P.A.W.N. Gang - 10 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction P.A.W.N. Gang - 10

Encara confio en tu
I still believe in you
Encara penso en tu
I still think about you
I quan em sento perdut
And when I feel lost
Et trobo
I find you
que a vegades et perds
I know that sometimes you get lost
En un cantó del meu cap
In a corner of my mind
I et quedes allà enterrat
And you stay there buried
I em deixa desemparat
And you leave me helpless
Estava enfonsat
I was down
M'has ajudat
You helped me
A pujar el cap
To raise my head
Tothom ho sap
Everybody knows
Oh, Déu meu, nostru senyor
Oh, my God, our lord
Sabem que ens escoltes
We know you listen to us
T'hem demanat coses
We've asked you for things
I tampoc són moltes
And they are not many
Volem comprovar si encara ets com als contes
We want to see if you're still like the stories
I si en el teu nom vem conèixer pocahontas
And if in your name we will meet Pocahontas
I en el coll sempre penjat una cadena
And in my neck always hanging a chain
Era del meu avi, Jesús i la Verge
It was from my grandfather, Jesus and the Virgin
I em protegeix
And it protects me
Mentre faig diners
While I make money
Il·legals evidentment
Obviously illegal
No aniré a l'infern
I won't go to hell
Perdona tot lo dolent que vaig fer de nen
Forgive me for all the bad I did as a child
Sincerament, se m'enduia el vent
Honestly, if the wind took me away
La vida a mi em va donar lo millor i lo pitjor
Life gave me the best and the worst
Em vaig caure a la trampa no hi havia solució
I fell into the trap there was no solution
Corrent vaig anar a demanar-li ajuda a nostru senyor
Running I went to ask our lord for help
Ell estava enfadat movent el cap dient que no
He was angry shaking his head saying no
Resava i resava, els déus no em feien cas
I prayed and prayed, the gods ignored me
Sonava i sonava al ritme del compàs
I played and played in time with the beat
Però ells no volien tenir-me al seu costat
But they didn't want to have me by their side
Perquè tot aquest temps m'he sentit enganyat
Because all this time I've felt cheated
Mai estic del tot alone
I'm never alone
Sempre que jo t'he cridat tu et vens i aquí estaves
Whenever I've called you you've come and here you are
Fumo per estar a la zone
I smoke to be in the zone
I així et trobo més fàcil i així et vens i així em parles
And so I find you easier and so you come and so you talk to me
He trobat el teu consell cada cop que he dubtat
I've found your advice every time I've doubted
Per això estic amb els compares
That's why I'm with the homies
Caigui un llamp ara mateix al meu cap
May lightning strike me right now
Si el que jo et dic t'enfada
If what I say angers you
Que jo mai m'he sentit sol
That I've never felt alone
I és gràcies al teu condol
And it's thanks to your condolence
Font de les meves alegries
Source of my joys
Et sento amb mi cada dia
I feel you with me every day
Quan les hores fan baixar el sol
When the hours make the sun go down
Tots els temors alcen el vol
All fears take flight
Però estàs a prop i m'abrigues
But you're close and you shelter me
No hi ha millor companyia
There is no better company
Llegeixo la bíblia per no pensar en el seu booty
I read the bible to not think about her booty
La fe mou muntanyes però axò no hi ha Déu que ho curi
Faith moves mountains but this God can't cure it
Només la família, que li follin a les grupis
Only the family, who fuck the groupies
Vestit tot design amb tres mòbils perquè no em truqui (Gucci)
Dressed all design with three phones so she doesn't call me (Gucci)
Tot era molt intens quan vam començar
Everything was very intense when we started
Quan crèiem que res no ens podria separar
When we believed that nothing could separate us
Ni el temps ni la distància ni Déu gosarà
Neither time nor distance nor God will dare
Si estic amb els dimonis ready per matar
If I'm with the demons ready to kill
Encara penso en tu
I still think about you
I quan em sento perdut
And when I feel lost
Et trobo
I find you
que a vegades et perds
I know that sometimes you get lost
En un cantó del meu cap
In a corner of my mind
I et quedes allà enterrat
And you stay there buried
I em deixa desemparat
And you leave me helpless

Writer(s): Didac Garsaball De Frias, Guillem Roca Marsà, Guiu Solé Vilà, Jan Solé Vilà, Mateu Reñé Reyes, Ramon Reñé Reyes

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