Papicha - Mente Segura - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Papicha - Mente Segura

Mente Segura
Safe Mind
Palabras cual perdigones que te impactan en el pecho
Words like buckshot that hit you in the chest
Que se curan con el tiempo pero no borran sus hechos
They heal with time but don't erase their deeds
Personas personajes personalidades distintas que se quedan en pintas o solo su voz en la cinta
People, characters, personalities different that remain in paints or only their voice on the tape
Sienta el fluir de las noches
Feel the flow of the nights
Niñas juegas a escondidas pero dentro de los coches
Girls playing hide-and-seek but inside cars
Y otros conchedesumadres que no tienen roche de andar robando por las esquinas a ancianas y a viejos choches
And other sons of bitches who are not ashamed to go stealing around the corners from old women and old cars
Anochece un viernes
It's getting dark on a Friday
Trece botellas que me tomo mala suerte que no sea otra mas
Thirteen bottles that I drink, bad luck that it's not another one
Anoche cene un banquete
Last night I had a feast
Que lastima que los vacios del alma no llenen jamas
What a pity that the emptiness of the soul never fills
Estamos dominados por dominios
We are dominated by dominions
Que tumban personas como malditas piezas de domino
That knock down people like cursed domino pieces
La religion es el opio del pueblo
Religion is the opium of the people
Hay tantos nombres para un ser supremo que nadie lo vio
There are so many names for a supreme being that no one saw
Ligados a sobrevivir el drama
Tied to surviving the drama
De ver postrados a los seres queridos en una cama
Of seeing loved ones lying in bed
Saber que amas las mañanas pero quizas mañana sea un dia distinto y
Knowing that you love mornings but maybe tomorrow will be a different day and
Ya no despierte tu mama CORO
Your mom won't wake up anymore CHORUS
Ponle el pecho y mente segura
Put your chest out and have a safe mind
No tomes a pecho lo que no deja fisura
Don't take to heart what doesn't leave a crack
El mundo es frio no le importa la estatura
The world is cold, it doesn't care about your height
Solo procura seguir tu camino y no querer ponerte a su altura CORO
Just try to follow your path and don't want to rise to its level CHORUS
Seguir avanzando por veredas manchadas
Keep moving forward on stained paths
Observar el contraste de vidas paralizadas
Observe the contrast of paralyzed lives
Mas miradas perdidas que ciudadanos encontrados
More lost glances than citizens found
Ver mas muertos en la calle que los que estan enterrados
See more dead in the streets than those who are buried
Darle un abrazo a un amigo y decirle que lo respaldas
Give a friend a hug and tell him you have his back
Pedirle un consejo entre tragos sobre algunas faldas
Ask for advice between drinks about some skirts
Que te diga que es mala y tienes que darle la espalda
That he will tell you that she is bad and you have to turn your back on her
Solo porque siempre se la esta comiendo a tus espaldas
Just because she is always eating her behind your back
Lagrimas que no se secan ni con el viento
Tears that don't dry even in the wind
Prisiones impuestas por un corazon sediento
Imprisoned by a thirsty heart
Varios momentos vacios para amantes hambrientos
Several empty moments for hungry lovers
Dispuestos a ser esclavos para sentirse contentos
Ready to be slaves to feel happy
Mentes densas gracias a la gran concentracion
Dense minds thanks to the great concentration
De pensamientos mundanos ligados a la ambicion
Of worldly thoughts tied to ambition
El congreso es un circulo vicioso de corrupcion
Congress is a vicious cycle of corruption
Y el dinero circula para que te vuelvas peon
And money circulates to make you a pawn
Duro es el momento en el que te dejan alone
Hard is the moment when they leave you alone
A causa de fuertes golpes sentiras mucha presion
Because of strong blows you will feel a lot of pressure
Puede que algun dia tomes una mala desicion
Maybe one day you will make a bad decision
Pero lo que cuenta aca es el deseo de superacion CORO
But what matters here is the desire for improvement CHORUS
Ponle el pecho y mente segura
Put your chest out and have a safe mind
No tomes a pecho lo que no deja fisura
Don't take to heart what doesn't leave a crack
El mundo es frio no le importa la estatura
The world is cold, it doesn't care about your height
Solo procura seguir tu camino y no querer ponerte a su altura CORO
Just try to follow your path and don't want to rise to its level CHORUS

Writer(s): Raúl Manuel Cortez

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