Don't let what happened to that cat happen to you,
Que perdió su sexo en aquella cama, HEY!
Who lost his manhood in that bed, HEY!
De ahora en más salvaré mi alma,
From now on I will save my soul,
Me alejaré de toda calma,
I will stay away from all that peace,
De ahora en más seré infiel
From now on I will be unfaithful
Y mataremos al traidor.
And we will kill the traitor.
Ella me quiere, ella me ama,
She loves me, she adores me,
Pero me castra como aquel gato,
But she neuters me like that tomcat,
Que sin saberlo se entregó a su dama, EH, EH!
Who unknowingly gave himself to his mistress, EH, EH!
De ahora en más salvaré mi alma,
From now on I will save my soul,
Me alejaré de toda calma,
I will stay away from all that peace,
De ahora en más seré infiel
From now on I will be unfaithful
Y mataremos al traidor...
And we will kill the traitor...
Eh, te lo dije, no te acerques a ella, tu juegas, no te das cuenta, te pusieron elástico, se te secaron las bolas, seguiste jugando, se te cayeron los huevos, y ahora que?, eres un gato frustado, eres un gato castrado!
Hey, I told you, don't go near her, you toy with her, you don't realize it, they put a rubber band on you, your balls dried up, you kept playing, your balls fell off, and now what? You're a frustrated tomcat, you're a neutered cat!
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