Paraziții - Avort verbal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Avort verbal

Avort verbal
Verbal Abortion
Intr-o tara de cacat, totu-i pe dos
In a shitty country, everything is upside down
Privesti in sus - totu' merge-n jos
Look up - everything goes down
Fuge glontzu' din pistol ca ma-ta din alimentara
The bullet flies out of the gun like your mother out of the grocery store
Cand cu un salariu nu mai cumperi o zi de mare, la vara
When you can't buy a day at the beach with a salary, in the summer
Am auzit ca-un specimen
I heard that some creep
A blocat-o pe ma-sa-n lift si se crede Eminem (vrem)
Blocked his mother in the elevator and thinks he's Eminem (we want)
Totzi bulangii sa dispara
All the idiots should disappear
Sa nu mai vina sa stea cu rectu' spart la soare-n tzara
So they don't come and stay with their broken rectum in the sun in the country
N-am reusit (inca) nici o femeie s-o conving sau s-o oblig
I haven't succeeded (yet) in convincing or forcing a woman
Printr-un contract la o mu*e-n leasing
By contract to a rented pussy
Ideal ar fi sa reusesc intr-un final
The ideal would be to succeed in the end
Cheloo, Ombladon, 2001 - avort verbal!
Cheloo, Ombladon, 2001 - verbal abortion!
In discoteci inca se consuma substantze interzise
Still in discos, illegal substances are consumed
Chiar daca se fac razii cu usile inchise
Even if raids are carried out with closed doors
Au declarat ca strada e a lor, n-a fost pe bune
They declared that the street is theirs, it was not real
Politia mimeaza actiunile nocturne
The police are miming the night actions
Adevarat regretabil, acum invata
A regrettable truth, learn now
Primul meu vers care sa-ti foloseasca-n viata
My first verse that will be useful in your life
Nu conduc pe nimeni, dar sunt un lider
I don't lead anyone, but I'm a leader
Si imi place sa cred ca sunt un om liber
And I like to think I'm a free man
Prefer prea putin sa fiu cum ne vrei tu
I prefer too little to be what you want me to be
E ca si cum ai fuma drogurile cu filtru
It's like smoking drugs with a filter
Totu-ncepe sa mearga bine,
Everything starts going well
Cand incepi sa gandesti pentru tine
When you start thinking for yourself
Trag o linie, si-mi zic ca ar fi de cacat
I draw a line and tell myself it would be shit
Sa renuntz la stilu meu de viatza necontrolat
To give up my uncontrolled lifestyle
Aud mereu ca pielea mea nu face 2 cafele
I always hear that my skin is not worth two coffees
Raspunsu' meu e:
My answer is:
Pisa-te pe priza, fa-ti analizele!
Get electrocuted, get your tests done!
Legalizati prostitutia, legalizati crima si prima, legalizati heroina
Legalize prostitution, legalize murder and premium, legalize heroin
Pune taxe maxime pe cultura
Put maximum taxes on culture
Si-o sa dam la buci cu ciorapu' flaushat pe p*la
And we'll snap at the flaccid dick with a nylon stocking
Ce frumos suna!
That sounds beautiful!
Mi-e rusine de mine (cand.)
I'm ashamed of myself (when)
Baga-mi-as mana-n p*la fac filozofie-n rime!
I'd stick my hand in my cunt to philosophize in rhyme!

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