Pance Pondaag - Kasihilah Siapapun Dia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pance Pondaag - Kasihilah Siapapun Dia

Kasihilah Siapapun Dia
Love Anyone
Wartakanlah sabda-Nya
Proclaim His Word
Ke s'luruh penjuru dunia
To every corner of the world
Wartakan kebenaran-Nya
Proclaim His truth
Gembalakan umat-Nya
Shepherd His people
Zaman berganti zaman
Time changes time
Sabda-Nya tak berubah
His Word never changes
Tuhan menciptakan s'luruh
The Lord created the whole
Isi dunia dengan kasih-Nya
Contents of the world with His love
Kasih, kasihilah sesama
Love, love your neighbor
Siapa pun dia
Whoever he is
Apa pun dia, kasihilah
Whatever he is, love him
Tiada perbedaannya
There is no difference
Hitam dan putih
Black and white
Di mata Tuhan, semua sama
In the eyes of the Lord, all are the same
Zaman berganti zaman
Time changes time
Sabda-Nya tak berubah
His Word never changes
Tuhan menciptakan s'luruh
The Lord created the whole
Isi dunia dengan kasih-Nya
Contents of the world with His love
Kasih, kasihilah sesama
Love, love your neighbor
Siapa pun dia
Whoever he is
Apa pun dia, kasihilah
Whatever he is, love him
Tiada perbedaannya
There is no difference
Hitam dan putih
Black and white
Di mata Tuhan, semua sama
In the eyes of the Lord, all are the same
Hitam dan putih
Black and white
Di mata Tuhan, semua sama
In the eyes of the Lord, all are the same

Writer(s): Pance Frans Pondaag

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