Parazitii, Anonim & Spike - Maraton 20CM - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Parazitii, Anonim & Spike - Maraton 20CM

Maraton 20CM
20CM Marathon
20 cm e numele
20 cm is the name
Incercati ce p**a mea sa ne cenzurati renumele
Try to fucking censor our reputation, what the fuck
Sticla sus jointu sus curg rimele
Bottle up, joint up, rhymes flowing
Noi bem cantam si nu iertam c****e
We drink, sing and don't forgive bitches
Privesc din paralel stilu de viata rebel
I observe from afar, the rebel lifestyle
Sunt coregrafu piticilor ce joaca pe cerebel
I'm the choreographer of the dwarfs dancing on the cerebellum
Posedat narcotic cant haotic
Possessed by narcotics, I sing chaotically
Orice p***a oftic dupa ce face botic
Any pissed off dick after pouting
De mic iubesc des fizicul c***ei ma dedic
Since I was little, I love the physical, I dedicate myself to bitches
De mic adic nu mi-am tras caracteru la loz in plic
Since I was little, meaning I didn't draw my character in a lottery ticket
Strig preludiu ca ma frec cam ritmic zic
I shout prelude because I rub myself rhythmically, I say
Esti umpic mai sic
You're a bit more chic
Capra ne f***m domestic?
Bitch, shall we fuck domestically?
Scapat de sub control sunt nu cred in miracol
Out of control, I don't believe in miracles
Cred in alcool macar ma face plin cand ma simt gol
I believe in alcohol, at least it makes me feel full when I'm empty
Alerg sa inteleg in acest maraton
I run to understand in this marathon
In care toata lumea vine dopata la microfon
Where everyone comes doped up to the microphone
Sunt un mare admirator fare
I'm a big admirer, honey
Dati-mi banii si dispar urmarit de 3 fanfare militare
Give me the money and I'll disappear, chased by 3 military brass bands
Rog prostii sa ma inspire in continuare
I ask fools to continue inspiring me
Ca umor prostia poate fi pusa in valoare
Because stupidity can be valued as humor
Vorba mea cade greu eu cad in picioare
My words fall hard, I fall on my feet
Sa ma-ntelegi n-ai nevoie de decodoare
You don't need decoders to understand me
Sunt acel oarecare care poate sa decalre
I'm that someone who can declare
Sunt privit cu oroare si ascultat cu ardoare
I'm looked upon with horror and listened to with ardor
Urat de impotenti pt ca sunt in stare
Hated by the impotent because I'm able
Dau tonu de dragu de a ma auzi in monitoare
I set the tone, honey, to be heard in monitors
Eu sunt eu toti se grabesc sa ma compare
I am me, everyone rushes to compare me
Sunt util ca igrasia va las cu ochii-n soare
I'm useful like mold, I leave you with your eyes in the sun
Am probleme de comunicare si-un cap tare
I have communication problems and a hard head
Dati-mi doua guri de t***a sa ma masoare
Give me two mouths of pussy to measure me
R: X2
Chorus: X2
Cuvintele pot fi ca un lifting pe viu cu cutteru
Words can be like a live lift with a cutter
Pacientu meu un teanc de foi operat cu markeru
My patient, a stack of sheets operated on with a marker
Fug in bezna cu jiunghiuri in glezna
I run in the darkness with stitches in my ankle
N-am somn nu visez la bani pt ca nu dorm
I don't sleep, I don't dream of money because I don't sleep
Mentin un scop dau
I maintain a purpose, I give
Vietii peste bot vreau
Life a punch in the face, I want
Sa-mi cantati din clopot
You to sing to me from the bell
Si tot ma f*t in el de horoscop
And I still fuck the horoscope
Sa-mi fac de cap ma pun in cap mi-ai sugerat
To go crazy, I put myself in charge, you suggested
Acum imi fac de cap in capu tau tu ma s**i eronat
Now I go crazy in your head, you suck me wrong
La rapa in camping de pe stanca te-mping
Down the cliff in the campsite, I push you from the rock
Dupa-o gura de rissling te-ncing ca la wrestling
After a sip of Riesling, I turn you on like wrestling
20 cm parazitii anonim spike
20 cm, Parazitii, Anonim, Spike
Dam curs acestui cor semn de open mike
We give way to this chorus, a sign of open mic
Prezint primu artist dupa ultima moda
I present the first artist according to the latest fashion
Ultima voce aparuta in domeniu adica yo ba
The latest voice that appeared in the field, that is, yo, babe
Lasand impresia falsa ca n-am ce spune
Leaving the false impression that I have nothing to say
Fac reclama mascata fara sa-mi dau numele
I do hidden advertising without giving my name
Nu rade te fac sa palngi ca sunt al dracului
Don't laugh, I'll make you cry because I'm the devil's
Si simt femeia gonflabila sub amenintarea acului
And I feel the inflatable woman under the threat of the needle
Tristetea ta ma strange de p**a eu stig din tufis
Your sadness grabs my dick, I yell from the bush
Si mai fericit ba ca nu pot sa ma p*s
And even happier, babe, that I can't piss
Spui cine sunt ce fac de ce te-am agresat
You say who I am, what I do, why I attacked you
Sau ce motive as avea sa nu te plac
Or what reasons I would have not to like you
Insirand persoanele ce nu ma-nghit pe zeci de km
Listing the people who can't stand me for tens of km
Masor succesu-n 20 cm
I measure success in 20 cm
Printre alte mii de fapte
Among thousands of other deeds
Platesc p***e-n rate
I pay for bitches in installments
Cand te duci la vale
When you go downhill
Eu sunt cel ce-ti sare-n spate-n
I'm the one who jumps on your back, in the
Piept trag imi sar in sus plamanii si dau sfoara-n
Chest, I pull, my lungs jump up and I give the rope in the
Tara sa se spanzure romanii
Country for the Romanians to hang themselves
Am pt fiecare o capcana-ntinsa-n
I have a trap set for each one
Felul meu de-a fi sunt pervers ca limba-n
My way of being, I'm perverse like the tongue in the
P***a-n graba prin difuzoare-n
Pussy in a hurry through the speakers in the
Casa-ti intru-n cap te sparg-n
House, I enter your head, I break you in
Jur sunt apt zilele noastre sa provoc dezastre
I swear, I'm able to cause disasters these days
Va sting lumina si-mi bag p**a-n astrele voastre-n
I turn off your light and stick my dick in your stars in the
Rest zambesc va infig direct in plex
Rest, I smile, I stick you directly in the plexus
Un cutit cu mesaju "va iubesc in cortex"
A knife with the message "I love you in the cortex"
R: X2
Chorus: X2

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