PSG - この曲で最後になるだろう。 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais PSG - この曲で最後になるだろう。

This song will be the last one.
Yeah GAPPER スラスラ パンちゃん
Yeah GAPPER Fluent Panchan
An album was created, but everyone is tired of it in my hometown.
Mc コンプリにフラストレーション ha ha あーさんず
MCs give me the frustration, ha ha azans
Oh言わないよ New track らだーまー
Oh, I won't say it, New track radar
マスター どんなもんだPSGは こんなもんさPSGは
Master What do you think of PSG? This is what PSG is.
途中から持ったB-BOYスタンスは 性に合わないから
The B-BOY stance I had from the beginning doesn't suit me, so
I sing naturally and freely.
I sing freely in a natural fashion.
おせっかいばっかの先 アドバイスあざっーす
Many unsolicited opinions, thanks for the advice.
Maybe because I seem like someone who is easy to preach to.
調子に乗るPUNPEE ビートに乗るPUNPEE
PUNPEE gets carried away, PUNPEE rides the beat.
お前 あいつ あの子 あのお方より パンピーですよ
You, him, her, that person, are all more ordinary than me.
Yeah 穴を塞いだ ほっといて
Yeah I plugged the hole, leave it alone.
今夜BringなNew world 東京の上
Bring a new world tonight, above Tokyo.
City発 Bigな夢 パンパンなBackPack
City-born, big dreams, full backpack.
シリアスじゃ続かねぇ Moneyもうなくなった
Can't keep being serious, money's gone.
疲れちゃってくらった 書き過ぎでもうNo pen
I'm tired and I've had enough, I've written too much, no more pen.
Whisky ダイヤ Value God キャッシュ 人生を
Whisky, diamonds, value, God, and cash, life.
これじゃなきゃ L売りさばいてStreet hustle
If not this, I'd be selling L's and hustling on the street.
Your lame advice for the future can kiss my ass.
時には楽しくで また時にLow一緒くたに
Sometimes fun, sometimes down, all mixed together.
記憶がない オール明け あれ?着いた いつの間に
Memory loss, up all night, what? When did I get here?
Whether this work is good or not, we'll see then.
Walkingならまだマシな 楽しくやる毎日
Walking is still better than having fun every day.
寝過ごす直通 ここどこ? 朝起きれば直行
Overslept the express, where am I? Wake up and go straight to work.
とかいう Worker身の上 まぁいうが さほど
That's the life of a worker, I guess, but it's not so bad.
いろいろある たいしてねぇ つべこべ言う間に消えてく
There's a lot going on, but it's not much, it's gone before you know it.
また来るよ 3MC 3MEN PSG
We'll be back, 3MCs, 3MEN, PSG.
Here we go y'all
Here we go y'all
君に涙は似合わないよ 似合わないよ
Tears don't suit you, they don't suit you.
PSG またI'll be back, I'll be back, I'll be back
PSG I'll be back, I'll be back, I'll be back.
泣き虫の君にPSG PSGアルバム また頭からBack
To you who cry, PSG PSG album, back to the beginning.
P, P, P S オイッす
P, P, P S Yo
これPSGアルバム どげん やねん
This is the PSG album, what do you think? それか/slack56 or /slack56
I'm a P, Pはmixiにもいるぜ
I'm a P, P is also on mixi.
Please support PSG.
じゃなくて Pごひいきに P
No, support P, P.

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