P.A.T. feat. Separ - Zrkadlo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction P.A.T. feat. Separ - Zrkadlo

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A ľudia zlý tak povedzme si do očí
And people are evil, let's look each other in the eyes
Sme všetci neprajný všetci na oko pokorný.
We're all envious, all outwardly humble.
A súdia nás len čo boli včera súdení
And we're judged only by those who were judged yesterday
A aj keď vidíš slnko nezabúdaj svet je studený.
And even though you see the sun, don't forget the world is cold.
A všetky naše sny sa menia na nočné mory
And all our dreams turn into nightmares
A vylieza z tej tmy ale nepustia ma démoni.
And I crawl out of the darkness, but the demons won't let me go.
pre nás temné lži lebo pravda za to nestojí
Dark lies are for us, because the truth isn't worth it
A ja zavolám ti stačí keď ma prezvoníš.
And I'll call you, just give me a missed call.
Stačí keď tu si aj keď ťa často nevidím
It's enough that you're here, even though I don't see you often
Ja naučím sa žiť s tym že druhý ma nenávidí.
I'll learn to live with the fact that others hate me.
No nauč sa aj ty že nikto z vás ma nezmení
But you learn too, that none of you will change me
A navždy budem žiť medzi fanúšikmi väznený.
And I will always live imprisoned among my fans.
Odporúčali mi aby som bol sám sebou
They recommended I be myself
Zabúdli na to že od malička som tým bol.
They forgot that I've been that way since I was little.
Pýtajú sa prečo som sa takto rozhodol
They ask why I decided this way
Pýtajú sa čo nestoja pod pódiom.
Those who don't stand under the stage are asking.
My vôbec nie sme svätý ani vzor pre vaše děti
We're not saints at all, nor role models for your children
Ale predsa sme im dali viac jak bez významné vety.
But still, we gave them more than meaningless sentences.
Zo školy a telky vyrástli veľký
They grew up big from school and TV
A dneska stoja pod pódiom so mnou úzko spätý.
And today they stand under the stage, closely connected to me.
Tak povedzme si že nemáme limit a že prečo
So let's say we have no limit and why
Sme my dneska vlastne tu.
We are actually here today.
Keď skončí táto show a odídem s pódia
When this show ends and I leave the stage
Ostane tu s vami len môj duch.
Only my spirit will remain with you.
A každý kto chce niečo na mne meniť
And everyone who wants to change something about me
Nech pred seba postaví to zrkadlo.
Let them put that mirror in front of themselves.
A každý kto chce niečo na mne meniť
And everyone who wants to change something about me
Nech pred seba postaví to zrkadlo.
Let them put that mirror in front of themselves.
Súdia ma ktorý na mne vyrástli
I'm judged by those who grew up on me
istý čo žrali Buldozér a boli piráti.
The same ones who devoured Buldozer and were pirates.
Vyhasli ich sympatie zrazu sme len čuráci
Their sympathies have faded, suddenly we're just jerks
Píšu jak sa to robiť jak keby ten rap vynašli.
They write how it should be done as if they invented rap.
Pri tom ich moje veci veděli vždy vyňať z tmy
Yet my things always knew how to pull them out of the darkness
Prepáč mi že to chcem robiť jak ja a ne jak vy.
Forgive me for wanting to do it my way, not yours.
Mám tmavého otca preto hudbu cítim cigánsky
I have a dark-skinned father, that's why I feel music like a gypsy
Robím tu od doby keď sa volávali výjazdy.
I've been here since the time they were called raids.
15 rokov na scéne a teraz ty. povedz mi
15 years on the scene and now you, tell me
Prečo mám plniť tvoje a ne svoje sny konec hry.
Why should I fulfill your dreams and not mine, end of the game.
Oblízali ste mi konečník tých čo nedokázali nič
You licked the ass of those who couldn't do anything
Je tak veľa že sa nevedia pomestiť.
There are so many that they can't fit.
Kvapka v mori opíš pocit ktorý máš
A drop in the ocean, describe the feeling you have
Keď si sadneš za internet a na mňa nakladáš.
When you sit down at the internet and dump on me.
Pozri sa do zrkadla opíš mi svoju tvár
Look in the mirror, describe your face to me
čo sa na teba pozerá si pre ňu iba kár.
The one looking at you, you're just a loser to it.
Bolí ťa to mám návod na to
It hurts you, I have a solution for that
Jak sa dostať z rán.
How to get out of the wounds.
Nerob čo chcú iný
Don't do what others want
Buď len sebou sám (sebou sebou sám)
Just be yourself (yourself)
(Nerob čo chcú iný vždycky buď iba ty sám sebou sám)
(Don't do what others want, always be just yourself)
Tak povedzme si že nemáme limit a že prečo
So let's say we have no limit and why
Sme my dneska vlastne tu.
We are actually here today.
Keď skončí táto show a odídem s pódia
When this show ends and I leave the stage
Ostane tu s vami len môj duch.
Only my spirit will remain with you.
A každý kto chce niečo na mne meniť
And everyone who wants to change something about me
Nech pred seba postaví to zrkadlo.
Let them put that mirror in front of themselves.
A každý kto chce niečo na mne meniť
And everyone who wants to change something about me
Nech pred seba postaví to zrkadlo.
Let them put that mirror in front of themselves.

Writer(s): František Farkaš

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