P.A.T. feat. Sima - Ona a On - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction P.A.T. feat. Sima - Ona a On

Ona a On
She and He
Ona mení ma som blázon
She changes me, I'm crazy
A kvôli nej to není také ako keby sám som
And because of her, it's not like I'm alone
Ona bola pri mne keď ma nepoznali ľudia
She was with me when people didn't know me
Bude pri mne aj keď prídem s bávom
She will be with me even when I come with a suitcase
Ona chápe vela vecí
She understands a lot of things
A ja som tak otvorený a sme obdarený pravdou
And I'm so open and we're gifted with truth
Smejeme sa spolu po večeroch v perinách
We laugh together in the evenings in bed
A nazývame to kvalitnou láskou
And we call it quality love
Áno, niekedy to páli a lietajú nám
Yes, sometimes it burns and they fly
Taniere po byte ja to chápem (sorry)
Plates around the apartment, I understand (sorry)
Ona niekedy tak žiarli no ja som iba
She's sometimes so jealous, but I'm just
V štúdiu a sľubujem že prídem (domov)
In the studio and I promise I'll come (home)
Povedala mi to milión krát že ma nenávidí a že sa rozíde (so mnou)
She told me a million times that she hates me and that she'll break up (with me)
Ale stačí aby sme sa na seba usmievali a píšeme ďalej ten príbeh
But all it takes is for us to smile at each other and we continue writing that story
Ona vie že na ňu nemá čo chcela by sa dostať medzi nás a naše dielo
She knows that she doesn't stand a chance with her, the one who wanted to get between us and our work
Ktoré budujeme osem rokov sereme na svet lebo lebo máme jeden druhého
Which we've been building for eight years, and we don't care about the world because we have each other
Keby sme to velmi chceli tak nám
If we really wanted it, we would
Patrí všetko naokolo získame to viem to
Own everything around us, I'll get it, I know it
Je to ako keby sme boli na otvorenom mori a s nami ten dobrý vietor
It's like we're on the open sea and the good wind with us
Aj keď po večeroch nejsom práve tam
Even though I'm not there in the evenings
Kde by ona chcela aby som bol (doma)
Where she'd like me to be (home)
Unavený sedím v aute a píšem jej správu no som úplne bez slov
Tired, I sit in the car and write her a message, but I'm completely lost for words
Slubujem že sa pokúsim byť pri tebe tak ako predtým (pred snom)
I promise I'll try to be with you like I was before (before the dream)
Ona nemá význam bez neho a on je stratený bez nej
She has no meaning without him, and he is lost without her
Ona a on yeah yeah
She and him yeah yeah
To je začarovaný kruh slov
That's a vicious circle of words
Áno ona a on yeah yeah
Yes, she and him yeah yeah
Nemajú dôvod na to dať si zbohom
They have no reason to say goodbye
Lebo ona a on yeah yeah
Because she and him yeah yeah
To je začarovaný kruh slov
That's a vicious circle of words
Áno ona a on yeah yeah
Yes, she and him yeah yeah
Práve sleduješ ich spoločnú show
You're watching their joint show
On vie že ten sexepeal ktorému sa nedokážem brániť
He knows that he has that sex appeal that I can't resist
Ležíme nahý v aute a viem že všetko je presne tak ako byť
We're lying naked in the car and I know that everything is exactly as it should be
On vie že som jeho a že nemusí ma strážiť
He knows that I'm his and that he doesn't have to guard me
A aj keď zdá sa byť chladný iba ja viem že tam hlboko cit
And even though he seems cold, only I know that deep down he has feelings
Cítim sa ako po prvý krát prestávam dýchať
I feel like it's the first time, I can't breathe
A aké to bolo hmmm ani nemusel sa pýtať
And how it was, hmm, he didn't even have to ask
Príbeh začal sa písať začali sme spolu bývať
The story started to be written, we started living together
A ďalej to poznáš love story o akej každý človek sníva
And then you know it, the love story that everyone dreams of
Ona a on yeah yeah
She and him yeah yeah
To je začarovaný kruh slov
That's a vicious circle of words
Áno ona a on yeah yeah
Yes, she and him yeah yeah
Nemajú dôvod na to dať si zbohom
They have no reason to say goodbye
Lebo ona a on yeah yeah
Because she and him yeah yeah
To je začarovaný kruh slov
That's a vicious circle of words
Áno ona a on yeah yeah
Yes, she and him yeah yeah
Práve sleduješ ich spoločnú show
You're watching their joint show

Writer(s): František Farkaš

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