.
Your parents earned everything you have on you.
Ja som oheň voda vietor a zem rozžujem tvoje repy na kusy vypľujem.
I am fire, water, wind, and earth, I will chew your beets to pieces and spit them out.
Skús mi odpovedať ak nemám pravdu a ja prídem a poviem ti to osobne.
Try to answer me if I'm wrong and I'll come and tell you in person.
Ja mám 3.u.m.f.
I have 3.u.m.f.
To čo ostatní ne (3.U.M.F.)
What the others don't (3.U.M.F.)
3 krát vác unavený a viem,
3 times more tired and I know
že som 3 krát vác motivovaný na cieľ.
that I'm 3 times more motivated to the goal.
Oni ojebali rap ja som 3 krát vác fér.
They cheated rap I'm 3 times more fair.
Znásilňujem hiphop do análu,
I rape hip-hop in the anus, cue
M menzes konkurentom zvedli káre stoja kývu hlavami.
M has menstruation, competitors raised their cars, they stand nodding their heads.
Hudba mi porodila deti a tie deti učím
Music gave birth to my children and I teach those children
Nato, aby boli zákerné, tak ako parazit.
To be malicious, like a parasite.
Nepretrpel som tie roky len tak pre nič za
I didn't suffer those years for nothing for
Nič nedovolím žebrákom ma prerásť a ma položiť.
Nothing I will allow beggars to outgrow me and put me down.
Povedzte všetkým, ž
Tell everyone,
E beštia sa vracia domov, že vykoná očistu a že nato dôvody.
That the beast is coming home, that it's going to cleanse and that it has reasons to.
Môj rap bol odjakživa top pičo nemôžem
My rap has always been top bitch I can't
Za to, že si to nedokázal oceniť umri.
Because you couldn't appreciate it, die.
Každý tu vidí len môj skok pičo nemôžem
Everyone here only sees my jump bitch I can't
Za to, že tvrdíš, že som pretláčený no umri.
Because you claim that I am pushed well die.
Keď sa mi smeješ a si v tom pičo, že
When you laugh at me and you're in that bitch, that
Do roka skrachujem a skončí moja misia, umri.
Within a year I will go bankrupt and my mission will end, die.
Neplač a za svojím si stoj pičo aj keď ma
Don't cry and stand by your bitch even if you
Stretneš naživo buď chlap, svoje slzy si utri.
You will meet me live be a man wipe your tears.
Ja mám 3.u.m.f.
I have 3.u.m.f.
To čo ostatní ne (3.U.M.F.)
What the others don't (3.U.M.F.)
3 krát vác unavený a viem,
3 times more tired and I know
že som 3 krát vác motivovaný na cieľ.
that I'm 3 times more motivated to the goal.
Oni ojebali rap ja som 3 krát vác fér.
They cheated rap I'm 3 times more fair.

Writer(s): František Farkaš

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