P.A.W.N. Gang - U BUi, U TiNC - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction P.A.W.N. Gang - U BUi, U TiNC

Cicatrius van prufund al meu cor de wiga
Scars are deep in my wig heart
Sempre begudes alcohòliques a la botiga
Alcoholic drinks always in the fridge
Sempre real, sempre Gangshit, sempre buscant figa
Always real, always Gangshit, always looking for pussy
Els meus nois estan per aquí, vigila la teva filla
My boys are here, watch your daughter
Trobo a faltar juntar-nos més per fumar-nos uns peis
I miss getting together more to smoke a few joints
He anat descartant als meus amics, ara estic amb la Gang
I've been weeding out my friends, now I'm with the Gang
que la mort ve per darrera i et borra la face
I know death comes from behind and erases your face
Espero que a mi no m'enterrin i mori de vell
I hope that I'm not buried and I die of old age
Noi que ja des de petit sempre ron amb cola
Since childhood I've always drunk with cola
Quan amb el Goody entravem morats a l'escola
When Goody and I used to go to school with bruises
Amb veuetes per darrere però em suda la polla
With little voices behind, I don't give a damn
Sempre anem per davant amb música i amb droga
We're always ahead with music and drugs
Que jo vaig tot campana aquí o a l'Afganistan
Jack of all trades here or in Afghanistan
Perquè tinc la Gang darrere i també davant
Because I have the Gang behind and in front of me
Que jo vaig xulejant per aquí o pel Pakistan
That I do it here or in Pakistan
Perquè tinc la bossa plena i la bossa és gran
Because my bag is full and the bag is big
Porto 8 anys fent aquesta merda
I've been doing this shit for 8 years
I encara em sento nou
And I still feel new
Em costa un ull de la cara
It costs an eye of my face
M'he deixat els ous
I've lost my balls
Parlo de tenir molt talent
I'm talking about having a lot of talent
I no cobrar un bon sou
And not getting a good salary
Som trap vella escola
We're old school trap
Hosted by maken row
Hosted by maken row
Shots out al Marvin Cruz
Shots out to Marvin Cruz
Vaig amb el Benz no amb bus
I ride in a Benz not a bus
Totes aquestes per l'esquena
All these people behind my back
Criticant a gust
Criticizing at will
Shots out al Marvin Cruz
Shots out to Marvin Cruz
Vaig amb el Benz no amb bus
I ride in a Benz not a bus
Totes aquestes per l'esquena
All these people behind my back
Criticant a gust
Criticizing at will
(Uuuhh) L'amor que em dones és impressionant
(Uuuhh) The love you give me is amazing
(Uuuhh) Vivim el futur, el present i el passat
(Uuuhh) We live in the future, the present and the past
(Uuuhh) La teva mirada a mi em hipnotizat
(Uuuhh) Your look has me hypnotized
(Uuuhh) El que volies s'ha fet realitat
(Uuuhh) What you wanted has come true
Em sentia sol però estava somiant
I felt alone but I was dreaming
Ara em desperto estant al teu costat
Now I wake up by your side
Ets la meva droga a mi em tens col·locat (ets la meva droga a mi em tens col·locat)
You're my drug, you've got me high (you're my drug, you've got me high)
Quan estem junts jo perdo el nord
When we're together, I'm disoriented
Les altres em tiren però jo em faig el sord
The others throw things at me, but I don't hear
Creuen que ens falta però tenim de tot
They think we're lacking, but we have everything
No com ho fem però acabem a bon port
I don't know what we do, but we end up safe
Vine amb mí, et puc donar tot, hoe jo soc teu
Come with me, I can give you everything, hoe I'm yours
Noia jo creia en lo' nostre com crec en un Déu
Girl, I believed in ours as I believe in a God
Aquest dolor que sento jo cap droga me'l treu
This pain I feel, no drug can take away
Com un G estic aquí porto jo la creu
Like a G I'm here, carrying the cross
Porto dins els meus, per fora els trofeus
I carry my own inside, my trophies on the outside
Cargats d'or fins les dents homes de les neus
Loaded with gold to the teeth, snowmen
Nai' semblem jueus fem que pugin els preus
Nai' we look like Jews, making prices go up
Hem pujat des del fondo nai' tu ni t'ho creus
We've come from the bottom nai' you can't even believe it
Alguna vegada t'has preguntat com seria sortir
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get out
D'aquesta jungla d'esfalt plena de serps, no em vull morir
Of this asphalt jungle with all these snakes, I don't want to die
Ho he intentat i no he pogut, cares noves amb embut
I tried and I couldn't, new faces with poison
Es clavar els ullals i va fent efecte el verí
They stick their fangs in and the venom takes effect
Però (però) sempre em estat rodejats dels millors
But (but) I have always been surrounded by the best
Som els nais', Barcelona i també als alrededors
We are the nais', Barcelona and also the surroundings
Aquests nais' o són fans o depredadors
These nais' are either fans or predators
Però el safari és nostre com l'entrada i els colors
But the safari is ours, as well as the entrance and the colors
Shots out al marvin cruz
Shots out to marvin cruz
Vaig amb el Benz no amb bus
I drive a Benz, not a bus
Totes aquestes per l'esquena
All these people behind my back
Criticant a gust
Criticizing at will
Shots out al marvin cruz
Shots out to marvin cruz
Vaig amb el Benz no amb bus
I drive a Benz, not a bus
Totes aquestes per l'esquena
All these people behind my back
Criticant a gust
Criticizing at will

Writer(s): Didac Garsaball De Frias, Jan Sole Vila, Guiu Sole Vila, Ramon Rene Reyes, Mateu Rene Reyes, Guillem Roca Marsa

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