P.A.W.N. Gang - PARDUT - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction P.A.W.N. Gang - PARDUT

Jo m'havia perdut
Who had lost me
Mentres jo em buscava la vida pel hood
While I was searching for life in the hood
Naia m'havia perdut
Naia had lost me
Estava tirant money per la nit en el club
I was throwing money away at night in the club
Estava amb els dimonis i les putes i els thugs
I was with the demons and the hoes and the thugs
Rollin' amb la gang tu saps que tenim el suc
Rollin' with the gang you know we got the juice
Com els mags tenim trucs
Like magicians, we got tricks
Naia m'havia perdut
Naia had lost me
Estava tirant money per la nit en el club
I was throwing money away at night in the club
Estava amb els dimonis i les putes i els thugs
I was with the demons and the hoes and the thugs
Estava perdut pel reca em vas trobar de mal mood
I was lost in the hustle you found me in a bad mood
Com el Joker i la Harley mami jo et tinc a tu
Like the Joker and Harley, baby, I got you
Jo no volia ser el teu marit, volia només una nit
I didn't want to be your husband, I only wanted one night
I després anar amb la squadshit D1 a celebrar el partit
And then go with the squadshit D1 to celebrate the game
Em tens empercotit
You have me hooked
Si no et tinc aquí al meu llit
If I don't have you here in my bed
No vull que em parlin més groupies, això no cap sentit
I don't want any more groupies talking to me, it makes no sense
T'havia perdut
I had lost you
Sense tu naia em sento brut
Without you, Naia, I feel filthy
Sempre m'esforço, saps que faig lo que puc
I always try my best, you know I do what I can
Sóc com un mag ready per al millor truc
I'm like a magician ready for the best trick
T'havia perdut
I had lost you
Sense tu naia em sento brut
Without you, Naia, I feel filthy
Sempre m'esforço, saps que faig lo que puc
I always try my best, you know I do what I can
Sóc com un mag, jo mai explico el meu truc
I'm like a magician, I never explain my trick
Estic amb tots els nais acicalats pel party
I'm with all the boys dressed up for the party
Vine amb mi a ballar a la pista, t'ho demano cari
Come dance with me on the floor, I ask you darling
A 200 et porto amb el Benz o el Rari
At 200 I'll take you with the Benz or the Rari
Faré que aquesta nit la festa mai s'acabi
I'll make this night the party never ends
I és que no pot ser veritat (noo)
And it can't be true (noo)
No et trec del meu cap
I can't get you out of my head
Pateixo ansietat
I suffer from anxiety
Si no et tinc al meu costat
If I don't have you by my side
(Em falta l'aire)
(I'm out of breath)
Fe-fe-feia molta calor i nosaltres estàvem mullats
It-it-it was very hot and we were wet
No parlo de la pluja, ni de fer l'amor en els prats
I'm not talking about the rain, or making love in the meadows
Lo nostre era més heavy
Ours was heavier
Cada vegada que ho penso fa que m'elevi
Every time I think about it, it makes me elevate
O el cor m'apreti
Or my heart tightens
que quan hi penso, puc ressucitar la situació
I know that when I think about it, I can resurrect the situation
En aquella habitació, els dos juntets
In that room, the two of us together
I vermell era el color
And red was the color
Vas baixar el pantaló
You pulled down your pants
Em vas mirar als ulls i vas entrar en acció
You looked into my eyes and went into action
Jo estava en el Nirvana
I was in Nirvana
Mentres tu em succionaves amb la mirada blanca
While you were sucking me in with your white gaze
I amb aquests llavis que tens de princeseta o fada
And with those lips that you have of a little princess or fairy
Quantes vegades ho podré repetir
How many times can I repeat it
Perquè és una passada
Because it's amazing
La pròxima vegada digues-li a les amiguetes
Next time tell your girlfriends
Estàvem super amunt
We were super high
Com si fóssim avionetes
As if we were little airplanes
De cop les gotetes
Suddenly the droplets
Van caure sobre les tetes
Fell on the tits
(De cop les gotetes
(Suddenly the droplets
Van caure sobre les tetes)
Fell on the tits)
Jo no on m'he ficat
I don't know where I've gotten myself into
Mirant amor plastificat
Looking at plastic love
Però anar de putes surt més barat
But going to whores is cheaper
Que tenir-te al meu costat
Than having you by my side
Tinc un problema, que no estar sol
I have a problem, I don't know how to be alone
Però et trobo a faltar, i em poso a plorar sol
But I miss you, and I start crying alone
Veig que estàs amb un bartol
I see you're with a bartol
Que no et sap menjar el bunyol
Who doesn't know how to eat the donut
(No em penso rebaixar i bec alcohol fins que surt el sol)
(I'm not going to lower myself and drink alcohol until the sun comes up)
T'havia perdut
I had lost you
Sense tu naia em sento brut
Without you, Naia, I feel filthy
Sempre m'esforço, saps que faig lo que puc
I always try my best, you know I do what I can
Sóc com un mag, jo mai explico el meu truc
I'm like a magician, I never explain my trick
Naia m'havia perdut
Naia had lost me
Estava tirant money per la nit en el club
I was throwing money away at night in the club
Estava amb els dimonis i les putes i els thugs
I was with the demons and the hoes and the thugs
Rollin' amb la gang tu saps que tenim el suc
Rollin' with the gang you know we got the juice
Com els mags tenim trucs
Like magicians, we got tricks
Naia m'havia perdut
Naia had lost me
Estava tirant money per la nit en el club
I was throwing money away at night in the club
Estava amb els dimonis i les putes i els thugs
I was with the demons and the hoes and the thugs
Estava perdut pel reca em vas trobar de mal mood
I was lost in the hustle you found me in a bad mood
Com el Joker i la Harley mami jo et tinc a tu
Like the Joker and Harley, baby, I got you
Mami jo et tinc a tu
Baby I got you
Mami jo et tinc a tu
Baby I got you
(Mami jo et tinc a tu)
(Baby I got you)

Writer(s): Didac Garsaball De Frias, Guillem Roca Marsà, Guiu Solé Vilà, Jan Solé Vilà, Pol Mañá Juan

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