Pandesousa - Si Yo Fuera Malo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pandesousa - Si Yo Fuera Malo

Si Yo Fuera Malo
If I Were Bad
Pande pande de la relaa.
Pande pande from the relaa.
De la republica e venezuelaa
From the Venezuelan Republic.
Directo de guatiree donde todo es monte y canela
Directly from Guatire, where everything is mountains and cinnamon.
Desde mi parcela vi como crecio mi rap en banda
From my plot I saw how my rap grew in a band.
Y el publico ya no tiene el pecho pegado a la espalda
And the public no longer has their chest glued to their back.
Ventee. ennn.terate asi sea por twitter
Come on. find out even if it's by twitter
Que mate a los que se crecen con gorras de Derek Jeter
That I kill those who grow up with Derek Jeter caps.
Que no siguen el curso del rap menos sus ideales
Those who don’t follow the course of rap, let alone its ideals.
Y sus vocas se convierten en un limpia cabezales
And their mouths turn into head cleaners.
Nou valee.muy pocos se ganaron mi respeto
No way, very few have earned my respect.
Les puedo ganar en un know kaut
I can beat them in a knockout.
Uno en el rap lo encesto
One in the rap I basket it.
No es posiblee que digas que tienes rial
It’s not possible for you to say that you have rial.
Y ahi hasta un guetto
And there's even a ghetto there.
Si todos los dias me los consigo en el metroo
If I see them on the subway every day.
Dejen su hobba homiss de que tienen money
Leave your hobby of thinking you have money.
Que los firmo la sony pues no me parece funny
That Sony signed them because it doesn't seem funny to me.
Fly Sinatra buscame una chica "Ohh Jhonny"
Fly Sinatra find me a girl "Ohh Johnny."
Que les estoy dando mas azuquita quel trigre Tony
That I'm giving them more sugar than Tony the Tiger.
Voltea. Mira como en mi palo se menean
Turn around. Look how they swing on my stick.
Y el que dice que el rapero es chismoso tambien chismea
And the one who says that the rapper is gossipy also gossips.
Yo no grabo con ellos y no es por que no rapean
I don't record with them and it's not because they don't rap.
Es que con el sonido de su culo no se samplean
It's just that their ass doesn’t sample well.
Por eso si representas al rap venezolano
So if you represent Venezuelan rap.
Eres igual que yo papa no te creas un marciano
You're just like me, Dad, don't think you're a Martian.
Que asi chamito pico cauchos como maldonado
That as a kid I popped tires like Maldonado.
Y el rapero mas duro embolsando en Super Mercados
And the hardest rapper bagging at Super Markets.
Por eso ponde las pilas y deja de criticar
So put your batteries on and stop criticizing.
Que a tu musa todabia no le an salido teticas
That your muse still hasn't grown breasts.
Pitomanos sigan mintiendo yo no me complico
Mythomaniacs keep lying, I don't get involved.
Porque no soy el mejor. pero soy tu favorito
Because I’m not the best. But I’m your favorite.
Si yo fuera malo siempre les rapiaba asi pero no deboo. (noo)
If I were bad I would always rap at them like this but I shouldn't. (noo)
Aun que si puedoo.(sii)
Even though I can.(yes)
Aun que digan que soy nuevo les puedo rapiar asi.
Even though they say I’m new, I can rap like this.
Peroo no deboo (noo)
But I shouldn’t (noo)
Aun que si puedoo (sii)
Even though I can (yes)
Uuuaa Vitamina P pa los Alsaoss
Uuuaa Vitamin P for the Alsaoss
Uuuaa Medio pueblo ya me an apollaoo
Uuuaa Half the town has already supported me
Uuuaa y ahora que voy por la otra mitad
Uuuaa and now that I'm going for the other half
Promete que me apoyas palabra de boyscout
Promise that you support me, boyscout's word
Paraa. o mi mama dispara rimas partecaras
Stop. Or my mom shoots expensive rhymes.
Ya que el hijo es una bala rompiendo tu gran manzana
Since the son is a bullet breaking your big apple.
Ahora muchos dicen que hago musica comercial
Now many say that I make commercial music.
Pero estoy creando conciencia a nivel internacional
But I’m raising awareness at an international level.
Sigo siendo criollo nunca canto como un gringo
I’m still Creole, I never sing like a gringo.
Los panas me dicen has escuchado a guachususwuico
My buddies tell me have you listened to guachususwuico.
Yo le digo no a mi me gusta el rap de mi pais
I tell him no, I like the rap from my country.
Como el que hacen todas esas lacras en de la raiz
Like the one that all those scumbags at the root do.
Boom! la cultura no las tomamos como un juego
Boom! We don’t take culture as a game.
Y el teleferico es para que alcanze nuestro ego
And the cable car is for our ego to reach.
No tenemos etiquetas como el que canta conciente
We don’t have labels like the one who sings consciously.
Pero todo su disco es una matazon de gente
But his whole album is a killing spree.
Por eso los chamitos se me han acer.caoo
That's why the kids have come closer to me.
Se me paran al lado y me hablan malan.driiao.
They stand next to me and speak to me badly.
Creyendo que yo soy asi y asi no cogen vuelo.
Thinking that I am like that and like that they don't fly.
Y al rap de venezuela no le ah salido ni un pelo
And Venezuelan rap hasn’t even grown a hair.
Claro. por que se pegan es hablando disparates
Of course. Because they stick together by talking nonsense.
Y el publico les deja la tarima llena e tomates
And the audience leaves the stage full of tomatoes.
Se molestaron porque no hice un featuring con ellos
They got mad because I didn't do a featuring with them.
Y lo voy a hacer cuando a oscar de leon le salga cabello
And I will do it when Oscar de Leon grows hair.
Uuuaa. No corras mas que tu moter se funde.
Uuuaa. Don't run anymore, your engine will blow.
Uuuaa. No remes mas que tu bote se undee.
Uuuaa. Don't row anymore that your boat sinks.
Y el tour de francia se va a convertir en un paseo
And the Tour de France is going to turn into a walk.
Pa las vueltas que va a dar tu culito sobre mi deoo
For the turns that your little ass is going to give on my finger.
Termino la cancion y esto son los entremeses
I finish the song and these are the intermissions.
De demostrarte que se descubrio america dos veces
To prove to you that America was discovered twice.
Todos dejen de mentir ya que el rap es pa rapear
Everyone stop lying, rap is for rapping.
Que uan bola e meirda no corre en la grama artificial
That a ball of shit does not run on artificial grass.
Si yo fuera malo siempre les rapiaba asi pero no deboo. (noo)
If I were bad I would always rap at them like this but I shouldn't. (noo)
Aun que si puedoo.(sii)
Even though I can.(yes)
Aun que digan que soy nuevo les puedo rapiar asi.
Even though they say I’m new, I can rap like this.
Peroo no deboo (noo)
But I shouldn’t (noo)
Aun que si puedoo (sii)
Even though I can (yes)
Uuuaa Vitamina P pa los Alsaoss
Uuuaa Vitamin P for the Alsaoss
Uuuaa Medio pueblo ya me an apollaoo
Uuuaa Half the town has already supported me
Uuuaa y ahora que voy por la otra mitad
Uuuaa and now that I'm going for the other half
Promete que me apoyas palabra de boyscout
Promise that you support me, boyscout's word

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