Paloalto - Footprints - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paloalto - Footprints

세월의 흔적을 느껴도 변함없는 표정지으며
I feel the traces of time, but you always smile unchanged
서로 축복해 앞날을위해 건배
We always bless each other and toast for the future
비우면 채우지 새로운 근심은 내려놓고
When we empty our glasses, we fill them with new dreams, and we let go of our worries
우리 항상 얘기했던데로 장애물 때려눕혀
We always talked about it, knocking down obstacles
닮은 2세가 탄생하다니 믿기지않네
I can't believe you have a 2-year-old that looks just like you
내가보기엔 아직도 어릴때랑 똑같기에
To me, you still look the same as when you were young
와이프가 제일 수고많네 보살펴
Your wife is the one who works the hardest, take good care of her
앞으로 빠듯할테니 지혜롭게 아껴
Things will be a bit tight from now on, so be wise and save money
상받았을때 자기일처럼 기뻐하며
When I received the award, you were so happy, as if it was your own
축하해줄때 얘기했지 옛날을 기억하며
When you congratulated me, you talked about the old days
꿈이다 현실이 되는건 정말로 기적같아
It's a miracle that dreams can become reality
계속 곡쓰느라 밤새는 세상이 인정할거야
Keep writing songs all night long, the world will recognize you
녀석들 가사땜에 그때 여자친구랑 다퉜던것도
The girls you fought with over your lyrics back then
이젠 추억이네 여자를 밝혔던
Are now memories, the women you loved
너도 이젠 바꼈어 노래가 발표될땐
You've changed too, by the time this song is released
취직됐을거라 믿어, 고생많았어
I believe you'll have a job, you've worked hard
너무 많아 고생끝에 얻은건
You've suffered so much, but you've gained something more valuable
돈으로 산것보다 값진 큰것
Than anything you could have bought with money
사람들로인해 특별해졌어 평범함이
My ordinariness has become special because of the people
이건 마치 성탄절에 받고싶던 선물같지
It's like the gift I wanted for Christmas
행복이 없는 성공이란건 무의미해
Success without happiness is meaningless
모든 순간들은 하늘이 내게 주신기회
Every moment is an opportunity given to me by heaven
좋은 말씀으로 가르치신 아버지
My father, who always taught me with kind words
맴돌기만하는 믿음 깃털처럼 가볍지
My faith, which keeps circling, light as a feather
친구 211은 한결같이 곁에서
My friend 211 is always by my side
따지거나 계산안하고 옆을 지켜줬어
He doesn't judge or calculate, he just stays by my side
우리 팀이름은 외롭지만 not alone
Our team name is lonely, but not alone
만약 잃게되더라도 끝에 남는건 믿음과 사랑뿐
If I lose everything, all that remains is faith and love
많은 사람들이 쫓는건 물질적인것
Many people chase after material things
두눈이 못보는걸 마음으로 보는것
My blind eyes see with my heart
욕심이 시야를 가려서 자주 잊고살지
Greed clouds our vision, so we often forget
자기전 기도해 안의 죄악이 기권하길
I pray before bed that the sins in me will abstain

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