P.A.W.N. Gang - Cac Blac - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction P.A.W.N. Gang - Cac Blac

Cac Blac
Cac Blac
M'enrecordo quan vaig començar a cantar
I remember when I started singing
M'importava una merda com m'importa un capellà
I didn't give a damn, like a chaplain
Follo en alguns barris però els altres poden anar cap allà
I fuck in some neighborhoods, but the others can go there
I la teva meuca ve cap aquí i els meus nais van cap allà
And your girl comes here and my boys go there
P.A.W.N. GANG és la meva clica, la meva clica surt a matar
P.A.W.N. GANG is my clique, my clique goes out to kill
Fulim mig quilo a la fucking pica la meva clica sap el que es fa
We smoke half a kilo on the fucking peak, my clique knows what's up
Fumant verna i es desfà, deixa el nai en el replà
Smoking weed and it's undone, leave the dude on the landing
I quan la clica surt al carrer buscar paper com si no demà
And when the clique goes out on the street to look for paper as if there were no tomorrow
Tot el dia escoltant merda puta i ho entenia tot
All day listening to fucking shit and I understood everything
Aneu massa lents perquè els trets anava amb doble got
You guys are too slow because the shots went with a double cup
És el jove Lil Guiu el que canta al nai es fot
It's the young Lil Guiu who sings to the dude he fucks
I la teva meuca ve campanades sempre mirant com si tingués singlot
And your girl comes ringing bells always looking like she has hiccups
Em desperto i nomes penso en fumar ganja, foto un vot
I wake up and only think about smoking weed, I take a vote
Saludo a tots els nais del fucking bloc que ells nomes pensen que ho volen tot
Greetings to all the dudes from the fucking block who only think they want it all
Deixa'l nai i collir el seu hort, deixa'l anar i actua tort
Leave the dude and pick up his garden, let him go and act wrong
Ficat amb la clica, no hi ha policia perquè això es Barsiria i ets home mort
Stuck with the clique, there is no police because this is Barsiria and you're a dead man
Putes miren per la cornisa però em obi fins que estigui mort
Bitches look through the ledge but they obey me until I'm dead
Aquests nais se'n van de la boca però encara viuen poca sort
These dudes are going out of their mouths but they still live bad luck
Tot el dia fumant ganja, i ara tinc Quimi a la panxa
All day smoking weed, and now I have Quimi in my belly
I les velocitats són de color groc, però d'un gust amarg i d'olor lolipop
And the speeds are yellow, but with a bitter taste and a lollipop smell
Ja estic fart de sentir mentides de les teves dents, no em mola gens
I'm tired of hearing lies from your teeth, I don't like it at all
Tot el dia jo vaig del revés jo pec amic d'estufaents
All day I went backwards, I sin, friend of stoves
Se que parles de valent i després corres de valent
I know you talk about being brave and then you run bravely
Passen tres segons i la teva novia sota la taula menjant de valent'enrecordo quan vaig començar a cantar
Three seconds pass and your girlfriend is under the table eating bravely I remember when I started singing
M'importava una merda com m'importa un capellà
I didn't give a damn, like a chaplain
Follo en alguns barris però els altres poden anar cap allà
I fuck in some neighborhoods, but the others can go there
I la teva meuca ve cap aquí i els meus nais van cap allà
And your girl comes here and my boys go there
P.A.W.N. GANG és la meva clica, la meva clica surt a matar
P.A.W.N. GANG is my clique, my clique goes out to kill
Fulim mig quilo a la fucking pica la meva clica sap el que es fa
We smoke half a kilo on the fucking peak, my clique knows what's up
Fumant verna i es desfà, deixa el nai en el replà
Smoking weed and it's undone, leave the dude on the landing
I quan la clica surt al carrer buscar paper com si no demà
And when the clique goes out on the street to look for paper as if there were no tomorrow
Entre els nais del blac, competint quan érem petits
Among the dudes of the hood, competing when we were little
Una educació que ara miro com des de l'ampit
An education that now I look at as if from the ledge
Al carrer aprenen coses que encara no s'han escrit
On the street they learn things that have not yet been written
E semo bie, és la sang freda, es el saber que fer amb una meuca al llit
We are fine, it's cold blood, it's knowing what to do with a girl in bed
A comptar depresa, mirar l'adreça, mirar-li als ulls quan tret al pit
To count quickly, look at the address, look into her eyes when I shoot her in the chest
Comprova be si he sentit el clic, pietat fora jo no ric
Check carefully if I heard the click, pity outside, I'm not rich
I els altres em miren, em pek envegen, jo el que volia ja ho he aconseguit
And the others look at me, they envy me, what I wanted I have already achieved
I si algun imbècil m'envia fora m'asseguraré de que mentre ric
And if some fool sends me away, I will make sure that while I'm rich
Venjança dolça la deixo en mans del pare temps i dels meus amics
Sweet revenge I leave in the hands of Father Time and my friends
I si fumo molt i disparo coses és per l'estrès que hi ha acumulat
And if I smoke a lot and shoot things it's because of the stress that has accumulated
No hi ha m'entreten ni coses de txacres, que et protegeixin d'un tret al cap
There is no entertainment or chakra things to protect you from a shot in the head
Nai perdut, juga amb els meus nais, creu que va per l'hort però esta equivocat
Lost dude, plays with my dudes, thinks he's going to the garden but he's wrong
Tinc la clica a la cornisa vigilant lo que hi ha al terrat
I have the clique on the ledge watching what's on the roof
Vaig llegir la bíblia estava majo
I read the bible it was cool
Puta vaig quedar-me so espeso
Bitch I was so thick
Ara deixo bíblia pillo drapho
Now I leave bible I get drapho
Ara coses grans amb els meus ho
Now big things with my hoes
I se que noies em miren en el blac
And I know girls look at me in the hood
Quan camino pels carrers amb els meus anoracs
When I walk the streets with my anoraks
Amb la cara d'inspirat i amb els ulls aclocats
With an inspired face and cloudy eyes
Amb les celles arquejades i en projectes al cap
With arched eyebrows and projects in mind
I cuan vaig neixer era noi mort
And when I was born I was a dead boy
I cuan vagi a la tomba no hi aniré de tort
And when I go to the grave I will not go wrong
Aniré ben recte perque soc un tio fort
I will go straight because I am a strong guy
Perque tinc les coses clares i els menuts van a bon port
Because I have things clear and the little ones are going to a good port
Aniré ben recte perque soc un tio fort
I will go straight because I am a strong guy
Perque tinc les coses clares i els menuts van a bon port
Because I have things clear and the little ones are going to a good port
P.A.W.N. GANG és la meva clica, la meva clica surt a matar
P.A.W.N. GANG is my clique, my clique goes out to kill
Fulim mig quilo a la fucking pica la meva clica sap el que es fa
We smoke half a kilo on the fucking peak, my clique knows what's up
Fumant verna i es desfà, deixa el nai en el replà
Smoking weed and it's undone, leave the dude on the landing
I quan la clica surt al carrer buscar paper com si no demà
And when the clique goes out on the street to look for paper as if there were no tomorrow
M'enrecordo quan vaig començar a cantar
I remember when I started singing
M'importava una merda com m'importa un capellà
I didn't give a damn, like a chaplain
Follo en alguns barris però els altres poden anar cap allà
I fuck in some neighborhoods, but the others can go there
I la teva meuca ve cap aquí i els meus nais van cap allà
And your girl comes here and my boys go there
P.A.W.N. GANG és la meva clica, la meva clica surt a matar
P.A.W.N. GANG is my clique, my clique goes out to kill
Fulim mig quilo a la fucking pica la meva clica sap el que es fa
We smoke half a kilo on the fucking peak, my clique knows what's up
Fumant verna i es desfà, deixa el nai en el replà
Smoking weed and it's undone, leave the dude on the landing
I quan la clica surt al carrer buscar paper com si no demà
I quan la clica surt al carrer buscar paper com si no demà

Writer(s): P.a.w.n. Gang

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