Paraziții - Asta E Rap - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Paraziții - Asta E Rap

Asta E Rap
This is Rap
Sunt un mic El Chapo
I'm a little El Chapo
Între legendele urbane
Among urban legends
Condamnat la 2 ani pentru 0. 6 grame
Sentenced to 2 years for 0.6 grams
Nu practic ce predic, dar predic ce practic
I don't practice what I preach, but I preach what I practice
Şi par civilizat, dar sunt încă sălbatic
And I seem civilized, but I'm still savage
Răbdarea mea e infinită, dar nu-mi place aştept
My patience is infinite, but I don't like to wait
Şi ştiu n-am termin la termen ce nu încep
And I know I won't finish what I don't start
Te-nţep în cuvinte până curge sângele
I'll prick you with words until your blood flows
Mi-a furat D. I. I. C. O. T. -ul iarba, vreau fac o plângere
D.I.I.C.O.T. stole my weed, I wanna file a complaint
N-am tratat, plagiat de semantică
Untreated, plagiarized by semantics
Ce atâta zbucium lăuntric şi labă tantrică
What's with all this inner turmoil and tantric paw?
Muzica mea-i romantică ca fizica cuantică
My music is as romantic as quantum physics
realizezi nu o înţelegi faci atac de panică!
Realizing you don't understand it gives you a panic attack!
Cultivăm violul, condamnăm cultura
We cultivate rape, condemn culture
Iisuse Hristoase, nouă ne place băutura
Jesus Christ, we like to drink
Dăm cheie din nou când se încheie
We start again when it ends
Aventura, căci mamă ce bine e: *să-mi bag p
The adventure, 'cause damn it feels good: *to stick my d*
Umblu cu vipere după stingere şi n-am
I walk with vipers after lights out and I don't
încredere las la necaz curvele, singure
trust to leave you bitches alone in trouble
curgă rimele în rap sunt motivat
Let the rhymes flow in rap, I'm motivated
Eu nu sunt original, Sunt unicat...
I'm not original, I'm unique...
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Mesaju' e necenzurat,
The message is uncensored,
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
ia de cap, când sunt fumat
It gets to my head when I'm high
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Merge cu iarbă, când sunt beat
Goes with weed, when I'm drunk
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Dacă e crimă-s vinovat
If it's a crime, I'm guilty
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Mesaju' e necenzurat,
The message is uncensored,
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
ia de cap, când sunt fumat
It gets to my head when I'm high
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Merge cu iarbă, când sunt beat
Goes with weed, when I'm drunk
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Dacă e crimă-s vinovat
If it's a crime, I'm guilty
bag pa în gură, am sentimente nu-s robot
Fuck you, I have feelings, I'm not a robot
Când rap-ul se fute în cur rezultă trap şi pop
When rap fucks itself in the ass, the result is trap and pop
Nu-i treaba mea, dar pa mea sunteţi foarte falşi
It's none of my business, but on my behalf, you're all very fake
Când voi căutaţi Underground-ul la etaj!"Ne laşi?!"
When you look for the Underground upstairs! "Will you let us?!"
Da' multe ştim eşti mare MC
Yeah, we know a lot, you're a big MC
Tu şi cu încă 3, 4, sute de mii
You and 3, 4, hundreds of thousands more
Păi uite Bididii, nu-i mai ascultă nici puţa
Well, look at Bididii, not even the pussy listens to them anymore
se dau huţa-huţa cu hţa
'Cause they pretend to be cool with the h
piş la rădăcina ta să-ţi crească nasu'
I'll piss on your roots to make your nose grow
Agasant ca Gangsteru' îţi vreau portofelul şi lanţul
Annoying like Gangsteru', I want your wallet and chain
Confecţionăm deranj, pe capete de laşi
We make trouble, on cowards' heads
Nu m-am vândut nici când n-am avut ce mănânc, deci marş
I didn't sell out even when I had nothing to eat, so march on
Ai plecat de jos, nici nu te-ai ridicat.
You started from the bottom, you haven't even risen.
Încă stai pentru bani în genunchi dă-te-n căcat!
You're still on your knees for money, fuck off!
Păi m, păi me mai bine rap-ul lăsaţi-l,
Well, well, you better leave rap alone,
Dacă n-aţi înţeles nimic nu-l mai cantaţi,
If you haven't understood anything, stop singing it,
Dance it
Sunteţi plini de perle nu ştiu ce vrea
You're full of pearls, I don't know what you want to
însemne spuneţi prezentaţi realitatea, dar daţi
mean, you say you present reality, but you always give
Mereu gherle
C-am tras de mine ani de zile şi eu ştiu de
'Cause I've been working hard for years and I know for
Fapt cât sunt ei de pe şi cât sunt de băiat
Fact how much they are from and how much they are boy
M-am apucat de el nu-l las
I started it, I won't let it go
Şi mor, tot îl fac
And even if I die, I'll still do it
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap.
This is rap, This is rap.
Futu-vă-n gură, Futu-vă-n cap.
Fuck you in the mouth, Fuck you in the head.
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Mesaju' e necenzurat,
The message is uncensored,
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
ia de cap când sunt fumat
It gets to my head when I'm high
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Merge cu iarbă, când sunt beat
Goes with weed, when I'm drunk
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Dacă e crimă-s vinovat
If it's a crime, I'm guilty
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Mesaju' e necenzurat,
The message is uncensored,
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
ia de cap când sunt fumat
It gets to my head when I'm high
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Merge cu iarbă, când sunt beat
Goes with weed, when I'm drunk
Ăsta-i rap, Ăsta-i rap
This is rap, This is rap
Dacă e crimă-s vinovat
If it's a crime, I'm guilty

Writer(s): ion stefan catalin

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