PETER MAN - 音であそぼ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction PETER MAN - 音であそぼ

Let’s Play with the Sound
音で遊ぼう レゲエで踊ろう 中身ある事なら後で語ろう
Let’s play with the sound, let’s dance with reggae, anything deep we’ll chat later
ほらみんな混ざろう 場内も場外も 一夜一夜にパーティあれば超最高
Hey y’all, let’s mix around, both the ins and the outs, if there’s a party on this night, it’ll be awesome
喉も枯らそう 爆音で鳴らそう 火着いたREGGAE SOULでべっぴんさんも惚れさそう
Let’s wear our throats, let’s blow it with a loud sound, let’s set it on fire with the soul of reggae and the beauties would be in love
堂々と合法の元乗っかっても上等 気ついたらもう2, 3年経ってたって思わそう
Let’s get groove on the legal basis, when we realize, it’s been already 2, 3 years
Those who are high and talking nonsense, they are all dizzy and stupid.
Those who are being controlled by the circumstances of the system, they are also dizzy and stupid
Those who are thinking with huge brains, they are dizzy and stupid
嘘ばっかり聞き飽きてんだ 俺たちはまだ生きてんだ
I m fed up of listening to lies, we are still alive
If obedient ones are the adults, who are we on earth?
If experts do not understand simple things, they are just good for nothing
For yourself, I’m just saying, remember this
俺たちは No surrender その代わりLove me tender
We are no surrender, instead love me tender
音で遊ぼう レゲエで踊ろう 中身ある事なら後で語ろう
Let’s play with the sound, let’s dance with reggae, anything deep we’ll chat later
ほらみんな混ざろう 場内も場外も 一夜一夜にパーティあれば超最高
Hey y’all, let’s mix around, both the ins and the outs, if there’s a party on this night, it’ll be awesome
喉も枯らそう 爆音で鳴らそう 火着いたラガソウルでべっぴんさんも惚れさそう
Let’s wear our throats, let’s blow it with a loud sound, let’s set it on fire with the soul of reggae and the beauties would be in love
堂々と合法の元乗っかっても上等 気ついたらもう2, 3年経ってたって思わそう
Let’s get groove on the legal basis, when we realize, it’s been already 2, 3 years
この音があればドコまでも快調 ストレスなら燃やしましょう会長
If we have this sound, we’ll be fine always, let’s burn the stress, oh Chairman
どうせならせっかくのご来場 ですから多少の無礼はご愛嬌
As you are here, let’s be naughty a little
まずそのズレたズラ直しましょう 車はちゃんと呼ぶから代行
First of all, fix your wig, I’ll call a cab for you
やっぱいいお酒飲むと最高 でもそろそろ家へ帰ろうだって
It’s great to have good liquor, but it’s time to go home
報道も出来ないくらいに 本当にそんな暗いの
It’s so dark that even the media cannot report it
子供達の未来に なんの障害もないの
There’s no obstacle for the future of our children
僕たちの未来に なんの保証も無いよ 震えるぐらい 怒り止まらない
There’s no guarantee for our future, I’m really angry and cannot stop
怒り止まらない 光届かない 声は届かない? 言葉解らない?
I cannot stop my anger, the light cannot come, my voice cannot reach you, do you not understand?
だから仕方ない とかじゃすませない 腐ってるのかい 解れ糞くらえ
I will not let it go by saying, it’s no way, are you still immature or what?
音で遊ぼう レゲエで踊ろう 中身ある事なら後で語ろう
Let’s play with the sound, let’s dance with reggae, anything deep we’ll chat later
ほらみんな混ざろう 場内も場外も 一夜一夜にパーティあれば超最高
Hey y’all, let’s mix around, both the ins and the outs, if there’s a party on this night, it’ll be awesome
喉も枯らそう 爆音で鳴らそう 火着いたラガソウルでべっぴんさんも惚れさそう
Let’s wear our throats, let’s blow it with a loud sound, let’s set it on fire with the soul of reggae and the beauties would be in love
堂々と合法の元乗っかっても上等 気ついたらもう2, 3年経ってたって思わそう
Let’s get groove on the legal basis, when we realize, it’s been already 2, 3 years
寂しい時はおいでDancehall Hiな時でもおいでDancehall
Come to the dance hall when you are depressed or in a good mood
In short, I am talking about men and women, I am here to protect this place
Bounty Killerはラガ Deejay番長 Freddie Mcgregorは船長
Bounty Killer is a dancehall Deejay, Freddie Mcgregor is the captain
Mr Movado dem a seh golly god アカン主張頭空っぽ
Mr Movado dem a seh golly god, I cannot bear his empty arguments
くそっくらえ くそっくらえ くそAmerica Bom bye-bye
The hell with you, the hell with you, the hell with America Bom bye-bye
Bloodclaat bloodclaat thief money cause dem get hype
Bloody hell, bloody hell, they have stolen money because they got hype
白黒 今っから 一回はっきりさせようかい
White or black, let’s make it clear right now
ぽろっぽろっ ぽろっぽろ ぼろが出るのがそんなこわい
It’s so scary that they are honest and true
USOKUSA USOKUSA 奴らが言っている事 適当
Their words are random and full of lies
一癖も二癖も あるから本当に気を付けろ
Be really careful because they are mysterious and deceptive
僕たち 友達 奴らの得意技は洗脳 Yo!
My dear, we are friends, their specialty is brainwash, Yo!
その結果何人Dead これ完全にもう戦争
How many people have died, this is a complete war
Those who are high and talking nonsense, they are all dizzy and stupid.
Those who are being controlled by the circumstances of the system, they are also dizzy and stupid
Those who are thinking with huge brains, they are dizzy and stupid
嘘ばっかり聞き飽きてんだ 俺らはまだ生きてんだ
I m fed up of listening to lies, we are still alive
If obedient ones are the adults, who are we on earth?
If experts do not understand simple things, they are just good for nothing
For yourself, I’m just saying, remember this
俺たちは No surrenderその代わり Love me tender
We are no surrender, instead love me tender

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