P.A.W.N. Gang - Astic Mol High - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction P.A.W.N. Gang - Astic Mol High

Astic Mol High
Astic Mol High
Xutets corren per desiri
Hotties flee when they desire
Yo flipantla i posantla firi
I get my kicks and pose like fire
Smoking weed rayada gugari, es plan aburridi.
Smoking weed with stripes is boring, I'm such a square
Faig perque si pero portem el franqui
I do whatever, but I carry the license
Estas molt fluixa noia fora els espantis.
You're so weak, girl, get rid of the creeps
Parlas molt noi millor que et xantis
You talk a lot, boy, you'd be better off being quiet
Debata uns quants pussies, aixo es molt heavy noi sembla metal.
Debate a few pussies, that's so heavy, man, it sounds like metal
Vols drogar-te yo tinc la merca, aquesta meu canall es molt porca, (puta) tanco porta.
I got the drugs you need, but this channel is filthy, (whore) closing the blinds
Crida molt veins contents no pujo la persiana pels meus clients, rodejat de vampirs lijant les dents, selling dou fent bitllets.
The neighbors love my yelling, I don't raise the blinds for my customers, surrounded by vampires filing their teeth, selling dough and making bills
Tinc la bossa tu ho vols probar, tinc la cosa pero m'has de pagar, porto un nivell de vida molt alt.
I have the bag, would you like to try it, I have the stuff but you have to pay me
Sempre estic molt high.
I'm always so high
Tinc la bossa tu ho vols probar, tinc la cosa pero m'has de pagar, porto un nivell de vida molt alt.
I have the bag, would you like to try it, I have the stuff but you have to pay me
Sempre estic molt high.
I'm always so high
Si sents el meu rabo perque fem aixo?
If you feel my tail, why do we do this?
Beu geng polls berxat el cinturó.
Drink geng water, tighten the belt
Salvadore ferragamo putas dobalo.
Salvadore Ferragamo, double the whores
La-la casa dels teus somnis es més d'un milló.
La-la, the house of your dreams costs over a million
Fi-fica't amb la clica noi no hi ha perdó.
Fi-figure it out with the clique, boy, there's no forgiveness
La puta peu glenga unica salvació.
Fuck that limping girl, she's my only salvation
Wida que ens critiquen ai que cau rodó.
Wida, they criticize us, let it roll
Tota la teva clica es un sol cargador.
Your whole clique is just one charger
La cosa esta mala diuen que es la crisi.(la crisi)
Things are bad, they say it's the crisis
Molt anàven amb cotxe i ara van amb bici. (Amb bici)
They used to drive cars, now they ride bikes
Molts deixen el vici i fan el sacrifici.
Many quit the habit and make the sacrifice
Jo si deixo el vici noi perdo el judici.
If I quit the habit, boy, I'll lose my mind
Nostres accions van al baça perque van al teu frontal.
Our actions are bad because they go to your head
Que jo un cop me tret la manga em transformo en animal.
Once I take off my sleeve, I become an animal
No em fagis treure la xancla.
Don't make me take off my flip-flop
Porque quien la saca es pa dispararla y pa tener un arma hay que saber usarla te daria en la cara no voy por la espalda.
Because whoever pulls it out is ready to shoot it and to have a weapon, you have to know how to use it, I'd hit you in the face, I don't go around back
Totes aquestes noies jo les tinc rapid.
I get all these girls fast
Tota aquesta herba me la fumo rapid.
I smoke all this grass fast
En aquesta monja faig orgasme rapid.
I orgasm fast in this pussy
Vaig ultra cec com si hagues près molt àcid.
I'm ultra-blind, like I've taken too much acid
Sóc el lil guiu wow no em fiava.
I'm lil guiu wow, I didn't trust him
Et lies amb la clica i, i ja saps que sab a.
You get involved with the clique, and you know what that tastes like
Noia ets molt bonica però sabs a fulmí.
Girl, you're beautiful, but you taste like lightning
Trobo mitja flor i em sento un colibrí.
I find half a flower and I feel like a hummingbird
Noi guanyi diners i ho faig al quick.
Man, I make money and I do it quick
La monja vola en llet com si portes nesquick.
The pussy is flying in milk like you're drinking Nesquik
Quant canto les cançons els altres em ric.
When I sing the songs, I laugh at the others
Puta de cantalls jo em penso fer ric.
Fucking bitch, I intend to get rich

Writer(s): P.a.w.n. Gang

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