Paraziții - Banii n-aduc fericirea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Banii n-aduc fericirea

Banii n-aduc fericirea
Money Can't Buy You Happiness
De cand e lumea toti alearga dupa bani
Everybody's chasing after money since the beginning of time
Fericirea e vazut ca o valiza prea umpluta
Happiness is seen as a suitcase that's way too full
De sute sute mii dak stii
Of hundreds and hundreds of thousands, if you know
Leul l-ai sa-l dai daca nu-l ai nu-l face sa n-ai pace
You'll give up the lion if you don't have it, don't let it torment you
Chiar daca-ti displace
Even if you don't like it
Inima nu tre sa moara vere n-ai avere
Your heart shouldn't die, dude, you have no wealth
Poa' sa vina prea tarziu cand nu mai ai placere
It can come too late when you don't have any more pleasure
N-o mai cere, lumea e a ta
Don't ask for it anymore, the world is yours
Fii rege tu si nu loveaua
Be a king and don't do battle
Banii n-au valoare, oamenii au valoare
Money has no value, people have value
Anii trec si n-ai sa iei nimik cu tine nu mai aduna
Years pass by and you won't take anything with you, stop gathering
Poate ar fi un pic mai bine daca n-ai uita
Maybe it would be a little better if you didn't forget
Vorba asta e de aur: Banii n-aduc fericirea
These words are golden: Money can't buy you happiness
DA da stii si tu
Yes, yes, you know it too
Lupta pentru bani e ca un joc si poate n-o sa vina dubla nu-ncerca sa te amagesti, nu uita:
The fight for money is like a game, and you might not get a double, don't try to fool yourself, don't forget:
Banii n-aduc fericirea
Money can't buy you happiness
Banii nu au suflet si raman doar bani
Money has no soul and remains just money
Banii si din frati pot face dusmani
Money can even turn brothers into enemies
Banii se intorc impotriva ta
Money turns against you
Invidia desparte si te poate izola
Envy divides and can isolate you
Prietenia e uitata, toata dusmania e data-n fapt
Friendship is forgotten, all the hostility is given in fact
Cei de langa tine isi arata partea rea
The people around you show their bad side
Vor sa profite de averea ta
They want to take advantage of your wealth
Ai bani multi castigi mai multi
You have a lot of money, you earn more
Totu-i perfect
Everything is perfect
Indirect n-ai sa obtii decat o forma de respect
Indirectly, you will only get a form of respect
Cu adevarat de valoare e doar tovarasia
What is truly valuable is only companionship
Si respectu reciproc nu o hartie oarecare
And mutual respect, not just any paper
Poti sa dai cu bani in toti
You can throw money at everyone
Sa ii faci sa te iubeasca n-ai sa poti
You won't be able to make them love you
Anii trec si n-ai sa iei nimik cu tine nu mai aduna
Years pass by and you won't take anything with you, stop gathering
Poate ar fi un pic mai bine daca n-ai uita
Maybe it would be a little better if you didn't forget
Vorba asta e de aur: Banii n-aduc fericirea
These words are golden: Money can't buy you happiness
Iubeste loveaua te va iubi si ea dar mai presus de orice niciodata nu uita: Banii n-aduc fericirea
Love the loot and it will love you too, but above all, never forget: Money can't buy you happiness
Clipa conteaza uita de necaz,
The moment counts, forget your troubles,
Daca nu ma crezi poti vezi de la caz la caz
If you don't believe me, you can see it from case to case
Cel ce-a iubit paraua nici n-a avut obraz
Whoever loved the money didn't even have a face
Ori viata linistita
Neither a peaceful life
A avut doar indoieli si frica
He only had doubts and fear
Anii trec si n-ai sa iei nimik cu tine nu mai aduna
Years pass by and you won't take anything with you, stop gathering
Poate ar fi un pic mai bine daca n-ai uita
Maybe it would be a little better if you didn't forget
Vorba asta e de aur: Banii n-aduc fericirea
These words are golden: Money can't buy you happiness

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