Puffy AmiYumi - Happy Birthday - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Puffy AmiYumi - Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
You seemed a bit more mature than me,
戸惑いもしたけど だんだん わかりあえてきたね
I was confused at first, but we gradually came to understand each other.
Because you're so forgetful,
喧嘩にもならない お互い 似た者同士ね
We're so alike that we never even fight.
夕暮れ時の第三京浜 茶色い壁のマンションも
The Dai-san Keihin at dusk, the brown-walled apartment building,
待ちぼうけバーガーショップ 絶対また行こう
The burger shop where we waited, let's definitely go again.
君とずっとハッピーバースデイ 出会えた奇跡を
Happy birthday to you forever, the miracle of meeting you,
僕にとってハッピーバースデイ 心から届けたいサンキュー
Happy birthday to me, I want to sincerely say thank you.
思い出つないだ 重いスーツケース
The heavy suitcases that connect our memories,
キャンドル数えて ふたり 大人になってたね
Counting the candles, we both became adults.
Every time I have a bittersweet love,
わかりやすいみたい なぜか いつもとんできてくれる
You always come to me, like you understand.
深夜3時の電話だって 明日また会うのに
Even a 3 AM phone call, even though we'll see each other tomorrow,
うっぷん晴らししたいだなんて 鬱陶しいよね
Saying you want to vent your frustration, it's annoying, isn't it?
君ともっとハッピーバースデイ 毎日が記念日
Happy birthday to you even more, every day is an anniversary,
僕らずっとハッピーバースデイ いつまでも 離れたとしても
Happy birthday to us forever, even if we're apart.
ふたりなら全部 分け合って 真面目にはしゃいだり
If it's the two of us, we share everything and have serious fun,
つらいことも たのしくしよう だから...
Let's make even the hard times enjoyable, that's why...
君とずっとハッピーバースデイ 出会えた奇跡を
Happy birthday to you forever, the miracle of meeting you,
僕にとってハッピーバースデイ 心から届けたい
Happy birthday to me, I want to sincerely say,
君ともっとハッピーバースデイ 毎日が記念日
Happy birthday to you even more, every day is an anniversary,
僕らずっとハッピーバースデイ これからもどうぞよろしく
Happy birthday to us forever, please take care of me from now on.
ありがとう 出会えた奇跡を
Thank you, for the miracle of meeting you.

Writer(s): Puffy, Kvint Peter Sven, puffy

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