Paraziții - Am comis-o - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Am comis-o

Am comis-o
We Committed It
Buna seara si bine v-am gasit dragii mei
Good evening and welcome my dears
Cineva spera ca am ramas fara idei
Someone was hoping that we had run out of ideas
Ne cerem scuze public celor care o sa ne asculte
We publicly apologize to those who will listen to us
Noi nu facem muzica de futut femei urate
We don't make music to fuck ugly women
Toata lumea ne intreaba de ce Parazitii
Everybody asks us why Parazitii
Nu am ales un nume anume cum fac toti muistii
We didn't choose a specific name like all the pussies
Am boala pe femeile care nu inteleg barbatii
I have a disease for women who don't understand men
Si am boala pe barbatii care se freaca cu barbatii
And a disease for men who hook up with men
Asta nu e tot pot spune
That's not all I can say
Am un milion de feluri de a umple fraierii spume
I have a million ways to fill idiots with foam
Fara glume, toti dusmanii mei vreau sa moara in somn
No jokes, I want all my enemies to die in their sleep
Eu o viata am si pe aia n-o s-o dorm
I have one life and I'm not going to waste it sleeping
Refren: Ooo, am comis-o din nou
Chorus: Ooo, we did it again
Boxele sa sara in aer cand o dam la shto
Make the speakers jump in the air when we give it to the shto
Ooo, am comis-o din nou
Ooo, we did it again
Boxele sa sara in aer cand o dam la shto
Make the speakers jump in the air when we give it to the shto
Ooo, am comis-o din nou
Ooo, we did it again
Boxele sa sara in aer cand o dam la shto
Make the speakers jump in the air when we give it to the shto
Ooo, am comis-o din nou
Ooo, we did it again
Boxele sa sara in aer cand o dam la shto
Make the speakers jump in the air when we give it to the shto
Nici un soarace de biblioteca nu poa' sa ne inteleaga
No library rat can understand us
Si prima bagaboanda care l-a prins in leagan
And the first tramp who caught him in a cradle
Cand vorbesc serios nimeni nu ma mai crede
When I'm serious, nobody believes me anymore
Si ma doar false pareri de rau, se vede
And I'm sorry to see that there are false regrets
Nu aplicam reteta care a prostit americanii
We don't apply the recipe that fooled the Americans
Noi ne respectam fanii, nu ne fac banii
We respect our fans, we don't make money
Cu vocea pe CD si gata sa danseze Trupele fac playback si nu stiu sa mimeze Toate strambele sa bat femei perverse
With their voices on CD and ready to dance, the bands lip-sync and don't know how to mime. All the crooked ones beat up perverse women
Si daca ajung sa cante, o sug din interes fara proteste
And if they get to sing, they'll suck it for interest without protest
Ceea ce imi doresc in lumea ta rozi femela
What I wish for in your pink world, female
Blestemi sa ploua cu slobozi sis a n-ai ubrela
Curses that it rains with assholes as you have no umbrella
Ai urme de catarama in frunte si mi-e groaza
You have belt buckle marks on your forehead and I'm horrified
Cand te vad cu ei la muie, cu hoursu' in gaoaza
When I see you with them at the pussy, with your horse in the ass
Negam orice asemanare cu personae reale
We deny any resemblance to real people
La mishto n-am luat pe nimeni niciodata, oare
I've never taken the piss out of anyone, I wonder
Sunt doctoru' la care nu te operezi de frica
I'm the doctor you don't go to for fear

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