P.A.W.N. Gang - Kill1's - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction P.A.W.N. Gang - Kill1's

Ei nai invitam a una rula.
They don't invite us to roll with them.
Meva squad sempre garrula.
My squad always talkative.
Pec fumat, a mi m'entra la gula.
I smoke a lot, it makes me hungry.
Meva squad, meva squad tot ho calcula.
My squad, my squad, calculates everything.
Digam Good Jan, nai, AKA contable.
We say Good Jan, no, AKA accountant.
La meva squad, meva squad sempre impacable.
My squad, my squad always relentless.
Superheroi nai, sempre porto capa,
I'm not a superhero, I always wear a cape,
I no són pas els poders el que t'atrapa.
It's not my powers that attract you.
"Espavila nai", em va dir el papa.
"Wake up, son," my dad told me.
No se perquè si ho tinc tot a la butxaca.
I don't know why if I have everything in my pocket.
Tinc 4G i no necessito mapa,
I have 4G and don't need a map,
I tinc la guita per portar un rellotge caca.
And I have the money to wear a crappy watch.
M'he fet mil porros mentre gula.
I smoked a thousand joints while being hungry.
Tinc poders màgics com un buda.
I have magical powers like a Buddha.
De fora endins com les angules.
From outside to inside like eels.
Comença amb Teuma, acaba amb Thuga Thuga.
Starts with Teuma, ends with Thuga Thuga.
Nai amb el Goody pel hoody jo rento diners, ai mai plou algun crani.
Yo with Goody for the hoody I launder money, never rains any skull.
Moc els genolls d'una banda a l'altra estic high amb la squashi.
I move my knees from side to side I'm high with the squashi.
L'Eko m'invita a esquiar, dec portar feix de forani.
Eko invites me to ski, I have to bring a pack of forani.
Penso que avui estic molt dins nai, em vaig fent-se un mani.
I think I'm very in today, I'm getting a mani.
Puc observar nai la ansia en els ulls d'aquest nai. Veurem com sado mani.
I can see yo, the anxiety in this guy's eyes. We'll see how he acts, honey.
Nai, els meus nais, meva squad si entren aquells aguanten com si no demà ni.
Yo, my guys, my squad, if those guys get in, they hold on like there's no tomorrow.
Millor no et posis pel mig, nai saps que acabaràs pla i,
You better not get in the way, yo you know you'll end up flat and,
Tinc un llocarro secret on fa temps que tenia pensat enterrar-t'hi.
I have a secret hiding place where I've been planning to bury you for a long time.
Estic flexi amb la squashi.
I'm flexi with the squashi.
Estic tattoo amb el Kepes.
I'm tattoo with Kepes.
Teva squad es molt tolili.
Your squad is very stupid.
Gangshit trap, vine a l'estudi.
Gangshit trap, come to the studio.
M'és igual que em vens parlan.
I don't care if you come talking to me.
M'és igual que estic molt high.
I don't care if I'm very high.
Ja saps nai estic malalt.
You know, yo, I'm sick.
Em fa mal el braç, pero tot està guai.
My arm hurts, but everything is cool.
Ho sento gorda no et puc estimar que estic massa bé.
I'm sorry, babe, I can't love you, I'm feeling too good.
La meva vida és de gàngster, Jäggermeister.
My life is gangster, Jäggermeister.
??? rulan per el barri.
??? rollin' through the hood.
Sonen els trets i em pujo al Bugatti.
Shots ring out and I get in the Bugatti.
Mira com 'nem per la vida:
Look how we go through life:
Estem fent el show, meva squad swag homicida.
We're putting on a show, my squad swag homicidal.
Soldout! Soldout! Nai no hi ha entrada ni sortida.
Sold out! Sold out! Yo, there's no way in or out.
Sho és una trampa i puta crida.
It's a trap, and the bitch screams.
Sho és una trampa treu tota la droga.
It's a trap, get all the drugs out.
No soc secreta nai, sóc PAWN Gang, som la moda.
I'm no secret, yo, I'm PAWN Gang, we're the fashion.
Som de la PAWN Gang, és la nova era.
We're from the PAWN Gang, it's the new era.
És doble g, Gucci a la cartera.
It's double g, Gucci in the wallet.
És doble o, Ferragamo al cinturó.
It's double o, Ferragamo on the belt.
És el Yung Mare 'ho' sóc el senyor.
It's Yung Mare, I'm the lord.
La meva clica la més quilla,
My clique the most killer,
Bevent lean, menjant pastilles.
Drinking lean, eating pills.
L'altre dia em perseguia la policia. Els joves volien portar-me a garjola.
The other day the police were chasing me. The youngsters wanted to take me to jail.
I es que tota la 'people' vol una nit amb mi a soles.
And it's that all the people want a night alone with me.
Tant sigui mascle o femella, se que em vol menjar tota la cistella.
Whether male or female, I know they want to eat my whole basket.
Nai no t'ofenguis, no és personal, però jo em quedo amb ella.
Yo, don't be offended, it's not personal, but I'm staying with her.
Que els meus amics estan 'ready', així que "let's get it" AKA anem-hi.
My friends are ready, so "let's get it" AKA let's go.
Que tinc un amic romanès i amb el trek és armeni.
I have a Romanian friend and with the trek he's Armenian.
Que els meus amics estan 'ready', així que "let's get it" AKA anem-hi.
My friends are ready, so "let's get it" AKA let's go.
Si hi ha una valla, la squad et talla, si hi ha un oponent, se'n va al cementeri.
If there's a fence, the squad cuts you, if there's an opponent, he goes to the cemetery.
Fuman retes amb la squashi.
They smoke filters with the squashi.
Estic viciant en el pati.
I'm chilling in the yard.
Tots els meus nais son un maquis.
All my guys are machines.
Ens persegueixen les xatis.
The chicks are chasing us.
Roquejant civella Fendi.
Rocking civilian Fendi.
AKA dos efes en el cinturó.
AKA two F's on the belt.
True religion sempre al pantaló.
True religion always on the pants.
Il·luminat com nostro senyor.
Illuminated like our lord.
Estem dormint i creem tendència.
We're sleeping and creating trends.
Naies no falten, fan assistències.
Chicks are not lacking, they make appearances.
Pel barri ja pots corre nai,
You can run through the hood, yo,
No hi ha el botó de les emergències.
There's no emergency button.

Writer(s): P.a.w.n. Gang

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